Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

  1. It should be, but I don’t have a compatible controller to check it out.

  2. You’re looking at it, scroll up to post 1 & post 3.

  3. There are no insects with decent skills that I’m aware off.
    Which doesn’t mean too much atm as I didn’t test the new mobs yet & some mobs I checked prior to the update even got new skills.

Use to check for mobs you’d want to use, you can see the models there and sort on size/race.

i play druid on controller - pain in ass…skills now cant be showed and buttons are dublicated while transform…pressing triangle while cast any other skill - will forse u transform back in human.

I did not get this, are you referring on the initial post of this thread? I looked this up already. No information states there how to setup transform via the UI when using contoller or at least the transform setups on the skill slots to ellaborate.

Thanks in advance.

Yeah. that has been my problem all along. It cancels my tranform when trying to press a button to use its skill and I am too far down the line to change my gaming setup. I am not used to keyboard or mouse anymore playing TOS.

My bad, I thought you meant it in terms of game mechanics.

As for key binding; You can’t change which keys transform overrides at all. If you have lycanthropy with its 5 skills it will overwrite execute slot 1-5 from your config file.

Here’s how it currently works for me:

Skill wise:

  • Don’t put anything important under your first 5 skills obviously.
  • Putting telepath under them is recommended as it can’t be used during transformations anyway.
  • You can chose to put transform/lycanthrophy under it if you want.
  • Follow @DiMeowgio’s advice for the 3rd skill, whatever it’s tied to should not have a shift + ? or ctrl + ? tied to the same key as execute 3.

Trying to use the controller layout without a controller still works fine for me, but it used the keys tied to the mouse config. So that’s of no help either.

You’ll have to ask others with controllers, ask a gm and/or file a bug report.

Hello Diev3Druid3 here o/

I believe the card system would depend a LOT on your play style, favorite content and available formula.

But the usual would be:

  • Chapparition card (x amount) - MagicAtt boost is good.
  • Nuaele card (x amount) - Mdef % which is quite nice to survive. Add an insect transform to it and see your Mdef go to roof. (Not like this is gonna save you on 280+ fields :'D)
  • Ellaganos card (x amount) - Because i’m crazy enough to boost my Lycan accuraccy :'D. (ignore this one)

Hi @Wurmheart
i would like to know if Lycanthropy disables sp regeneration.
Thank you !

Not sure if this is new but I don’t think I’ve ever encountered monsters using Magnetic Force before

Could be useful if a Druid ever decides to PvP. Won’t get any good stats though :frowning:

I keep hearing there are stat buffs somewhere in the druid 3? What are those about? Is it Stonehenge? What are the specifics?

Have you druids tested the Raise skill of the Slimes yet?

Sorry, don’t know.
You can still use potions during lycanthropy though.

Hengestone gives a base +100% health & +100% phys/offhand/mag attack for transformations used within it’s range.

It’s also supposed to double the attribute bonuses you get. (so 100% evasion turns to 200% evasion.)

@tampon & @greyhiem:

They might work on some mobs, as usual it tends to only work if they’re different from the regular player skills in some way. (cd/dmg/w.e)

I tested these so far and they DID NOT WORK:


  • Blue Slime.

Magnetic Force:

  • Kepa raider.
  • Vikaras Mage.

So imc added at least 3 new skills to mobs, 1 we can actually use.
I’m going to need to retest every mob in case there’s more huzzah…


Seriously considering Bokor 3 druid 3 now.
They also buffed blue gems in ktos today so I’m looking towards it.

I wouldn’t recommend bokor without plague doctor, pandemic is to huge a benefit for that build imo.

ps, I removed this build for now:

Sadhu skills will get a new element and a few other tweaks, I need to wait and see how good those are before adjusting the sadhu build.

I can not guarantee sadhu builds will be decent at this point in time. And I fear Cleric3 is now far better while Sadhu2 is dead in the water. Time will tell though.

It’s a zombie build so I wouldn’t be using pandemic anyways.
I don’t like PD’s play style so I decided to go druid instead. I’m not going to deny that PD is much stronger though but druid + bokor moves much faster, so it’s much better for my farming purposes.

Then there’s invulnerability and more fun (like testing out hexing+pole of agony or other janky combos).

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Hengestone doubles HP and ATK/MATK even for Transform? Not only wolf?
And if i would be a Large mob +75% and it will be doubled so its +150% of HP?

For shapeshift, transform & lycanthropy.

However, lycanthropy’s +attack is not affected by it, since it’s base skill dmg.

And yes that’s how it should work according to ktos, but it has not been confirmed via video/screenshots yet…

ps. Stone Orca’s have a block buff, which may be interesting.
Getting to test it will be tricky, it’s flying and has 290 health. You’ll need a high lvl one via change I reckon.

It doesn’t work I think the numbers are off.

Comepletely naked, 14,417 HP.

Transformation only, 25,229 HP.
(25,229 - 14,417) / 14,417 = 0.749 ≈ 75%

Hengestone + transformation, 39,296 HP.
(39,296 - 14,417) / 14,417 = 1.725 ≈ 172%

Hengestone + Transformation alone should give another 100% so the total should be around 250%. But instead I’ve only received approx 175% which means its not working.

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And regular hengestone with a non-large transformation gives around 100% health bonus right?

That looks on par with a 175% health boost tbh, which indicates hengestone does not double dip attributes at all.

Can you check if any of other transform attributes receive twice the benefit during stonehenge?

I think ktos may simply have been trolling us…

The calculation is kinda weird. But:

Hengestone + Large Type

Hengestone + Large Type + full HP Ein Sof before transforming. (140k HP but the SS was taken after expiring)

Just tested for small type.

With Transformation only. Evasion from 291 to 582.

With Hengestone + Transformation, still 582 evasion.