Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

I have a question @Wurmheart

Let’s say I want to make a physical Druid c3 for PvP that is focused on Werewolf’s skills.

I know that Werewolf’s skills are considered as physical attacks, so does that mean Druid c3 will require DEX and STR to be able to hit other players in PvP (DEX for accuracy and STR for block penetration)?

I do believe so, they should fully count as physical dmg.

You can see the boss dodging a few hits in while the cleric is alternating safety zone & sterea trofh.

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I am also curious whether Druid c3 can get affected by skills like Raise from Psychokino.

After our character transforms to a Werewolf, is our character still treated as a player (M type) or as a boss (XL type)? Because if it is treated like a boss type, that means there are so many skills that shouldn’t work against us and Raise is one of them.

Compared to other classes that I played, Druid c3 really catches my interest. Sorry for all the questions. :joy:

Sadly I have no idea. Aside of it not counting as large. (no huge health boost :frowning: )

Definitely a Interesting question though.

I have seen mob debuff still affecting werewolf (blind and bleed). Example of lachrymator debuff on werewolf (cannot use skills/silenced wolf):

I read wolf mode is invulnerable to damage flinch (might be ok to use channel skills).

Werewolf + sadhu out of body cannot work because Out of Body stops when you channel/use another skill. For example when a sadhu without werewolf uses Possession + out of body, sadhu cannot attack with the spirit. Werewolf + spirit => cannot attack with spirit, even though werewolf is not channel.

Example of dex/crit wolf:

All wolf attacks are Physical Skills (cannot get extra damage lines from sacrament and cafrisun). Can be dodged, and can crit.
It is possible to use side weapon attack during wolf mode (arde dagger, example).

Hengestone -> double HP, double atk, double magic attack
lycanthrophy skills use a special formula: (buffed damage value + magic atk + physical atk) * skill modifier.


[A] 2 * swipe attack => 2 hits of 80% damage, unlimited AoE, 0 seconds cooldown
[S] attack with 2 hits of *220% damage each, unlimited AoE, cooldown 10 seconds
[D] Wild Breath attack 5 * 150% damage, unlimited AoE, 20 seconds cooldown
[F] roar-scale attack 200% with 1 hit, unlimited AoE, 20 seconds cooldown
[G] turn off

*Scale: Lycan total ATK = (ATK + Physical Attack Skill + Magic Attack + + Other Property Damage) multiplied by the %

** Lycan skills do not have %enhance attribute

  • Everything is TRUE multi-hit. Currently tested through using blessing on skills.

All priest3, cler2, chaplain skills are confirmed to be usable during wolf mode.


Ah, okay.

I just can’t help but keep daydreaming about Werewolf being a powerful melee DPS in PvP.

Werewolf has that 0 second cd spammable double-hit attack that hits really hard (5k base damage each hit lol). It may look weak because all the videos we saw about Druid c3 so far is mostly for PvE where the Druid was fighting against mobs and bosses with crazy amount of HP. But imagine if you can spam this skill against players in PvP. Not to mention the fact that every Werewolf attack has unlimited AoE attack ratio.

Besides from the insane physical DPS in PvP, you can use Heal, Safety Zone, Fade, Sterea Trofh, and all those support skills to boost your survivability. You also have magic DPS such as Carnivory, Zaibas, etc as bonuses.

But of course, we will need to take STR or DEX or even SPR path to be able to hit enemies

Thanks to you @Wurmheart @greyhiem looks like I’m gonna postpone my Inquisitor and go Druid c3 instead. :joy:

SPR > CON build

SPR = block penetration, status ailment resistance in PvP, good scaling with Priest and Pardoner skills for better support

CON = more HP after Hengestone, decent magic damage even without INT thanks to Animus

My aim is to be able to hit the CON-based builds (mostly Wizards/Clerics) in PvP. I will let my friends to take care of the DEX Swordsman-Archers in PvP/GvG, or hoping that my stationary Carnivory can hit the Archers. I may consider to go DEX > CON > STR just as other physical DPS does, but that way, I need to change my skill builds for my Priest.

Just keep in mind that spr does make sp potions less effective for keeping lycanthropy up, since it’s a % based sp drain.

More importantly though @greyhiem do you know if miko can remove transform/lycanthrophy with the 4 overheat stick skill? Cause that would suck for such a build.

Yes, thanks for the reminder. I’m well aware of that fact. :slight_smile:

I may consider picking up Kabbalist c1 at r9 to recover my SP with Ein Sof, or pick up a new class (Lama or Shepherd or Fortune Teller or Macumbeiro) if there is one of those classes that suits my playstyle.

I don’t know about Goheyi dispell vs lycanthropy. It would not surprise me if it does. Goheyi removes safety zone too.

If we compare goheyi vs plague doc disenchant:
plague doc disenchant removes:
Healing Factor
Increase Magic DEF
Divine Might


Reflect shield
Summon Servant Buffs ( The cat )
Pain Barrier
Jolly Roger
Retreat Shot
Kneeling Shot
Running Shot
Hanging Shot
Swift Step
Perspective Distortion
Critdmg Pot, MovSpeed Pot, Keista Potions
Animus Effect, Dumbbell Stacks
Riding (Sorcerers)
Sitting regen

Goheyi should be able to remove the same buffs, plus more buffs (such as safety zone).

I know disenchant is level 3 debuff (able to remove level 3 buffs and below). Healing factor is an example of a level 3 buff.

I cannot find Goheyi / paperstick debuff level. It will indicate which buffs it is able to remove. Safety zone is a level 1 buff though.

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Grey, do you know any Druid Miko vid? or no one goes into Miko after Druid? :v

I have not seen druid miko yet.
(miko rank 6, druid1 at rank6 too), seem unpopular.

I have not seen miko + another player on druid yet.

I see… ;-;
thats my goal haha druid>miko

Well, atm you can’t take Miko and DruidC3 so i don’t see it useful at all … Unless R9 classes end up being totally bad for Druids.

(Note: I still believe Druid is a Go full or Dont go class)


I’m interested in sadhu/druid combo ( sadhu only for the mobility and debuff, not for the damages ).

You say that we can’t attack with OOB during Lycanthropy, but can we use OOB and Prakriti only for the mobility ( like Snap (Alt: Body Relocation) on Ragnarok Online ) ?

And if I want to use Telepath then Possesion, the animation between this two skills are short enough to chain them without giving the opponent time to get out ( for PvP purposes ) ?

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I have not seen this used during wolf, I do not know.

Telepath -> possession
Not fast, and you will have some PvP lag/delay, so it is very difficult. Possession has start-up time too.

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Aw too bad… But thx anyway :slight_smile:

For OOB and Prakriti, if it work with Transform ( but I don’t know if it’s the case ), maybe it also work with Lycanthropy…

Druid2 miko in this party (I did not notice anything interesting).

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haha, i was watching it 20 minutes ago haha, and yeah… :confused:
same as druid c3 as in my opinion… and how I don’t have Krivis I can’t go into Taoist, and plag c2… nope thanks ;-;


Now I am starting to think Miko would be better than druid 3 if your path is Diev 3. That clapping skill is too damn useful specially if fixed. What would Druid 3 offer that is way better than a Miko? If I understand correctly, by using clapping you can have unlimited Silence and owls, that by itself is really OP specially in ET. What do you guys think? Help me decide please

The Dievdirbys path is a end game party content member class. You aren’t obligated to follow Druid3 after it.

This is a druid thread after all, but i believe Diev3 > Miko > PD2 is really well balanced between PvP and PvE and it’s probably gonna be the main follow up after Diev3