Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

if you have a dagger you can press C to attack and it work with transformation

Blue gems on weapon and Red gems on offhand (shield, dagger) gets doubled.

But no bonus for Red gems on weapon.

Hi, this is no longer true, I’ve already shown people how to bypass this quite a while ago. Here ya go, you’ll get it once you try it. :slight_smile:

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PSA: You can Shapeshift the south Observation Orb in the 290 dung. It has no monster skills, but it also does not get stun locked when hit and looks hilarious.

Doesnt hedgestone crash often lately?

No! Don’t tell me you missed that? I think that was back in October :confounded:

Can you make a video? I’ve nvr gotten this to work.

Does Hengestone double atk only for base stat or overall stat (base stat + weapon + armor + hair costume?)

and additional 5k damage from lycanthropy will be double or not?

Can someone clarify / message me about the best in slot / budget gears for druid?

Im lvl220 Cleric2 > Krivis3 > Druid2 atm … ty

It doubles all you mentioned as far as I know.

I think you misunderstand how it works. When you transform next to Hengestone, whether it is Lycanthropy or regular transform, it doubles your HP, atk, and matk.

if druid c3 equip stage 10 trans weapon matk 5k so the matk increase to 10k right ?

if yes then can I always be in regular transformation to always double my atk?

and lycanthropy add 5k damage if the atk is 5k (stage 10 trans) the atk will double to 20k right?

it’s super strong always 10k damage in regular transformation and 20k damage in wolfie
then x 3.6 for skill (attribute x2 and chappartion card x1.8)

zaibas will be 36k per hit 100% all time with regular transforrmation and 72k per hit with wolfie without storm calling?
damn strong!!!

And Hengestone double skill damage too?

Hold up, recording and uploading won’t let me play nice with my internet, I’ll get that vid up later :stuck_out_tongue:

Here you go, give it a few minutes to be available though.

To clarify a few things, this works best with Mouse Mode (as you need to be able to use your mouse to point at yourself when buffing). Well, you should have access to your mouse all the time anyway, we’re on a PC after all.

The 1st slot can still be used with a CTRL or SHIFT modifier without causing any issues.

You must leave CTRL/SHIFT +2, CTRL/SHIFT +3 and CTRL/SHIFT +4 blank, to use them for this trick. :smiley:

*Probably don’t do this for your “cancel transform” button, in my case #4. I never press it anyway.

This way, if I wanted to execute Transform Skill #3 and it’s a buff, I can point at myself with the mouse (blue outline on your body), then press CTRL+3 or SHIFT+3 and I’ll buff myself just fine.

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Thank you for this!


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Guys can you answer me a simple question? When you are in the werewolf form, or with transformation, are you able to use your character skills? Like heal for an example. I’m thinking to make this build: Thank you

You can use almost all skills when transformed, shapeshifted or in werewolf form :stuck_out_tongue: , except for Telepath and maybe another one jeje.

In my Druid, I’m able to use all skills from Cleric, Diev and Druid (except Telepath).

I think, you dont need 5 points for Chortasmata, because it’s duration can be extended for 5 sec with an attribute (16 sec total in lvl 1). Instead, I would put the 4 remaining points in Transform, to keep the transformation up all the time :slight_smile: .

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Thank you for the tips, I put 6 points in transform, and 2 in chortasmata (I think is good have some secs more, because I can delay to use carnivory for some reason, you know if chortasmata ends, carnivory or sterea troth will continue?). I intend to use Divine Mighty with transform then the duration time will be equal to cooldown. Another question, do you know in which situation transform skill comes in handy? Looking this video, it looks a very weak skill hehe

So far… only pole of agony (patk) is good dps and safety zone is good for wb.

Other than that, transform is mainly used for hedgestone bonus stats and insect give you real good def/mdef bonus if you dont crash.