Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

About the sp consumption:

  • SP pots recovery rate IMPROVES by your sp recovery stat
  • SP recovery status benefits way more from SPR than before

My current build C2PriestSadhu2Druid3

  • Stats 50 CON 50 SPR remaining on INT
  • 8 Chappa lvl 10
  • Carnivory lvl 15 - lvl 90 Attribute
  • Heal lvl 10 - lvl 100 Attribute (I just used my diev attribute points here)
  • Cure lvl 10 - lvl 65 Attribute (Seems bad to invest on this)
  • Astral Body Explosion - lvl 70 Attribute (Fun to use on PvP)
  • Possession - lvl 70 Attribute (Amazing for AoE cleaning)
  • Vienaz Mace + 11 2 unroasted lvl 7 blue gems NO transcended

My damage seems really good to be honest. Im waiting for 2 practos to come out of their boxes to get and transcend my Skull Smasher.

Im able to sustain my Lycan using Alchemist pots + Store pots, they are also for Chappa use.

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My first test build was cl2 diev 3 pard pd2, but it did not work as expected, so I changed pard for oracle. Oracle is a really nice class, however it is better for someone who is looking for protection, and in my build I wanted another decent skill to help in my rotation. I think carnivory may be a good one, once that it now does 25 hits, it must help a lot. Tomorrow I will test druid 1 :slight_smile:

I see… yeah no other low rank at cleric’s tree is actually makind a difference in damage… Carnivory is not bad, but is not GOOD either (at level 5) it is ok >->b
And the most important part, hopefully you’ll get what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

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btw, Laima is broken ‘-’ even at level one it stops everthing. Its literally lik a stop. Aparently players can’t even use skills. They cast them, but it’s like it didn’t came off.

Noice! It works again~ Too bad I lost my Brown Panto xform when I rank-reset.

I’m curious. Is there a way to breakdown your damage? What I mean by that is do you know of any way to determine how much of your damage comes from your weapon versus your stats, cards, etc.?

Have you tried the SP booster pots from alchemist? They last 3 minutes.

I’m trying out the Priest3/Druid3 today with 50 CON and everything else in SPR.

Gotta say, I kinda like it :slight_smile:

With Divine Might, Blessing is giving me +1386 damage (+1305 without). It’s nowhere close to what Lycanthropy could do before the rebalance but less damage and more support seems to be the direction IMC wants to go with Clerics so that’s not terrible.

On the flip side, all that SPR makes Lycan’s SP drain easy to forget about and one SP potion gives me something like 25-30% of my blue bar back instantly (I’m either using Alchemist or Huge pots. Can’t remember which right now).

I haven’t used Heal once. Mass Heal is that good with the new scaling. Revive and Resurrection are nice tools to have in my back pocket just in case something goes wrong. I do miss Diev (Mostly for Vakarine) but I’m coping.

All in all, I think I’ll stick with this build. My gear is pretty crap right now since I’m still leveling but I’m sure the endgame stuff will boost my damage significantly. Now if I could just get my hands on some Chapparition cards without spending a fortune…


You literally dont even need con in that build, just get a sturdy enchant on your top and bottom armor, it gonna give you 2 CON for every 20 SPR invested, buy some +hp/CON gear/hats and u can easly get 70k+ hp when in lycan

Today when i get home, i gonna test the monk with transformed stats and if it is bad gonna change to krivis/pard to make some scrolls for me, and after finnaly gonna end with the priest3>diev>druid3 variant, i ran out of crazy builds to do hhahahhhah(or if u guys think in any pls comment =p )

Tested the transformation passives buffing the monk…


It was bad holy ■■■■, i even threw some sadhu there to see if double atacking would do any good.

It was so bad that i just lost a day with it i dont even wanna play it anymore today lol, no dmg, full dex ■■■■■ your stamina, i was with 400 crit rate(it was like 15% crit lol) 2400 crit dmg(150% more dmg maybe?) and 600 evasion(got like 50% evade? Maybe less lol)

What i have done with my day lol, tommorow gonna stay on the c2>p3>d3 the feral priest( i love the name .) diev 1 dont do much on the final vision u need to lost either c2(divine and heal bombs and ssfety) or p3 (freaking mass heal revive and blessing) so i dont think some cd reduction sp cost and 20% dmg(just when the enemy is in chortamasta) is better than c2>p3, and the best part with that u’re to choose the new’s rank 9 or if they’re bad u just pick kabbalist and vuala, infinite hp/sp top support ok damage awesome HP bar and our wolf fun factor xD


Do you preffer Chaplain druid or cleric2 priest3 druid?


Chapdruid is nothing more than funny, ok dmg, easy to lost buffs, cant use shields, much things to manage. Just embarc on the feral priest train and be happy lol

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i think i’ll go with the feral priest too. I was thinking about krivis2-priest2 lol

I’m about to do the 290 dg with my new ClericPriest3DievDruid3 - first try i’ll go for 40Con rest Int and the second time i’ll go Full Spr following @cosmobr45 's recomendation.

Do you think I would have a significant loss by trading C3 Priest for C1 Diev + C2 Priest?

I do not know much about Priest’s advantages.

First with a Int build - Vienarazis +11

  • Blessing damage was 650

  • In wolf form, normal mobs damage was around 5k without chortasmata

  • 6k and 8k~ crit inside chortasmata

  • Carnivory at attribute 80 did decent good job. Around 12k per tick - carnivory was doing pretty much the same to the boss

  • In boss the normal wolf atck dealed around 5k inside chortasmata.

Sorry, I didn’t registered all the crits properly for this one u.u’
I’ll also check this again tomorrow… the numbers are weird - but for the Spr one, I’m shure about it’s numbers

With a Full Spr build:

  • With top and bottor armor enchanted, I gained 6k hp. With Vienarazis + Didel Tower (my 2nd prac is still inside the box ;–; ) + max petamion I reached 35k hp. A few more Hp hear costumes I ended with 40k.

  • Blessing damage is 1538

  • Normal wolf atck outside chortasmata to normal mobs with blessing is 6~7k and crit 8~9k

  • Inside chrotasmata it dealed ~8k and crit 10k ish

  • Carnovory hits are around 8k to 11k per tick - same numbers (more 10k’s) to the boss.

  • What made Lycan end was just the skill time ‘-’ the sp regen is just too much love <3 - as most of you were saying alredy heh

  • 5~6k to normal wolf atck to boss outside chortasmata and 7k when crit

  • More 6k’s apperaed inside chromastata and ~8k when crit

– All numbers here were + blessing
– Tests made in 290 dg. Boss is Red Lavenzard.

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That depends on what you mean by “significant.”

The real reasons to go for Priest3 are:
1. More damage from Blessing
2. More healing from Mass Heal
3. Longer duration on Revive

In contrast to that, Diev1 gives you:
1. Free access to fast travel whenever you want it
2. Cooldown reduction
3. More SP recovery

The benefits are unique to each class but Diev1 is more geared towards utility. All of the things it does are nice to have but they’re not essential. In my opinion, you’ll get a lot more mileage out of Priest3.

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Dont forget the +20% dmg boost

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In my case that i like more to support than dps i find the more time/HP on revive, and more healing on Mass Heal more appealling than diev1, its so nice that i have a option now to support and have fun dealing some dps.

And remember if some day they change again stone skin(pretty useless rigth now so its a chance) u just gonna need a skill reset, if ur go priest2 u gonna need to spend the good rank9(that would go awesome with kabbalist) or await until u can reset your ranks again(never? xD)