some offtop about cleric power:
on video i kill poata earlier than all another party (rogue, 2 heals and corsair) kill mole. After that i tank tree.
build 3cleric 2krivis
Sorry for offtop.
some offtop about cleric power:
on video i kill poata earlier than all another party (rogue, 2 heals and corsair) kill mole. After that i tank tree.
build 3cleric 2krivis
Sorry for offtop.
@amadze @jessica_jensichia
Check Dr00d build I am planning on using
Can anyone confirm the comment in this video?
Apparently there is a transformation that makes you invincible.
Is that true @Wurmheart ?
Imho 3cleric make more dpm then 3krivis, and more heal as support.
Not sure if it still exists.
But there used to be a ghost type enemy you can transform into that has permanent invulnerability for as long as it’s transformed.
Did require a oracle with change to get that mob to appear first though.
And keep in mind it’s likely a exploit, so i wouldn’t go near it.
You’re probably talking about the spectra transformation as seen in this video:
But as Wurmheart stated, it feels like it’s just a very bad bug that might get fixed in the future.
Note all attacks against the transformation are just misses.
I must say that, even if the “invulnerability” part gets fixed, the transformation still seems extremely strong in terms of AoE damage.
@mrshadowccg When I first saw the PvP video I just thought it was a hack because there wasn’t even change in form but since you’re both confirming this exists I can only hope they fix it soon.
Regardless, I’m huge fan of Druids and I’m definitely making one for myself.
Thanks @Wurmheart for making such detailed guide about it.
Update: if you weapon swap inside laima the skills that were previously not working now works (permanently till you reconnect or leave the map)
by permanently I mean it works even outside the laima statue
What? Like you get the buff forever after swapping under laima effect?
No, he means you have to switch weapons/hats for the bug to go away temporarily.
Said bug causes laima not to reduce cool downs, seems a lot more common/consistent since the latest maintenance.
ps, i’m still updating the third post. Found a few ranged phys dmg transformations that seem worthwhile at least.
->put down laima statue
->skills like carnivory and chortas not affected
->weapon swap
->now works
->laima statue duration ends
->carnivory and chortas still has reduced cooldowns.
The skills that were previously working inside the laima statue (overheat skills) still works as intended meaning once the laima statue ends the cooldown goes back to its original duration until another laima is put down.
hi everyone, im a PvP lover, but also an ok PvE’er. Going from there, im going with an INT build: Cleric2>Diev3>Druid and my last rank is where lies my doubles, Druid2 or PD. i’ve read everything and i wonder how good is PD into this build.
How good is adding Incinerate when Carnivore can garantee damage? which debuffs i can provide by myself? chloromata only?
If youre interested in making comments on this. If you experience a monster not on this list as a transformation. Go in and make a comment. Ill add its skills to the database.
For pvp incineration is really lacking, since it requires a condition to work in the first place.
Which is a annoying issue in pvp, because almost all other conditions you have are ranks 1-2. So opposing pd’s bloodletting can still stop incineration.
Granted it has been nerfed and now has more downtime in pvp, but enemies can still deal with that relatively easy by using fumigate/beak mask.
Imo, plague doctor’s benefits in pvp are due to healing factor and the condition removal + prevention.
Druid’s carnivory isn’t amazing at dealing damage either, as enemies can and will run out of it and try to avoid it. And it is prone to reversi, detonate trap, counterspell and a few other skills.
But overall i’d say that druid2 is more offensive for pvp, where as plague doctor is defensive.
And i’m not sure if any transformation helps in pvp (aside of the invuln exploit) as your range is really poor on most such skills.
Pawnd/Lapflamme have good range but deal phys dmg (less dmg since you’re not str/dex, and has to deal with block/evasion.)
By the way, if you have Oracle you can prevent 100% of time LvL 1 status ailment. And level 2 status ailment (debuffs) we have:
Bloodbath (lvl 2 causes bleeding)
Decrease Magic Attack, Decrease Magic Defense, Decrease Physical Attack, Decrease Movement Speed (lvl 10 ailment, I think it’s not implemented yet)
Decrease Physical Defende (lvl 3 ailment, same case above)
Defense Weakned (lvl 10 ailment. I’m starting to think this is monsters debuff)
Exorcise (lvl 2 status ailment)
Growling (Hunter skill, causes fear. Lvl 2)
Headshot (lvl 2, reduces int and spr)
Hexing (now we have a problem )
Incineration (lvl 3 debuff)
Jincan Gu (it affects players?)
Mastema (lvl 2)
Pole of Agony (lvl 2)
Scan (ok, it’s not a huge debuff, maybe your scout will not like it. Lvl 10)
So, to pvp Oracle > PD.
Whats your other classes?
Cleric C2>Krivis C2>Sadhu C1>Druid C2
- Telepath counts as a r9 status effect, so it’s impossible to prevent/resist.
Wait, even with PD?
yep, and i haven’t even seen the usual resist chance either.
But i did find that select mobs in the lvl 190 dungeon were immune to it and silence, but i think it’s a bug.
Yes. Even with a PD.
PD can block debuff status rank 1, 2 and 3. Telepath is lvl 9, so, impossible to negate effect.
For file of useful mobs:
“Merog Shaman” map “Sirdgela Forest” - good solo target magic attack without CD and infinite safety walls (nearly 3-4 sec CD), triple “cure” skill with low damage (100-200 per hit) and long CD.
oh, that mob already is in file. =)