Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Druid Class Thread

I’m playing C2 K3 D2 Z2; so far im getting easy crits from beast transform beady eye attribute + max zalciai.

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This is more of a PVP kind of thing. Both ways will work but it’s better to use Malleus after the enemy has exorcise debuff.

ye i figured testing out! its neat :slight_smile: thanks

  • wanted to try tbl but without sterea its rip lol
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Yeah, that’s the reason why I stay from TBL. But I can already tell you that even with low gears. You can deal tons of damage with that combo, especially to MATK users. LUL

Also, good news (?) Telepathy seems to work as intended. Casting it on an enemy won’t make them your ally anymore. So basically, you can lure them to your own magic circles to deal damage. :smiley:


For anyone to check these damage tests:

I will excuse for not properly casting stuff sometimes or beign too slow to combo, my mouse broke recently and im trying to get used to keyboard mode hotkeys.


Diev3Druid3Miko full SPR

Things to notice: 23k damage per tic Owls pogchamp


Like the vids. Diev owls have gotten stronger.
I’ll do a vid of my kriv 3 - diev 1- druid3 pd next. Of course it won’t have your trans 8 damage :sad:

This has been said already, but a summary of news to the Druids Currently regarding PVP/TBL.

Sterea is bugged has hell, hopefully there’ll be a hotfix soon because it’s hard to play without it in TBL.

Telepathy is good now, you can try to catch enemies and lure them to your magic circles / allies to kill them. Great for resetting debuffs ( Make them walk back and forth to Exorcise lul )

Hey guys I’ve been thinking about rolling an AA Chap/Lycan Druid/Inquisitor and been wondering how such a combination would fare. I heard that Lycan form doesn’t take advantage of Chap buffs unless you use a Dagger in your main hand, how exactly does that work? Sorry I’ve never played Druid before so I’m clueless.

Is AA Chap/Druid/Inquisitor not viable?

Hi! You need to use your off-hand attack while in transform or in lycan becouse the main attack won’t work, that way you can still proc aspergillum. This build is my main and It works closely to wurm’s AA recomendations. You loose some dmg without krivis but have double hp, 50% uptime invuln (when It gets fixed), a better aoe while wheel CD with carnivory, KB/KD imunity, Wolf attacks (I just like the one in “F”), 30% more dmg and you look cool. To me is a win. Sometime I will post skill recomendations here, but atm it’s my favorite build

I really like this concept, but never had the guts to tey it out,

Some questions about this build:

While it does looks dope to be a wherewolf, how are the animations on lycan offhand atack? Same as skills, when it stops and howls? Or it uses its claws and all?

Also, doesn’t this build gimps your atack too much? Since offhands atacks are based ob the dagger dmg, which is lower than maces?

Finally, as a spr focused build, doesn’t blocking and dodgeing from mosnters get really annoying? I could’nt fight flying mobs really well with my chap because of the constant miss.

and @leonardo.lmfl:

Chap/Druid is pretty interesting tbh, but weird.
Wofly did want to try to make a video of it after I told him how it works, and he has better gear.

But essentially:

  • There is no chap/druid bug that I can find atm.
  • Druid’s skills do not benefit from aspergillum, Sacrament and Last Rites themselves.
  • You can’t auto attacking during Lycan ofc, but you can offhand attack.
  • Offhand attacks will deal far more dmg due to aspergillum, but aren’t as responsive to use. (It only attacks slightly in front of you and is somewhat difficult to tell when it hits when many dmg numbers are on screen.)
  • The Lycan offhand attacks have the same animation as its 3rd and 4th skill, aka it puts its hands on it head quickly and that’s it. It’s quite misleading as the dagger does hit forward more than said pose suggests.
  • All 4 lycan skills work with breaking wheel, and cost 2, 2, 3, 1 durability respectively. Wild Breath works especially well since it has so little range to begin with, and Warcry will hit mobs twice because it is a large AoE on itself already.
  • Whenever you kill a mob with any method there’s a 20% of creating an inquisitor flame with the attribute, these do count as auto attacks even while in Lycan form.
  • Malleus Maleficarum also hits pretty hard on such a build, and adds a nice chunk of dmg to boot.
  • Lycan’s scratch is a 2x 80% (patk+matk) dmg skill that does cause you to face your nearest enemy, it’s not that bad tbh. But certainly not as good as offhand auto’s either.

Haven’t tried god smash yet, I need more skill points x…x
And you don’t need a dagger perse, but it is a considerable boost to your dmg while in Lycan.

And I’ve gotten dodged a fair bit, but I also don’t have hg gear yet with str/dex on them to help out. I think those will fix that issue entirely anyway.

  1. the animations are the same as skills. Gladly It doesn’t affect attack speed. The sound is kind of annoying thou

  2. yes, you loose some dmg, but since your AA can easely surpass 40k dmg, 2~3k dmg isn’t a big loss, and It can be mitigated through the fact that a red gem in the main weapon also affects off-hand

  3. yes, it’s a sin for all int and spr chaplains hahaha… monstrance helps a little as well the block pen atribute. Magnum is kind of weak but can do the job as well

Ow and a minor FYI before I forget it again.

Deprotected zone:Sword attack works with dagger attacks, you might want to grab it if you plan to attack with daggers for this build as armor break is pretty op.

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so sterea trophea got fixed on ktos… after a month :smiley:

hope it takes less for us on itos.

So, now that i’m no longer unemployed i have way less time to test things, any new mobs worth shifting into?

Think I’m gonna switch my transform testing around, I don’t see enough changes to warrant testing lowbie mobs first tbh.
I’ll go for the new maps first now.

List of transformations with skills that may be of interest:

  • Stone Orca, 5s +173 block buff, 3s cd. Odd amount.
  • Shredded’s 2nd skills prevents mob ai from attacking during it, also has a chance to inflict a 4s curse. (no hp/sp recovery)
  • Mine predator has that 5-6 hits 100% patk spam.
  • Panto Pathfinder has that 10x 100% patk 10s cd skill.
  • Leafly heals somehow with its skills, can’t figure out scaling.
  • Firent has the con>str transpose skill with a 10s duration and 15s cd.
  • Glizzardon was mentioned by someone else already, t’is good.
  • Pawndel has a 3x 100% patk pbAoE.
  • Pawnd has a 4x 100% patk dark linear AoE.
  • Egnome has a 3x 100% matk lightning linear AoE.
  • Yellow Egnome has the same linear attack but without an element.
  • Green Apparition has a Giant Hand animation upong leaving the transformation.
  • Orange Stumpy Tree’s 4x heal is still bugged…
  • Melatinum’s poison deals very little dmg now, but almost always lands and has a 5s duration. And still has its ranged slow web. (same for the reskins ofc.)
  • Caro’s fire pillar dmg is still bugged.
  • Tipio’s 2nd skill has a high chance to poison (50-75% ish) and lasts for 60s. (synergy with velnia monkey at least.)
  • Fisherman still have the +135 accuracy, lasts 10s with a 10s cd.
  • Horned Golem has a 3 hit charge attack with a 3s cd. Kinda meh.
  • Ahklass Steel has that ranged 3x 100% patk still.
  • Kindron Reilter has a 5x 25% matk short linear AoE skill.
  • Lily Velly has a 5s poison with a 5s cd which did scale with something.
  • Lapinel has a 10s +28 move speed buff with a 5s cd. (Medium Beast, found in Valandis Room 3)
  • Raphindion has the best matk spammable skill, it’s a 3x100% matk melee spin that launches 5x 100% semi homing orbs and all of it all has a minor AoE.
  • Yak Druid, 5s shield effect that blocks 2k dmg or so? 10s cd
  • Red Stone Orca has a +x block buff, 5s duration with 3s cd. Scales with shield, seen up to +250.

Testing the 340 HG for me is kind of out of the question since I get 2-4 fps there somehow. Moving alone is difficult enough.

Areas tested so far:
The dotted Line area in the bottom left corner of the map, all the way up to Stele Road - Istora ruins and anything to the left of it.
Only HG I tested is the Dina bee HG, whatever its name was.

This is mostly so I don’t forget myself, but might as document it publicly.

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Hey, i want to make a tank paladin with Barrier: Devotion, tried kabba 3, but I did not like him. Now i want to try with druid 3 [cleric 3 pala 3 druid 3 i guess]. Can you suggest a transformation really good for tanking? I guess Merog Shaman with the 5s cd Safety Zone right? Or some Large Insect type for +50% defense and magic defensa and +100% hp? Im really lost, first time druid xD.

What red card suit best on that chapdruidinq? is Iltiswort Card (:star:% againts plant) works?
also is it okay if i put some on it like 200 dex or 300

Merog Shaman’s safety zone has a 20s cd now, instead, go for a large insect for the +40% def and +75% hp.
Though I kind of expect it to be overkill tbh.

Keep in mind +%dmg buffs don’t boost bonus or additional dmg types.
So you’d only be boosting Auto attacks, Aspergillum, Lycan Skills, Offhand attacks and Carnivory.

In terms of red cards:

  • The poison proc + poison dmg or Bleed proc + Bleed dmg card combo’s should be ideal as you hit plenty of times.
  • Iltiswort is likely the second best, but only vs plant and nonflying mobs inside chortasmata ofc.
  • The elem property ones seem far to low to compete.

The Frostlord card may be nice as well for the cc if we ever get that.

And I’m a bit pissed, IMC intentionally disabled Nimrah Duke and Nimrah Frieke for transform/shapeshift. And I know Frieke has a 6hit skill.

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