Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

I read something broke on Stone Henge (and some more skills), we may get it in a later patch. :confused:
So far we have gotten most bugs which KToS got (since we follow their patch).

Perhaps it is similar to the ‘buffs cannot reapply’ bug which we have at the moment?

Happened to me before. Sterea Trofh would just stop applying. I have no idea what is the cause tho.

Thank you sir! How is Carv owl dmg on high lvl now? is it possible to use diev skill during transformation and wolfform?

Only skill i can’t use while transformed seems to be Telepath.

The doubled magic attack from Hengestone boost affects Carve Owls if carved while transformed. My owls can deal 7-8k damage per tic, but even like this there are some 310+ mobs that receive 1 damage from them, so i need to set up a World Tree Statue and just smack them with Lycan skills

It seems like I get rooted whenever I get hit while transformed, is this a known issue? I watched some ktos videos and it seems like they suffer from the same problem.

Would also like to know about this. So far all shapes Ive tested get rooted when hit If this is intended then transform is terrible skill, I usully stay 3 seconds or more trapped.

Don’t think it is intended because that would suck.

For now, just jump and move if you’re rooted.

Known and maybe intended issue.
This has been around since ibct2 at least.

Of course it’s hard to tell what imc considers intended at this point >…>

And yeah like pearss said, just jump.

Hi guys. Im here for question again as a diev3 druid3… any of you tried to theorycraft to gain maximized sp recovery? In order to have maxed uptime of warewolf with diev’s statue?

Did you really care about sp recovery? What bracelet you guys go for atm? Im an int based druid, currently wearing archmage… but the reduction of sp recovery is a pain

You just need to have as less sp as possible, since it deducts from your max sp. I do it with uncooked gems that give -sp (Green gems for top/bottom, and blue gems for weapon). Theres also Maga rod which has -650 sp.

I skipped Archemage Bracelet for this reason. More uptime on Lycan form is way better than a bit more of damage. I replaced them with 2 Rhevisan Bracelet, also the big chunk of HP that they provide gets doubled once transformed.

Edit: On the gem topic: I’m thinking what to socket on my 290 purple mace, once the buff to gems arrive it may be worth to upgrade them with 2 Red Gems, because Blue Gems won’t get such a huge boost and the natural +Matt and + INT seems enough to cover it. Also Red Gems for Armor and Pants, Yellow for Boots and Green for Plate Gloves.

Finally got to r8 and I’m dumbfounded. I went from doing 300 (yeah 3 digits) auto atks to 8k spammable white damage. Gonna have to completely rebind my keys.

The build is cleric2-bokor3-druid3 and here are some knee jerk reactions.

  1. Everything the werewolf has blows away everything my previous class choices offer in terms of dps
  2. I’m dumping all 251 saved stat points into DEX. I could go CON for double HP but again “knee jerk reaction”.
  3. Gonna need to reset everything. I wont need [shapeshift] or [transform] anymore unless I really have to spam merog [safety zone]. [carnivory] is out too cuz it is “nothing” in the face of ww skills.
  4. I really need to do F5 of ET for the boss card now (to help fight the SP drain).

@s1lv3rw0lf how are you faring with the CON build in terms of taking (unavoidable) hits?

@c2gaming I believe WW makes us a really powerful hybrid damage dealer. I switch to Transform when i need constant magical dps, because no sp drain and 2 minutes duration. And i don’t have any problem with my 100 invested CON, i cover with Sterea Trofh, SZ, Ausrine and barriers as needed.

Edit Also, i decided not to touch my int/con build, just because the benefits from DEX on invested stats can be replaced by equipment (plate gloves, green gems, ellaganos cards, etc)

Well I get to experiment now since I still have 2 stat resets.


Well ■■■■ I’m just spazzing out on werewolf. I’m immune to knockdowns. F*cking immune!!

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guys. is there a transformation that does not occupy 4 skill slots? Like maybe just one slot if possible. I have controller issues. or if anyone know of some key rebinding strategies to a controller.
~ Thanks in advance

Plenty, but most have rubbish skills though.

1 Skill options are:

  • The workbench & alchemy bench at Barha Forest. (See end of post 3 for screenshots if you need em.)
  • The sword pelt next to the warp at Lemprasa Pond. (near the swordsman npc.)
  • Haven’t tested it yet, but the 290 dung observation … something should also work.
  • Rest are from change, some even need a hunter as well.

Which four buttons does transform take when using controller? (Xbox) Is it always the same buttons? Even on werewolves?

I go try the 290 orb. havent tested that yet. just for lolz.
I need any transform. with a druid 3 hengestone my zaibas can deal 40k with transform. it is so good.

I have a question can we move mob skill from ww/tranformation to another slot ?
cuz i usully use a s d f for main skill.


You can rebind keys though, but transform/shapeshift & lycanthropy always take up the same slots.