Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

And the haste makes chasing way easier too! I need to try this lol. RIP pelt slot.

Woah Wurm you’re already making such a build. I’d really appreciate if you could keep us updated on your feelings about it.

Well, STR scales with ranks so you get a bigger bonus.

You can pump critrate/acc with gems and evasion with transform. And Ella cards aren’t that hard to find (at least on Orsha)

I’m thinking: 100 DEX until lvl 200, the rest on STR. And CON as needed.
Then Increase DEX according to gems/cards.

100 DEX at lvl 170 should secure you 60-70% critrate on mobs around your level already.

Ok, forget anything i said. I just watched this video:

Seems to be a Cleric1-Priest3-Chaplain-Druid3.

Imagine how awesome would be have a Werewolf Priest on your party :'D

I really wanna try this now, but i’m not sure about the Chaplain class. Seems to be an important part of the dps with Magnus Exorcism which seems to hit flying. But the replacement would be Cleric2, giving 0 answer to flying monsters.

I feel the pain on flying mobs as a Cleric2-Priest3-Druid2 user.

Also, it might not look like it but the path is pretty much a nuke class (Heal does wonders with Blessing Buff[x2 damage proc]), considering the fact that we have to wait 22+ seconds for the next skill rotation.

So glad that C3 offers a set of new attacks where we could deal constant damage instead of running around waiting for cooldowns.

Which transformation is that he’s using? Seems to have a really nice area fake-multi hit spammable skill…

I think it’s because he is using 2 glad bands and just autoattacking. But i’m not sure.

I’ve see that mob on normal maps before i think.

Those are not glad bands, just 120 bracelets.

bagworm iirc, but it looks like he’s using aspergillum to deal damage.

So auto attacks do work during transformations but don’t show any animation?

Well, i’ve never heard of ChaplainDruid. So i guess this is good information. And maybe a good path for Chaplains, or quite decent … at least.

Well, yeah, he’s doing considerable damage while benefiting from the extra HP/magic attack. If that’ aspergillium at work, chaplain druids seem quite viable damage wise (and druid 3 makes it viable as a full INT).

Yes, auto attacks ( Z ) will work without playing the attack’s animation ( Sacrament, Last Rites, Cafri set, and other items that provides an additional line of damage work while in transform state. ). Not sure if kTOS fixed the long animation for mobs, but for me – it takes 1 second for my damage to appear ( unless we have to consider how long it takes for a mob to attack ).



Here in itos we have several bugs asocciated with auto attacking while transformed. Delays, mobs/loot vanishing and it just not showing up come to mind.

But in that ktos vid auto atks seem to work fine.
And we did see videos of OoB not working for lycanthrophy.
Maybe it’s just OoB that doesn’t work with transforms for ktos. (and telepath…)

But I’m not sure what to recommend when it comes to these holy dmg focus builds:

  • Chaplain/Miko is quite good aoe dmg and has room for cleric2, but I fear it lacks base dmg to bypass magic defenses. (A holy necklace would solve that, akin to agni.) Also a poor fit for druid to boot.

  • Sadhu2/druid has nice dmg and healing, but is lower on support and is prone to interrupts.

  • And chaplain/druid3 lacks healing. Esp with stonehenge requiring healing afterwards.
    I’d also be tempted to grab spr on such a build for stone skin/capella but that messes up lycanthophy.

Not quite sure on what a good route is yet, they all have rather large downsides :expressionless:

(dievdruid ftw)

Sadly i dont think we can take Miko on a Druid3 build yet. Miko is a hidden R6 class.

y is imc trying to make magic classes have physical skills and vice versa? first bokor, now druid3 and inquisitor. what next?

is oracle’s change skill still able to make spectra right now?
i’ve tried it a lot times but no single spectra
anyone could confirm this will be appreciated, thanks

Pretty sure it’s not available anymore.

I did roughly a week of testing to get images of the unique mobs currently available, but never saw that spectra.

I’ve see it on Uphill.

It’s an elite mob.

RIP Druid’s dreams.

Quick edit: my fanart for this halloween contest is gonna be druid themed :smiley:

i see, thank you!

RIP Druid’s dreams.

…What do you mean!!! We can still transform into a fkn table. \O/