Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

from setting
if i swap Excute quick Stot 1 to 5 from A to G

so i got

Excute quick Stot 1 G
Excute quick Stot 5 A

tranfrom skill still take Excute quick Stot 5 A ? right ?


Transform is tied to the actual skill bar itself.
For any 4 skill transform it acts like this:

And for 5 skills it uses the first 5 in that row etc etc.

Either way, you can bind a-g to slots 6 to 10 instead and get some use out of them.

But keybinding is a bit tricky for sure.
Esp with some shapes needing a empty shift + x key to ensure they can be used without a nearby mob.

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Rebinding doesn’t help (well it does but only a little). It is as if IMC hard coded transform skills to take the 1st level of hotkeys. I rebound my 1,2,3,4, and 5 to be used with alt. When I transform, pressing 1 still activates the transform skill instead of the rebound key “1”

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ic thank you for your help :slight_smile:

you move normal attack, jump and sup weapon to A S D and move tranfrom skill down ?

WASD to move.
g to auto attack.
h to off hand attack.
~ for weapon switch.

For now I’m putting the transform & transform skills under z, x, c, v & b. But I’m not that happy with it yet.
Need to test some other ways to get around the transform mess …

It’s alright for a diev/druid, but my monk & sadhu have too many skills to make this layout comfortable.

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Hello guys,

Just wondering if any of you guys feel transform/werewolf(lycan) skill during combat causes game freezes(not responding) easily?

Feels like every time I do it mid combat will cause freeze.


Hello guys, I have a few questions.

Have any of you tried playing Werewolf with a controller? Will the Werewolf’s skills show up?

And how do you cancel Druid’s Telepath besides from killing them?
Can a Druid cast something else while using Telepath?

Don’t have a controller so still can’t answer questions around it…

And I think telepath got changed recently, could have sworn it used to be a r9 debuff… oh well…

But as you can see:

  1. Telepath is on the second line, as such it’s an aura tier buff similar to daino. (So it doesn’t overwrite other buffs) and according to tosbase it’s an r1 buff.

As such that would mean only gohei and disenchant should be capable of removing it. But I haven’t tested those yet.

  1. You cannot use existing skills while telepath is in effect, but you get access to 1-5 skills based on the enemy you controll and one to exit telepath.

Basically, druids using telepath are defenseless but can end it on will.

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Since we are talking about telepathy here, I have a question regarding the new Telepathy attribute: CC. It says there that Telepathy can affect nearby enemies depending on its att. level.

(Short story: I thought the 900k silver at level 1 would already be the att’s max level. So – I accidentally wasted 3m just to get that shiet to level 3. )

Anyways, I tried it on some mobs, it works. (Wider AOE than expected). Though sometimes, when I’m using the skill on Roxona’s Coliflies, it only links on one of them, even if they are crowded together.

Werewolf is really hard to use with a controller, because you won’t be able to use any skill set on X button (square if you’re using a PS controller), because pressing X will cancel the transformation.
Moreover, you can’t use the basic swipe attack with no cd…
For the rest, IIRC, A button is the S attack when using keyboard (and it will make you jump at the same time), B is Wild Breath and Y is the F attack.
The only way to work around this is to bind keyboard keys on your controller (that’s what I’ve done with my Steam Controller).

On a side note, I don’t know if anyone already mentionned it, but all Werewolf skills can be passed by a Chronomancer.

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@Wurmheart you build monk/druid from your guilde ? what class you pick for r8 ? druid3 or inq ? i’m interested in tranformation skill but lack of info cuz never seen monk/druid before

now i’m have deiv2/monk want to do transfrom build but not sure lol
maybe change to monk2/pd/inq as normal build

I plan to try the druid3 variant, but I’m only at druid1 / lvl 196 so far.

Good news is double punch/palm strike/hand knife all work for shapeshift, so no worries there.

Inquisitor vs druid3 depends on how much of a difference stone henge makes. Also need to test if monster skills can outdmg double punch.

It will take a while…

Druid c3 is extremely future proof for rank 9.

Thanks to the free stat reset, i’m gonna do some testing today:


I sure hope there would be a MagicDPS in R9. Or else my off-meta Cler2-Priest3-Druid3 will be fked.

Tag me when you publish your results. I reset my druid as well (mostly to remove the SPR) but haven’t re-invested my stats.

Well, had a good 5v5 match, but forgot to record. Actually i forgot to record almost every match except the last one (and remembered like too late into it)

Today I present you: Tree of Tag - Don’t let the Wolf get you

Overall, having so much DEX allows to hunt archers quite easily now. Block from Priest3 is still an issue. And the occasional crit is well welcome too.

And I finally figured out the chapdruid thing.

We can’t auto attack, but we can attack with off-hand attacks, so chapdruids will always need a dagger.
Still not that fond of how low on healing they are though.

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In the end decided on C2>P1>Krivis2>Druid3 instead of ChapDruid. Find it hard to justify having to go 4 circles just to get ME. Chaplain and priest’s reliance on SPR also kind of make it hard to synergise with druid 3 since more SP is equiv to more % reduction in werewolf mode?

druid c3 seems good :slight_smile:
i saw a lot but not fan of a lycanthropy