Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Druid3 is for the huge stat boosts via hengestone. Sterea trofh’s 15s invuln with a 30s cd is quite nice as well.
And druid3 has a lot more dmg due to lycanthropy to boot.

Druid2 is not remotely as good, but still gets sterea trofh and transform + regular value stat attributes.

That being said, diev does not need druid. It’s just a solid option. And druid currently does not work well with Miko.
Diev3/Miko/PD2 like @s1lv3rw0lf said is a very nice all round build though.

And keep in mind Clap is likely subject to change, It’s intended to work on select objects & circles but atm only works on diev statues. Not sure how it will change though.

In theory clap + sterea trofh and/or clap + stonehenge would be very good but neither work atm and are not guaranteed to work either.

Okay guys, whos going to be Dru3 in Fedimian server today? :smiley:

Yeah I guess miko has no good synergy with druid 2. Im just trying to convince myself because diev3 miko looks really good end game pve offensive support. Haha. Anyway thank you and also to @s1lv3rw0lf for making things clear. You guys gonna go druid3?

You got any suggestions on transforms that are game changing in terms of ET or end game PVE? Merog shaman is the only thing coming to my mind with a spammable safety zone.

Eventually on my diev3/druid2 sure. But it’s still only lvl 238, leveling was so boring on it.

Maybe also on my Cleric2/priest/sadhu2 when I’m done with my other builds, but that’s months away. (The chaplain/miko builds looks to be far better as well … :head_bandage:)

I think I’ll level my dex druid first (3 class levels away from monk or so) Or a high dmg build to ensure I can grab some silver for items/tokens and what not.

But first priority for me will be spamming change for new transforms as well as testing if shapeshift + OoB works on said sadhu build.

And yeah Merog shaman is still the best end game transform for druids.
For phys druids desert capy and panto are ok, but they’re far more selfish.

@greyhiem Did you find any interesting transforms on ktos so far I didn’t tag in post 3 yet btw? I hope to complete this list asap.

I saw a new mob at new map which uses pole of agony. However no druid has tested it yet.

Recommend sticking to merog safety zone :slight_smile:


note: i keep crashing randomly when lycan dead effects play at the ending of the skill


My Transform Panto can’t use Haste anymore. I click on it but it doesn’t work.

I think it has a longer cooldown now or something. It happens to me aswell.

Plss. Could you confirm how many SP consumes the lycan. the description says 2% per min and not seg. e.e

idk, it just doesn’t work. Panto only walks now. :confused:

I can use Out of Body, Astral Body Explosion & Prakriti fully while using shapeshift. Same should be true for transform.

Seems it’s just lycanthrophy that can’t use OoB.

And yeah panto is bugged or nerfed atm, the skill cd is close to 15s now and rarely gives the buff when used.

Will check the other panto’s if I can get them via change.

Not even rarely, it is 15s cd and doesnt give any buff at all xD

I got the buff twice out of like 20 tries. I don’t know what’s going on but it doesn’t sound intentional.

Guess I’ll get Merog Shaman for now, for Safety Zone + OOB.

Anyone could confirm me if ending transformations on mid animations crash their clients?

Swapping weapons while transformed seems to crash the game aswell.

For diev druids: Casting Vakarine is crashing me 100% of the time.

Anyone could confirm if the attributes (insect type/small type) are working?

Vakarine isn’t crashing the game for me.

Panto’s haste still works, though you need an actual enemy target for the buff to appear. :frowning:

Merog same as Panto now.

s1lv3rw0lf: nothing crashing or frozen for me.

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Thank you for letting me know. I’m reinstalling the game now. (I feel like raging so bad)

Also: HS double stats seems REALLY good, the few minutes i could play and got dueled by people i barely got damaged with my PvP gear on and 47k HP.