Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Thanks for mentioning it, didn’t remember that it had safety zone when i last tested it.

Which is apparently affected by the safety zone block count attribute, so it goes up to 22 blocks with a 20s duration and a 5s ish cd. Tanks will love that.

The cure dmg is pretty much worthless, it rarely seems to bypass magic defenses. And the spammable f attack is directional making positioning very important.

I’ll add it to the list.

Safety walls with 22 blocks and 5 sec cooldown? That might be worth all the other transformations together.

I just hope they don’t consider that a bug and change it.

umm not just tank, but everyone will love that

need more confirmation, is this true?

Does anyone know what mob does the oracle need to use the skill monster change to change it for spectra?

I think imc forgot that safety zone’s attribute would also affect this transform tbh. Nor did They fix the invuln transform as far as i know…

showcase video was in the 3rd post, see:

And just to show how strong it’s safety zone is:

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Jesus, transformation is so broken atm
Who cares about Priest or PD when Druid transformation can be immortal and spam Safety Zones!
I wonder how it would work in ET

At c2 druid we can store the transform monster or the skill is wrong description?

What description are you talking about?

You simply use shape shift to select the mob you want.
As long as you don’t re-use shape shift, then transform will turn you into said mob.

Yeah so i got it right , any transform mobs fiting the druid rotation now ? And the cd of transform start to count after the transform end ? Almost druid here diev c3 and thinking about what path to take from here. Theres so little informatio about druid now…

Dunno, still need to test it. Been hording xp cards and doing the dailies but it’s gonna take a few more days.

Otherwise check the first 3 posts in this topic.

Cooldown starts as soon as you transform.

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Hi, i have been playing druid for a while and been folowing the forums since they started, I read the forum everyday but rarely post a coment. Today im in the mood to share some of my feed back based on my experience.

Im a Cleric C2-Diev-3-Druid2

-You can cast Carnivory and Sterea Trofh in other druids Chortasmata.

-In case you have more than one Chortasmata up at the same time and cast Carnivory or Strerea Trofh they will appear only on one Chortasmata, more specificaly the nearest Chortasmata to you when you cast it.

Note: English is not my native language sorry :frowning:


Does this mean only 1 effect can be on a Chortasmata at 1 time? @Loxar

No, you can have both on the same Chortasmata, but in case you have more than one Chortasmata up at the same time Carnivory and ST will only appear in the nearest Chortasmata to your character.

For how long ShapeShift will save Transformation?
Until game restart? Map change? Character switch? Maintenance?

Saves it until your next shapeshift

Does anybody know if while using Transform, we are able to use the monster’s skills? like safety wall?

scroll a few posts up

Thanks i figured it out. You actually need a target to cast safety zone on yourself!

Best equip 4 int build Druid 2? Someone help pls) Is magic amp work on Druid Skills? And how it work?)