Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Right, forgot about that. Diev has an attribute that lets you deal 20% extra damage to plant-type monsters so Chortasmata functions as a short DPS cooldown (As long as you’re not up against flying enemies).

To be honest, I didn’t really notice the difference when I tried Diev1 but I was running Sadhu2 then so there was a lot to keep track of. Maybe I’ll try it again tomorrow with a full SPR build.

EDIT: It’s worth noting that Druid3 is now much more dependent on gear than it was before. I’m still looking for a good weapon to replace my Five Hammer. Even with 5 roasted red gems, the damage just isn’t where I want it to be.

Just go cleric2>priest3>druid3 then kabbalist on rank 9, cant fail on that haha

@Timeshadow i gonna use my catacombs until i get my hands on a skull smasher =p

Catacombs club is nice when upgraded.

@artemisgames01 mine is +11 rigth now do you think its worth to transcend it?

Might have to get myself one. I wonder if I can solo the 200 dungeon with Feral Priest?

Sure his surviability is pretty good

I think I’ll go with cleric-priest3-diev1-druid3 for survivability, sustain, flexibility and damage. 50con, all SPR. What do you think?

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I tested the same monk1 + druid passives, that build doesn’t seem viable anymore… No idea what to do with that char atm.

+75% Health is still a nice buff, regen and defenses could be ok ish. But not really worth giving up ranks for imo.

Speaking of which, I’m finally getting around to some random change spam and transform testing.

Though I’m pretty sure all that changed was a few mobs turning from elite to normal. Interesting finds so far include:

  • Fire Ent: Large 100% matk aoe and a self-buff that adds conx2 as patk for 10s with a 15s cd.
  • Upent: 2 crappy skills with seemingly 25% ish chance to freeze for 1-2s. meh.
  • Akhlass Bishop, 3 semi-random pillars of agony with 10s duration and 20s cd. 100% matk scaling or so? (@Wolfy was talking about this one a while ago, vid showcase just in case:
  • Medium panto’s 1hit does work with blessing/sacrament, see:
  • Akhlass Dame, has a pillar of agony with 75% matk roughly that’s ranged and is cast at the nearest enemy. 10s duration, 20s cd. Looks nice, but performs is meh.
  • Hogma Captain can summon 3 hogma’s with its 3rd skill, but they vanish instantly. Bummer.
  • Ahklass Steel has a spammable 3 hit phys dmg skill, need to test it. Bit slow and seem aoe ratio based but better than pawnd.

I’ll continue testing tomorrow.

At least spr panto is looking interesting, though I’m not entirely sold on the bishop.

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I can only get up to +9 before failing lol. I’d recommend saving your shards. We just don’t know what the next rank holds :slight_smile:

I’ve always wanted that priest panto. It’s on conflicting builds I think. On the 1 hand you have a full SPR priest for [blessing], on the other you have a full STR? panto because physical damage. Sure they can mix because of how [blessing] and multi hit works. But SPR isn’t doing anything for the panto per se.

Would you know what the SF is on the panto 10hit? The smaller it is, the better it is for SPR.

That damage on the panto is jsut cuz of bleesing + sacrament procs even with STR i wont up his dmg,

Can you try to get the outer world spearman panto to see how well it do with those procs?(I saved your playlist today didnt see it b4 rly helpful =p)

Could it be that Carnivory is also bugged, like Zaibas? After advancing to Druid C1 today, I sometimes can’t get Carnivory to work,even if monsters run over my Chortasmata from one side to the other one xD

Can someone explain to me how this dude have his bleesing hitting for 2.4k? oO

Ok I tried tried the panto again. With only 1k on my weapon, my 800 AA was translated to a 160 x 10 panto skill damage. That’s makes it 20% x 10 SF I think.
Skill 1 = 100% x2 SF every 1sec
Skill 2 = 20% x10 SF every 2sec (I’m only assuming 10 hits cuz I’m just gonna believe what everybody is saying)

I tried with a 5hammer. I did 100 x2 on skill 1 and 20 x10 but it ignored the AAR.

On a priest3 that would be ~3k on skill 1 and ~2.5k on skill 2. 25k every 2sec single target. Seems like the only good thing with this is the 5sec cd haste that lasts 10 sec and can be self cast.

I’ve never tried sadhu, but I think those skills are what’s giving him the extra blessing dmg.

I think medium panto’s have a 25% skill factor on the 10 hit, it deals very little dmg atm. So there is no conflict for such a build. They just need a ton of property/bonus dmg.

Not sure what’s the best way to go around building one yet. An int sadhu3 version might also work.

I can’t promise anything, change is random and some of the mobs get lost due to channel resets/random folks running in and killing them.

I’ll try, but it’s a low probability.

Bonus dmg isn’t affected by anything, if he has 2.4k atk then that’s due to the blessing skill level and spr stat of the pardoner.
Perhaps he’s using an Atilla for a lvl 19 blessing?

@Wurmheart i got one 2 days ago with @SrRaposo but i wasnt with my spr priest build to test it, its sad that we lost the saved trans when we reset u.u

-whispers- We can get another one whenever you want :3

today i gonna stay on the spr druid, when i get home from work we test that

Man i did the spr build on the interval of my work, what a cool build to play lol, i dont even want to test others after that haha.

Its pretty fun, very tanky, has a rly good dmg for a support build(divine+stonehange is awesome for heal bombs) u can use transformation for utilities to add to your kit( panto/speed merogshamy/safety or getting a good dps one) have revive and sterea for imunity , telepath for pvp, ress, its rly an all around build now i loved it, and i still think there’s no use of diev in this build, cleric2>priest3 is wayyy more concrete and u can get kabba in rank 9 for perfection.

Gonna start the leveling to 330 now, when i get home i upload the video of the build.

Was @Wolfy that gave the name of feral priest? I wwnt to credit however did it in the video.

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