Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

If you want the most DPS you would want wizard bracelets, superior corona rod, and an arde/karacha/venom dagger depending on what you can afford. If you want some more HP or survivability you can opt for catacomb club or maga rod for the extra HP.

Yes magic amp works on druid skills

Thanks, but why rod? Catacombs club give magic attack 303. Corona Rod give more? And why dagger 4 int build? It`s work on spells?

Superior Corona Rod’s magic damage can be upgraded but Catacombs club’s damage can’t. If you upgrade catacomb, only physical damage will go up which wont affect any of the druid’s skills. So superior corona rod has more potential and also costs a lot less. If you spent the same on a Superior Corona Rod as you would spend on a catacomb club, the magic attack for the superior corona rod would definitely come out higher.

The three daggers i listed have elemental damage which add on to each tick of damage. If you are looking for more damage, you should be using a dagger. If you want more survivability then you can opt for a shield


So Dagger tick 4 every magic dmg? I mean 4 Owl Staue too?

Elemental damage ticks for ALL sources of damage, not just magic damage. Any time you see a number come up, the damage from the dagger has already been added to it. This includes owl statue.

Ow! It`s really great) When i came from work - go to buy Dagger first) Thanks)))

But at Druid C2 its up to you if the damage is worth it. For instance right now my Carnivory does 4,000 damage without arde dagger. Is doing 4,153 damage worth it? or is it better to have a beetle back, aias, sage wall, etc. Up to you to decide if an approximate 3% increase in damage is worth it over the extra block/hp.

Now i have Beetleback) so maybe i don`t need this dagger? And little question: best shield is Sage Wall? Or not?) And what u think about Aias Shield?


Best shield is Aias. And the dagger depends on your damage. If you aren’t doing 4k damage per hit and doing 2k instead, the 153 damage from arde dagger increases your damage by a higher percentage. It is your decision if you think the damage increase is worth it and its usually dependent on your current damage and skills.

when u want to calcu;ate dagger dmg u do it by counting the number of hits, 40 hit x153= thats 6120 dps thats where its efficiency comes maybe at late game it is easy replaceable but its still an ok DMG after all

It will add more then 153 damage actually, since Attribute modifiers also apply to + elemental damage. Tested this not too long ago.

That sounds awesome! Thanks for the information

Ignition ia still good for druid? Venom passive of poisoning works with carnivore?


+I have the same question, can someone help me?

I’ve heard that poisoning works only when hitting by C.
But ignition work with spells for sure.

need suggestion. Starting to make a druid

What is the pros and cons of the these paths

c2 > d3 > druid 1 > PD
c2 > D3 > Druid 2
C1 > krivis 2 > sadhu 2 > druid

I can only comment on krivis 2

-zaibas hits multiple targets and also makes you better against flying
-divine stigma makes your OOB attack do more damage but it may be changed
-sadhu 2 has good dps with possession and helps you rotate your dps skills with druid’s carnivory
-this build does a ton of damage if the target is stationary and you don’t get hit while using possession

-Having low level safety wall makes it harder to use possession
-Less supportive without divine might, extra heal, and safety wall
-Probably will still have trouble with flying even with krivis 2


Druid + PD:

  • Good spammable dmg.
  • r1-3 Condi prevention/curing.
  • Healing factor to reduce need to heal.
  • Incinerate does not stack, meaning it’s only good if no other pd’s are around.
  • Conditions aren’t a major issue in pve, esp with dispeller scrolls being abailable.


  • Good single target dmg.
  • Aoe Invuln from Sterea Trofh.(really shines in pve.)
  • Utility/dmg transformations.
  • Carnivory does not hit flying enemies.
  • Carnivory is not as good vs mobs due it not being affected by aoe ratio.
  • Transforms are rather annoying to use and you lose your skills during it.
  • Only a few transforms are worth it.
  • Sterea Trofh/Carnivory can be countered in pvp by anti circle/tile skills.

C1 cleric:

  • Not enough healing, abort.

Anybody know how druids are able to shapeshift into spectre even though they are flying?

Thanks for the input guys i appreciated it

. Im thinking of going c2 diev sadhu druid

I agree that c2cleric is good so idecided to ditch krivis altogether

Do you guys think that the extra 20% cdr and carve (which can help fill the role for flying mobs) is a good alternative or should i just ditch sadhu and go diev 3 (the warOWL seems to do nice damage saw one diev soloing demon prison with his statues)