Tree of Savior Forum

Class Exclusive for Armor types (not meant for TLDR people)

And I stated that we’re talking about TEAM PLAY here NOT SOLO. This game is not meant for soloing. PVP nor PVE.

Yeah, come to think of it, it’s like leather and robe types are untouched.

You said it yourself. They don’t need SP. They got potions to compensate for it. Pump 100 con and rest to int then equip plate armors and there ya go. Bye GLASS CANNONS.

I thought exactly the same thing. I thought it was really weird back in CBT that wizard and archer classes can wear the heavy plate armors.

yea and golden bell is bad in both of those scenarios because its just a bad skill.

It is weird. This is the only game (by far) that I see Wizards and Archers in plate armors. Is there a movie where mages and archers wear plate armors? xD


You have your teammates to cover you and assist you while casting your skill. It’s also your duty to find a good spot for you to cast your channeling skills and besides, you got safety zone.

The only thing I could say that is bad about that skill are the cooldowns. It is indeed terrible

good positioning… its a channeled defensive skill. Your talking out you ass while knowing nothing about the class lol If you know anything about monk you would know how retarded that sounds.

And con is the only relevant stat for almost everything. Get more HP using plates and there you go–tanky af. Sacrificing damage has never been this sweet.

I agree to this armor spec exclusivity if and only if they buff or rework some defensive spells such as Reflect Shield, Iron Skin, Guardian Saint (it was recently buffed in kTOS but still) Golden Bell Shield, etc.

Simply shoving us plate armors won’t help. Rework those shield spells.

Give plates to Swordies. They need love right now.

Except thats counter productive because good swordys have cloth sets they use in magic heavy areas for better durability.

Ah crap okay I thought what you meant by channeling is when you cast the buff on you. Damnit. My apologies good sir. But you could still get aspersion from the priest tree. or buy it.

There is a big write up on the forums about why aspersions def bonus is not good because of how defense works in this game.

The thing that makes the armor sets valuable is the % damage reduction. In cloth and plates case.

Heh, yea I know. It’s all because defensive skills are crappy, except Stone Skin. We can’t rely on Priest C3s forever. They are not the only viable defensive support build.

I did mention in my post for them to add more armor sets that have different set effects that could focus in either mdef/pdef/atk/matk/evasion

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Because I could never equip a plate if I’m casting magic…
No, armor types should be available to everyone, this is not the first, nor the last game where a cleric or a mage wears plate armor. (Mind you, DDO, Aura Kingdom, and many more allows any mage to use heavy armor)
This game is strong in the sense than you can choose and mix classes and fighting styles.
Saying “because no other MMO does this” doesn’t help, this is “not another MMO” this is Tree of Savior.

I don’t think that would be a good idea, unless they rework the formula for crit rate and evasion.
DEX is already a way less efficient stat than STR, due to players having to constantly spend more DEX with each level to sustain the same amount of crit/evasion while STR gains more and more effectiveness the more points you put into it, so having to spend points in both DEX and AGI would make it even less efficient/worth it.

Wouldn’t that, for example, screw over evasion/crit based swordsmen or evasion/crit based physical cleric classes?
Archers aren’t the only classes that can be built for evasion/crit.

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This statement of yours have no place here. I created this thread for everyone to share their opinions towards other classes being able to use plate type armors.

If you’re just gonna post arrogance here then its better that you leave. And to tell you honestly, almost everyone is starting to dislike this game due to lack of features and on top of that, optimization is a disgrace plus bots invading the servers.


ermmmm. int gives Mdef? as far as I know, it only ups mattck. SPR gives mdef not int.