XD well my Cleric currently is… Cleric C2… about to hit my third rank…
Since i am going to go Bokor…
Thinking what else i should do…
I was thinking Bokor C3, Either Meeko or Diev C1. Plaque Doctor 2.
Or still going with my Idea Bokor C3, Druid C3… (But i think i make seperate character that will be… Diev 3, Druid 3)
Kinda wish Necromancer and Bokor were one class… =o just want WAVES upon WAVES of Summons
Also for Zombies… their HP is it base on what MOBS become Zombies how tough they are?
Also for Bokor Skill i was thinking of going----
1/15 Hexing
15/15 Effigy
1/1 Tet Mamak
13/15 Zombify
1/10 Mackangdal
1/10 Bwa Kayiman
7/10 Samediveve
1/5 Ogouveve
5/5 Damballa
I am still debating what i can switch out to max out BWA Kayiman. >.> not sure why but kinda want to max it…