Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

Ok … those abs and that face do not go together.

I plan to test cleric1-kriv3-deiv1-druid3-inqui1 if they decide to give out resets. Krivis got their heal buffed (I think) in that you can invest in stats to make the heal stronger. Druids also got a heal from chortasmata. I’m guessing that would be enough on a non healing dedicated hybrid AA/caster. Like @Timeshadow said, the dps skills seem to be able to hold their own

@Di3rn has been posting healing skill vids in the general discussion. I like what I’m seeing so far for krivis druid healing. It certainly can’t compare with cleric priest but aukuras and chortasmata are ok off heals.
cleric priest
krivis druid

So @Di3rn, is it right to assume these forms of healing benefit those that don’t build for healing power more than those that do build for healing power?

Friendly Units, that’s all I wanna hear. Druid3-Inquistor for Homing Missile Build!

Comparing to Previous-Previous Druid, the skill factors were increased by +400%. But I don’t think I’ll use Full-lycan on PvP, except for the 3s Invulnerability, could be useful at some point.

Half wolf looks cute and all but they nearly doubled the damage of all full wolf skills. Half cooldown too, with a 50% damage buff.

The F skill will be stupidly powerful since it doesn’t have AoE atk ratio limitations and hits a huge area around you.

Really sucks I just resetted my druid 3 to paladin.

Well they HAD to increase werewolf skills. They re-introduced the lock-out. The skills you do get in the form have to be worth losing everything else.

Yes, also help dps builds that cant take priest/c2 or 3 a lot.

The beauty of the new full wolf/half wolf Lycanthropy is that we really don’t have to choose. As far as I’m aware, Lycan is going to keep its mixed stat scaling so you won’t have to build around one or the other.

Sure, you can construct a build that’s designed to take singular advantage of one form at the expense of the other but why would you do that? Just toggle the attribute on or off depending on what you need at the time.

Ok so, what use will have the full lycan form? Sure is strong and you’re going druid c3 because you want to go druid c3, but the aoe damage in general seems better with half wolf +other class skills. It’s like playing as a sorcerer’s summon. Other cleric skills though have a general larger aoe and i belive it could work better over time then full wolf form’s damage.
The thing is that they really should allow full worlf+druid skills. If not, then half-wolf is “enough” (the cd tho ;-; )
I’ll be changing my pd3 back to it’s original form lol probably to chaplain druid3 + daino scrolls huh
Still, idk about this new wolf form. Pvp is kind of suicide (without the other cleric rank’s skills you know?), high damage content… Probably the same? Solmiki well, i have a sorcerer so no ty.
-where would you use it?
ANYWAYS i didnt see a player going full potential werewolf yet so all suppositions

Edit: actually no, the demi-wolf is a hell of a buff! And the girl one is cute. Krivis c3, hi.

Funny thing is, this has the best synergy with Bokor 3 and Zombies. Literal Kamakaze zombies!
I saw a video with the seed being applied to a deiv statue, so it should also apply to Bokor zombies, as well as Paladin turned enemies.

Seedbomb supposedly has a 5 ally cap anyway, so that kinda sucks.
Carni, Chorta and vines are all quite nice atm.
And I don’t like this lycan rework tbh, lock on out on pure form runs counter to the whole rank class design while demi is decent effect wise but has a poor cd/duration ratio and still doesn’t compete well with other r8/9 choices.

With a few caveats ofc:

  • Frosterlord now slows enemies instead, if that does work on bosses it’ll be another buff for kriv/tao builds.
  • Need to see what buffs affect the demi wolf first.
  • seedbomb, chorta and vines are all matk skills right?

and build predictions:

  • Still a good fiiller for matk based builds if they can afford it, just with slightly more dmg/healing now. Might see a bit more use due to exorcist1-2 being decent to boot.


  • I expect to see a lot of variants on this as this sounds as a quite strong 2 rank matk combo tbh. That it also has a invuln and healing to boot is just icing on the cake. (Should work quite well with pd2, exorcist1-2, krivtao’s, zealot2 for hybrid due to dmg buffs or even kabba2 if the snake aoe dmg is good.)


  • Pure wolf is likely solely a pvp gimmick build at best, breaking wheel + buffed lycan skills seems rather lethal even if the timing isn’t ideal.
  • Demi wolf can at least for work for matk focus builds who can spare a rank, so essentially only for krivtao builds?
  • I’m not as convinced if it can work well enough for other niche builds due to 50% uptime, even if it works with daino/aspergillum it sounds quite underwhelming compared to the alternatives tbh.

It’s nice I suppose, but it feels like it was targeting the best aspects of Druid, to begin with.
Druid1/2 weren’t bad for matk builds to begin with, while the skills that needed attention still didn’t get any meaningful changes (Telepath/Transform/Lycan) and it still lacks spr/patk build synergy to boot.

Yeah, and few of them are poison property

I totally agree. Before people would go druid 2 and I would be like :heeey: But now I see it being a very reasonable build path.

Idk, I’m seeing some high dmg synergy with diev 1 and cleric 2. Remember that the with each level of Lycan, the damage is also increased by 10%. So our normal 2 hit scratch, which is now buffed to 180%, will also get a 10% damage boost depending on Lycans level. If the way the math works that I hope it will work, then 180% will turn into 288% with a level 6 Lycan.

So assuming my math isn’t wrong, it would be this:

[A] 2 * swipe attack => 2 hits of 180% damage, 0 seconds cooldown = 360% (At Level 6 = 576%)

[S] Dirt Slash attack twice with *628% damage, cooldown 5 seconds = 1256% (At Level 6 = 2009.6%)

[D] Wild Breath attack 5 * 417% damage, unlimited AoE, 5 seconds cooldown = 2085% (At Level 6 = 3336%)

[F] roar-scale attack 1521% with 1 hit, unlimited AoE, 10 seconds cooldown = 1521% (At Level 6 = 2433.6%)

OR this math could be wrong and the damage bonus works like it does currently and only increases the damage at the end of the formula.

Either way we’re also buffed in the defensive department. Making us much tankier without invulnerabilities (which they are trying to stop from dominating).

I foresee builds like: to be used for 100% uptime on Demi-Wolf as well as auto attacking. Tao can work as well.

Yes and no…
With the new healing changes and Spr/Int/Level giving you healing power, as well as Chormasta now having a heal over time to allies standing on it, it technically does have synergy with SPR.

Also with the new increases sp cost of 91 sp per second for Lycan, having more Spr is just better for you potion/money wise.
Lets not forget to mention Demi-Wolf increase phys and magic damage. Its bleed scales of patk (as far as we know). Also Lycan gets more damage from having both matk and patk then just having only matk.
Though I do get what you mean. There is no substantial amount of synergy with Spr/Patk that is naturally built in. Though, you’re a cleric, so why would you want to go just pure Patk.

Edit: Cleaning up post and adding devils advocate reply.

Yeah, basically transform was a downfall ever since they changed how Hengestone works. I really hate that they made Transform obsolete with the Hengestone changes. I was hoping for C3 Transform attributes to atleast compensate Hengestone changes. Demi just acts like a buff instead of an actual transform, for me, that is.

The big attraction for the whole class is how Chortasmata works, and Vines apparently.

What I noticed:
- Despite its small visual skill animation, the hitbox of Vines are actually bigger. And that rooting is around 6 seconds, that’s pretty big in PvP standards.
- Chortasmata being a damage debuff is okay, I guess. Even a single touch will proc and deal DoT, which means it can reset. Though I wonder if Chortasmata is a Rank 1 Debuff or not.

Off topic, but apparently, CON still affects healing… self healing that is.

YES and this is what most haven’t realized yet. Each time the enemy walks on Chortmasta the debuff that does damage resets on them.
Druid gained an insane buff in terms of damage/Utility potential. We just need to make the proper builds now.

Here’s a guild member of mine testing D3 Damage with 7.8k Matk.

30k - Chortasmata
50k - Carnivory
150k - Seeded Bomb

with Demi buff, btw.

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My only question is why is he using hengestone for transforming into lycan. Didnt they change hengestones effect?

Habit… I guess. I probably would too once it hits iToS.

Does Chortmasta still turn people into plants when on top of it?

91 SP/S? sigh. Plus the crappy new CD/Duration.

Did they remove Ein Sof’s SP recovery? I just reset my Cleric (with the rank reset they gave out with new wiz classes) into C2/Kr3/Kabbage/Druid3 and adore the build because I could go INT now and stay Werewolf forever with Ein Sof and nuke and nom everything. But it looks like they’re completely trashing everything I just built. They basically forcing hybrid form because skill locking on Puppy is absolute worthless garbage.

its seriues the yremoved ein sof sp recovery???

There is no mention of ein sof recovery being removed. If my info is correct, it is still the same except it is not instant, but instead over 10 seconds.


Does anyone see any hope for Physical builds with Druid C3?