Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

What is the most usefull insect-type form ?


I like this one:

Medium + Insect and has a slow aoe field.

Or just:

because it only uses 2 skill slots.

Silverwolf can you confirm for me if henge hp bonus stacks with large-type attribute ?

I took this when R8 come out with a Large Kriba. A normal transform was putting me at 40kish HP. But i’m not sure the way it calculates the bonus HP.

I think it goes like this:

[Current HP * (Large Type Bonus + Hengestone Bonus)*

With the help of EinSof i manage to hit 140k HP, but reduced to 97k once the buff expired

Thank you very much !!

Is there any krivis3-druid3 here? How is zaibatsu on 280+ for pve and quests content?
I have a reasonable doubt having Kriv3 without Tao. And those new super mdef monsters.
How is Diev3 now compare to Kriv3?

Zaibas withoit taoist storm is useless on 300+ content. Dmg is so low, because zaibas is a low rank skill with low base dmg, and hit count.

Dont take krivis3 without tao. Better to take Diev3 or other classes.

Cleric -Prist3-chapa - druid 3 as alternative way?
I’m not sure that owl statue can give more dps than zaibatsu.

That’s not what being discussed. It’s druid3 vs tao on a kriv3 build.


It’s best to wait for confirmation as to how storm calling works.

And I don’t really recommend chap/druid3 atm.

  • It has really poor healing, and needs some of itself due to hengestone’s health boost.
  • We currently still can’t auto attack while transformed, though ktos vids suggested we can in the next patch? might be bugged. Not sure what’s going on.

It’s not just Owl damage, but all the utility that comes from Diev3. Overall, it’s a much more versatile class than Krivis3. But that’s just my opinion, of course.

I have a Krivis3 and definetely would go Taoist, as it’s a much more fitted for the class (actually I wish it was a hidden class for Krivis3, very suited for them).

Thank you sir. That was the question. If tao buff can’t deal with those 2k+ mdef mob this is really bad.

The reason Zaibas seem useless in the new content is because most of the mobs are earth attribute (50% less dmg).

Aside from that, Zaibas still do decent damage against other attributes and tons of damage against ghost and water attribute.

Im a Krivis C2>Druid C3 myself and my Zaibas is still pretty relevant thanks to the doubled MATK. Just don’t use it against earth mobs.

As for Diev C3, they provide more utility than Krivis C3. Zemyna helps Lycanthropy a lot. Ausrine for even more invulnerability. And I would say Diev C3 is generally more favored when it comes to ET and stuff.

On that note, isn’t druid3 a good idea then? Since werewolf skill damage is based off werewolf atk bonus + atk + matk (this is right, right?). Any time you encounter a godly mdef mob you switch over to wolf and go beat its ass instead.

Not mention the hengestone buff.
But! Diev3 or krivis3?
I did some “noob” research. May be its gona be usefull for new players.

Diev give us:
1 Statue of Goddess Zemyna/ 100% uptime. (I have diev2.) It does not work sometimes. And skill go for full cd.
Carve Owl - take agro from you. But dmg is low and cd is high.
Carve World Tree - i think it s the best of diev. Monsters become dummy sometimes and just stand and do nothing while u kill them.
Warp statue. - nice bonus but we have scrols. Meh.
Statue of Goddess Ausrine - yes. You become immune to damage. But its a dance revolution party style to make it work lol.
Sp statue - True meh.
Carve attack - even w 1 str is good damage. Very small aoe.

Krivis give us:
Zaibatsu. 2 overheat x 19 small aoe int scalin hits ( witch hit flying monsters?) kd 30 sec > owls (kd is 107 sec - if our CD statue didnt bug -20%)
Divine Stigma - supernice buff for wolf. Doest it multiply somehow from hengestone?
Zalciai - Wolf can crit. Buff is not that big but a pleasent plus.
Daino - i m a solo player. Does nothing for me.
Aukuras - meh
Melstis - ??? i dont know how it works
I choose kriv3- druid3, since i play solo 95% of time.
Diev is for party buff and defence and staying in one place.

Deiv is good in a group and “so-so” by yourself BUT it is a “safer” choice. There are only 2 stat dependent skills in the deiv kit, namely [carve] and [carve owls]. I believe [carve] is getting an atk ratio stat (if it hasn’t already) is is mostly a multiplier (gonna be very visible with the 315 weapons) so it will be “decent” on a physical build. [carve owls] is “decent” in both physical mag magic builds. Both are pretty straight forward and can be used on any build. That is what I mean by “safe”.

Krivis on the other hand adds SPR into the mix. [zalciai] is crap without SPR and SPR is detrimental to ww. I could go on but my bottomline with krivis is this: I can only “see” [zaibas] + lightning necklace. Everything else sorta doesn’t work with ww.

I was just reading the thread casually. But i need to highlight this:

  • Statue of Goddess Zemyna is GODLIKE with Lycanthropy.

I can keep Lycanthropy up IF i only use Lycan skills, which dont use any SP to cast. But on long boss battles you would want to Heal-Cure-Carnivory-ST.

Zemyna not only decreases the SP costs of this spells, reducing the impact they will have on your sp drained pool, but improves your natural SP regeneration which isnt disabled while transformed. Lvl 15 SP potions, just allow me to do around 3 or 4 rotations before i hit 0% sp and the SP potion on cooldown. With Zemyna out, i can keep it up for almost double this amount.

Making my cheap and that i considered useless dump of Skill Points into Zemyna (lvl 9) on my Diev circles. Really REALLY useful now.


Is there any different in lvl 1 and lvl 9 for Zemyna statue for Wolf form?
It was bugged and didn’t work properly(half a year from now).

Did sterea break on providing immunity for this transform?

Outside the aura:

Walking inside the aura:

It seems to work fine and updates on the go.

It helps on sustain the Lycan form while doing skill rotations that consume SP (aka. non Lycan skills). The SP Potions cooldown is a heavy limit to it!

Sterea trofh wasn’t applying it’s buff in that video, both with and without transform.

It’s very easy to see if Sterea Trofh is active. You get both the green plant symbol on your head a r1 buff.

I have no issue getting it to work in our version though. Did she mention what caused it?