Yea, not going full DEX here either. I think the build will definetly underperform PVE-wise at lv200+ but I’m hoping it will still be worth something PVP-wise then.
However, it feels like except for samediveve (wich would go well with any class) there’s no synergy at all between Bokor and Monk. I just really wanted to try a zombie-train-focused playstyle and still not be totally useless against bosses, wich is why I chose Monk.
Anyway, this is my alt character, so I’m willing to experiment. xP
So Zombify can be used to trigger Incineration. I wonder what level of debuff it is. Can it go through Blood Letting? If it can, it will give Bokor PD an advantage when pvp against other PD who don’t have bokor
I have issues casting Hexing while my zombies are out. My Hexing won’t go off even if I’m targeting at the mob itself and cast multiple times. Is this normal?
Could you suggest about my skill build to be Plauge Doctor please ?
My Path is
Cleric > Krevis > 3Bokor > Krevis > Plauge Doctor
this is my skill build so far
i’m going hexing and effigy build so most of my stats go to INT and a little to CON and SPR
I spend the skill point to Damballa only 3 points because it detonates 9 zombies so the Zombify skill would be only 5 with 8 zombies + 1 from attribute. There are 2 points left which i probably spend into Samdiveve for more speed of my minions
This build is happened after i’ve read many suggestion in this thread
so i would like to hear an opinion from others
For Effigy? It works off any Curse debuff and not just Hexing (Well, they’re pretty much all the same thing). This includes Featherfoot’s Curses and Kabbalist’s Revenged Sevenfold Curse.
Welcome to the club. \o
As for your build:
Cleric C1
This is fine.
Priest C1
I’d recommend you either go for Priest C2 or drop the Priest all-together for Cleric C2, since the benefits of just Priest C1 aren’t enough to warrant 1 Circle in the long run. Although, you’d be sacrificing Monk C3 to accomplish that… Well, either way, the only Priest C1 has to go. :c
Bokor C1
Bwa Kayiman doesn’t need to be leveled past Lvl 1, since the damage scaling on it is very low and there’s no other benefits gained since Lvl 1 has almost 100% uptime. Should also add 1 point to Effigy, just for the ability to Effigy:Blind users. Normally I don’t recommend +5 into Mackangdal, but that’s because Effigy usually takes priority. So~
Hexing: -1 points
Bwa Kayiman: -4 points
Effigy: +1 points
Mackangdal: +4 points
Monk C1
This is fine.
Monk C2
This is fine.
Monk C3
Drop 1 point from Palm Strike for Golden Bell Shield so you’ll have another defensive under your belt.
Palm Strike: -1 points
Golden Bell Shield: +1 points
Do it for the horde!
Mm… The only thing that’s coming to mind is using the Zombies train to aggro all possible mobs in one room within the dungeon using Bwa Kayiman (There’s usually a limit to how many enemies will aggro onto a player, but the Zombies count as aggro targets too), bring the whole room infront of the Owls by moving your Zombie train infront of it, and then Bwa Kayiman running over them so they’re ‘stunned’ there infront of them. Then there’s Carve. Other than that, it’s iffy.
As a heads up:
Zemnya and Laima don’t need to be leveled past 5 since you have 100% uptime with them by then.
It’s less for the synergy and more for the “I have attacks other than Bwa Kayiman”. They’re good aggro’ers though! You could aggro an entire area into one spot, then Energy Blast all of them.
It can, but with a 1 minute cooldown and the enemy having to stay inside the Zombify circle until Incineration is activated, it’s not really practical for PvP. Also, Zombify is a Lvl 1 debuff.
Aukuras doesn’t (And you’d have to stay within Aukuras’ range to keep the buff on you even if it did + Long cooldown). I’m, not sure how Healing Factor/Animus interacts.
Bug. Happens on Mouse Mode too.
Welcome, Gemini Elf! \o
This is fine.
Krivis C1
Should considering removing 2 to 3 points from Aukuras for Daino, since those extra buffs take priority over the extra regen from Aukuras.
Aukuras: -2 ~ -3 points
Daino: +2 ~ +3 points
Bokor C1
This is fine.
Bokor C2
Samediveve should be at least Lvl 5, or left at 0, and the benefit from just 1 level is too small to make that 1 point worth it. So for now:
Samediveve: -1 points
Bokor C3
Hexing doesn’t need to be leveled past Lvl 10; a bit overkill. So we’re gonna take 5 points away from that, leaving us with 8 points (The 1 point we took from Samediveve and the 2 unused ones you had). You can do one of the following:
Samediveve: +7 points
Zombify: +1 points
Zombify: +6 points
Damballa: +2 points
Zombify: +2 points
Samediveve: +5 points
Damballa: +1 points
Krivis C2
Daino doesn’t need to be leveled past 5 here, so with Krivis C1 changes in mind, your current stat points should look like this:
Aukuras: Lv10
Zalciai: Lv3
Daino: Lv5
Zaibas: Lv10
Divine Stigma: Lv2
Plague Doctor
Unless you’re gonna be using this in PvP, or you wanna wear the mask around for vanity, then that point will be taken from Beask Mask since the benefit isn’t better than Bloodletting (Which buffs your entire party). Also taking one from Fumigate, since Lvl 1 is enough to get the job done.
Healing Factor: +1 points
Bloodletting (If 1 point is left over): +1 points
Effigy, Damballa, and Carnivory.
Finally done. That took 4ever to type up. Now to relax at the nearest convenience.
Is bokor C1 worth as a damage filler in a semi-support build?
Cleric2 Priest2 Bokor druid PD ?
I was gonna go krivis but having to rely on zaibas to hit flyting mob is quite annoying and it’s on a 30s cooldonw with 2 overcharge ;d and I see that hexing+effigy can be really nice!
Seems like 1 Circle would fit better in a full-supporter, by using Effigy:Blind as a form of CC from spreading Hexing via Pandemic… which I guess this can count as. Usually Cleric C2 is all the ‘support’ you need for a build that wants to focus mostly on DPS, and in your current build, you’re 50/50 Support/DPS instead of just semi. You’re definitely better off as Bokor C1 than Sadhu C1 though.
Wouldn’t not going Priest for mostrance be defeating the whole “Crit” vibe of the build, tho? And wouldn’t be C2 kind of a waste, since I’m only sincerely interested on monstrance?
Then again, if crit is not viable, I think it would be more effective just to drop the whole thing and go INT-based, wich means no zombie-train for damage. I don’t really like it.
That’s not enough to warrant an entire Circle (Or only one Circle) though. :c
And C2 gives you Revive and an emergency heal skill ontop of Monstrance. Although, like I noted before, you’d have to sacrifice Monk C3 to accomplish that. So although you CAN go Priest C1, I’d advise Cleric C2 over it.
I’ve unfortunately locked in my C1 and C2 skills. Went through my first dungeon, and I realized just how important Safety Zone and Mackangdal are. Damn.
I wish IMC would give us at least one free re-spec potion
Cleric C2 > Bokor C1 > Krivis C1 here by now and have to share some experiences, although this silly class order choices… Have now about 40 CON and 130 INT in level 9x.
Since Bokor I get a Krausas Mace (lucky drop) and have no regrets for Hexing/Effigy sp consumption. Mana potions can handle with it easy and worth the damage. However, I felt a lack of damage skill and chose Krivis C1 instead of Bokor C2 just because ZOMBIES!
Try to Zombify using Cure and realize that zombies consume Cure hit counts. Zombies consume Heal tiles but it is not heals them. Zombies AI and damage are a joke and ■■■■■ the aim. There is no point to summon them in dungeons. BTW in dungeons I turn off heal damage and just play a healer/buffer role with a little dps by Cure and Zaibas, only Effigy high hp mobs and boss…
Hope Bokor C2/C3 gets things better, but in overall, this more fun than Priest class for sure.
No SPR? Although you can get to Rank 7 without it, it still helps with SP issues along the journey and buffs a few skills.
Zombies are healed by Heal tiles, it’s just that their HP doesn’t display/update properly. Hopefully the aim issue will be fixed soon. As for the dungeons, you’ll be able to use them efficiently in there at Bokor C2 with Bwa Kayiman’s knockdown.
I’m not a big fan of Diev in Bokor for PvE, but you get a couple debuffs for Incineration and could knockdown mobs constantly while they’re infront of the Owls (Although thanks to the Owl cooldown, you’ll have to wait a bit to do that combo again after the first time).
Yeah, only zombies hp, Hexing, DZ and Zalciai get benefits from SPR, if I miss that probably put some points latter.
Wow, don’t knew that. There are some issues to fix, hope IMC give some love to Bokors.
About hexing, it’s a pain to put mobs together, PD Pandemic solves this problem but it’s really frustrating. Besides that, mobs can resist hexing and sometimes resist Cure hits too. Why? Makes no sense…
And, the agro limit works in a weird way, sometimes can agro only 3-4 monsters, others it seems has no limit. Or I don’t get it right or it has some strange system. And also monster has agro limit too, never saw more than 4 zombies attacking 1 mob.
Thinking let Hexing lvl 8, Zombify 5 and Damballa 3 in my build…