Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Bokor Thread

Well, you can agro 5 monsters, each of your zombie too, but the monsters have a delimited virtual area where he can move or pursue someone. (there’s a guild somewhere talking about it)

Other thing is that not every mob is “aggressive type”. Some of them you need to attack first or need to get aggro from them. (personal experience, I can be wrong, but it’s what I can observe)

How does [divine might] interact with [zombify] when [divine might] ends? What would happen in this situation?

  1. cast DM (15 zombie cap becomes 16)
  2. raise 16 zombies
  3. DM ends

Would 1 zombie just die? Would all zombies stay like nothing happened? Would the zombie police come and take me away for raising too many zombies?

All zombies stay like nothing happened.

Hello @Sixaxis , this is my way to build a non -zombies bokor. can u give me some ideas
At rank 6-7 , there are so many choices that make me hard to decide . they are :

  • Oracle -PD : Sp buff + nice custume :))
  • druid 2 : more damage
  • cleric 2- pd : more damage + support skill
  • bokor 2- pd : damage
    I would like my char would be helpful in gvg or pvp . so Can u suggest :((

I would like to ask you about the skill “revenged sevenfold” Kabb class so you said this skill can apply to all zombies right? Then if monster damage the zombies also reflect the damage right that do on the zombies right? Is it revenged sevenfold apply to all zombies when use? Thank you so much

I believe your last choice is Bokor 3 - pd and that could out damage druid 2 with Pandemic & Effigy with higher sp consumption thou. Correct me if im wrong. xD

Hi Hizo. \o

  • Cleric C1

  • You should consider moving 1 point away from Cure for Deprotected Zone here, so you’ll have a side-skill to cast onto Bosses when in a party when necessary.

    • Cure: -1 points
    • Deprotected Zone: +1 points
  • Krivis C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • You should assign 2 points away from Hexing for Zombify here, so you’ll be able to grab the Wheelchair Zombie (Usage stated in original post).

    • Hexing: -2 points
    • Zombify: +2 points

As for Rank 6-7, since you’re interested in PvP, you’d do better with Cleric C2 -> PD.

Revenged 7x won’t buff every single Zombie you have out, as it limits itself at a certain point (I’ll have to see how much this weekend). There seems to be issues with how their received damage is reflected back in PvE:

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I need help with Tet Mamak La.
As the gif shows, seems liek that it isn’t really needed zombies to use its CC?

What bokor’s skills don’t need zombies to CC? besides effigy’s blind?

if you’re talking about the one in the ‘Funfacts’ section, then that .Gif is from iCBT1 and I only used it to show what Tet Mamak La used to be like. It doesn’t knock enemies up into the air anymore. Also, it needs a summoned Zombie to use still. I have a Zombie summoned in that .Gif, it’s just on the other side of the map and moves slow, so we triggered the boss fight and killed it before the Zombie caught up to that spot.

The only skills that need a Zombie summoned to use are Tet Mamak La, Bwa Kayiman, and Damballa.

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Thank you very much for your answer.
One more last question; what do you think that would be more viable in pvp with bokor and plague doc, pardoner or diev?

Diev Druid, thanks to Telepath and Carnivory.

EDIT: @Xatuba My bad, I got confused by that and mixed Diev with Druid. Did you mean Dievdirby, or Druid? If you meant Dievdirby, then Dievdirby C2 would be better, but if just C1, then Pardoner C1 would arguably be better.

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I’m gonna reset my zombie bookie soon to hexing efigy.

Is hexing targeting really bad? Weird? Inconsistent?

My stats will be like

Max hex
Max mackangdal
Max effigy

Oh and is effigy damage bugged?

It can be resisted, but the chance of that is low. It’s not bad, but it takes getting used to as you’ll have to land it on targets when they’re side by side if you want to get an AoE hit.

Hexing doesn’t need to be leveled past 10, and Mackangdal doesn’t need to be leveled past 1 unless you’re playing in PvP.

Tested just now since that’s the second time I’ve saw someone ask that, and it looks like it is. After spamming it with and without weapon, I ended up with a bunch of x2.58 ~ x3.56 (Lv15’s). But ended up with a few ones around 2.2 ~ 2.3 too. So this is something that comes and goes.

Where do you suggest to put the remaining points? (I’m done with zombie-ing) I’m close to Max level so im mostly gonna do pvp or gvg. So is effigy still worth maxing if it’s bugged?

Well, if you’re going to mostly PvP on that character, then by all means max Mackangdal, although you could also take those extra points from Mackangdal and place them into Samediveve to run towards or away from people while Effigy’ing.

And yeah, even with the bug it’s still worth maxing, since it doesn’t look like a constant thing and they’re bound to fix it eventually anyway. They fixed the Damballa issue already in kToS, just have to wait for it to get here to our version

They removed the knock back? That’s my main gripe with damballa

Thanks for the fast response!! Will definitely come back

Feel free. \o/

You sure love Lenny face.

Bokor zombie got a buff on recent ktos patch notes.

Zombify: the stats of of zombies are now 3x stronger than before.

Can’t link the source I’m on my phone right now.


Weird buff imo. Does zombies attribute affects like any bokor skills?

19/05/2016 - KTOS Live Maintenance

Some skills will receive the following changes:


  • Zombify: The stats of zombies are now 3x stronger than before.

Source: line 132