You might reconsider running C2 Cleric > C3 Bokor > C1 Dev > C2 PD (C3 PD in the future)
Damballa is pretty OP at the moment fully geared 10 second cooldown. 130k-150k
Bokor is ridiculously fun in PvP with Effigy + Hexing combo (reduce 10%-11% magic defense as well with divine might + skill gem). The class itself already offer huge damage + Big AoE + Low cooldown from Damballa so you don’t have to wait every 30 seconds or so for PvE. Oh yeah, free movement speed + hp flag!
Damballa also has attribute to revive zombie upon explosion as well~ You can even do inf loop explosion with Dev1 cooldown reduction + Zombie capsule while killing world boss.
Mackangdal countered ABE so pretty much 1 point give away there. Bloodletting and Mask duration has been reduced for TBL so you can easily spam Hexing + Effigy against most Sadhu + PD build.
Anyone with high HP + magic resistance/fully geared can easily tank Sadhu ABE now…
C3 Bokor also receive a huge buff for zombie as well, Ogouveve from KTest now increase zombie damage by 50% (70% with divine might + skill gem) + Attack speed + STR + AoE Ratio.
C3 PD has ability that give the whole party immunity buff to knockback attack + 20% damage against enemy. This is why we allllll loooveeee PD~~~~
Not to mention Pandemic new attribute to spread incineration at 50% chances! SMOKKEEEYYY