Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

He deals so many hits that the number display is outright delayed.

I did spot him using the 3rd skill around 0:06 after which we see the 14k hits briefly. Since the 3rd lycan is 150% and 1st is 80% that does imply the 7-8k hits are from lycan itself.

Sacrament should add it’s holy dmg to any dmg dealt, not sure if it uses the pardoners spr atm though. (since base value is trivial, but 500 holy atk a bit less so.)

OoB currently should have a 129% skill factor, and it should still be a false 3 hit attack so I don’t know how on earth he’s getting 5k ticks of it. (Even with maxed enhance which makes it a 193,5% multiplier )

As for druid3 part:

Yeah pretty much. But with the recent potion change we can use vendor/alchemist/quest variants alternatively. (each have their own cd).

The hengestone nerf still means Lycan is atm the sole reason to build for druid3. (Unless a future class has plenty of dps and needs health.)

Ow and carve owl apparently got nerfed to a fixed 25s duration. So much for my diev/druid build … :broken_heart:

Wurm, he is using the soul attack attribute to reduce defense on the target, so boosting Lycan damage aswell. Thats the only reason for sadhu, and more multi hits i guess.

Interesting idea. Seems like it would really only work well against bosses though. I can’t imagine normal monsters living long enough for it to be effective and there’s no way it’s useful in PvP.

Yes, also i guess reducind the target %defense would be similar to increasing your %dmg with the diev plant attribute.

Im just not able to math at all tho DX.

As for now im thinking on rerolling into C2Priest2Diev1Druid3 so i can cover the priest role on my Solmiki group. I’ve checked the solmiki videos released up to now and seems heals and mitigation requirements got heavily reduced for Solmiki which would allow parties to join with a bigger range of builds!

Assuming the boss has 1k def, then the OoB attribute adds about 4% dmg. The whole strength of lycan is having almost twice the base atk other builds get, so it doesn’t stand to gain that much of it. (once you have a decent weapon ofc.)

Lycan also helps prevents kd’s, but OoB’s 0 defense downside would still be in full force. Despite the synergy, I just don’t think it’s worth the hassle.

And I kind of want to see a maxed out laima for the movement reduction in ET, see:, Would be hilarious if it could stop mobs entirely there.

To clarify.
The regen time for hp and sp are both 20 seconds standing and 10 seconds sitting. This is both in and out of combat (Why do we even say that, there is no difference). If missed due to an attack at the time marks mentioned, you can sit down to instantly get the tick. That way you won’t have to wait an extra 20 seconds.

Sorry for this late reply to this post, but I dislike other people learning only half of the info.

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Guess what my fellow Druid 3 friends!

B U F F S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Additional damage 5% effect will be removed .
Additional Damage 10% increase , critical generation 100 is added to increase the effect. (10% damage increase instead of 5%, and I believe increased crit rate)
1 sec SP consumption is 80 from the 70 reduced to . (70 instead of 80)

The effect of additional damage 20% and a critical strike of 100 will be added. (20% increase to transformations, crit rate increase?)

I’m hoping this part is for everybody.

Snippet from what I posted in the cleric guide thread:


  • Carnivory can now hit up to 8 enemies at a time. (Might count only as 1 hit. fingers crossed.) And 2 bugs got fixed.

  • Fixed a transform bug.

  • The hengestone buff now also gains +20% dmg and +100 crit rate.

  • Lycanthropy lost it’s 5% atk buff and gained +10% dmg and +100 crit rate instead.

You can compare the hangul from ktos neet. 치명타 공격력 is critical dmg, where as 치명타 발생 is critical rate.

Meh, it’s worse than expected. Like @Adeodatus points out below it’s actually now a dmg boost and not an atk boost. (thanks btw.)

But at least Lycan builds get a nice dmg boost, and carnivory may be a lot better if they didn’t keep the old hit mechanic.


Now to wait for the horribly labeled Korean videos showing us the new numbers :astonished:

Changes are up on the KTest planner.

Stonehenge says it gives it to transformations… Does lycanthropy count? I only ask this because our druid attributes don’t.

It says damage boost[추가 대미지 20% 증가],though,not attack boost[which would be 추가 공격력 20% 증가].
That’s a huge difference.
Because ,while the attack boost is snapshotted when transforming, the damage boost is only provided as long as the Hengestone remains active on the field (thus a maximum of 13 seconds every 27 seconds).

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Thanks for pointing that out, I automatically assumed it would all remain as atk boosts. Nope.

And that is indeed a noticeable dmg loss…
Hopefully, Hengestone’s new dmg/crit buff then applies to others? I doubt clap will work on it though.

I don’t really understand the new carnivory… but if henge stone will work like a diev’s statue+ the “small” damage (comparing with today’s damage) that lycan will do, it seens that druid 3 is getting moved to a tank healer “no damage” class.

I mean, rank8 clerics won’t be the firts places in boss dps check. All the other cleric ranks had theyr’s damage reduced too right? It’s like they’re making cleric for suport directioned and a little damage. But mostly sup. - this without the boost provided from a good gooood gear.

In the end things are nornally this way you know? Clerics more suport then anything else. Even tho I preffer the killer healer heh

I’m just saying what I’m thinking, not THIS IS IT SHUT UP

Think of it like every other skill that requires AoE attack ratio, except this has a limit of 8 people per hit.

We will have to wait and see. Could still be permanent throughout the duration of transformation. Attack boost or damage boost, a boost is still a needed buff.

Well nothing wrong with that seeing as how being beefy is better in the new log10 formula. No more taking 1s! Time to get some hp.

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Words cannot express how much I hope you’re wrong about this :cry:

Well, I think it’s a good change to the Henge Stone to make it more useful at level 5 rather than just taking it at level 1 to snapshot the boost when transforming and then go whatever.

This buff would make Henge Stone level 5 a really good skill to have, and give you a serious advantage when rolling your Lycanthrop rather than just transforming into xy-Monster to benefit from the Class attributes and the boost.

Also, depending on the way the damage boost is calculated, it could be a better boost than just adding 20% attack, if e.g. additional damage from e.g. elements, Buffs like Blessing and critical damage numbers also get affected by this multiplier, even if it just has ~50% uptime.

Maybe they do us a favor and make Hengestone duration increaseable by Mikos Clap :dizzy_face:

The problem is that renge stone aggros mobs and, at least at lv3 it can take only a few hits. (mine is at lv2+divine might)

If a new good build for druids has priest 3 for exemple. You’ll not be able to protect your renge stone nor go for miko. Or you just go cleric 1 or priest 2. Anyway…

I’ll probably play druid trying to no rely on this skill :confused:

Just a minor thing about Tipio I told earlier and thought just recently.
I tried using him against Blut and its poison was dealing 199k per tick but,at KToS,the cap is 555k…Would that mean we would be able to deal 555k per tick with Tipio’s poison?
Any of you guys heard anything about the new possible transformations too?I’m quite curious about them.

Don’t get your hopes up to much, IMC already made this statement on their combat change plans page:

And I haven’t seen proper testing with transformation yet. Though @Wolfy might be able to test some.

IMC might not have pushed these changes through yet either, though we did get the berserk and rarity changes already.