Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Bokor Thread

Created a bokor (and this id) because of this thread and tried to mess around with it

Seeing all the good responses from @Sixaxis
I just had to post my build here to seek your guidance

I will probably use bokor for pvp/duel 80% of the time
and for fun :smiley:

I dislike krivis

is 40 (invested) spr enough?
divine might> samedieve lvl 11

my question is, is damballa even worth it? i have 9pts remaining thinking of investing in 10/10 mackangdal since Iā€™ll probably be partying lvl 210+, and pandemic inci is enough for solo PVE purposes end game

is a less-effigy focused build like this one can still be optimal dps wise?
since i read that its useless going bokor c3 if i am not taking damballa and only spamming effigy

wew, I was thinking of the exact same path too xD but seems like our points allocation are kinda different, so Iā€™m asking for advice for my build as well haha.

Sometimes Iā€™m impressed at how good I am at naming my builds :smiley:

Anyway, now I wanna talk bout my build.

Whatā€™s going on in my head is

-Iā€™m having tough time to decide whether to invest in Cure or Deprotected Zone, Iā€™m thinking that I wouldnā€™t use Cure as much in late game so Iā€™m throwing more points into Deprotected Zone. Will wait for advice before I start pouring points into those skills.

Krivis > Bokor 3
-Basically copied someone elseā€™s build from some other thread in this forum. I have no idea what I want to do here except I want to play with zombies. (No, Iā€™m not necrophile, even tho Iā€™m planning to have a necromancer).

Druid 2
-Iā€™m thinking Carnivory and Chrotasmata is the bread and butter for Druid class, so Iā€™m maxing it.
-Shape Shifting + Transform, not putting too much points into them since itā€™s just the duration, so with that in mind, I allocated point to be just enough for the cool downs for both these skills. i.e. Shape Shifting cools down > use Transform. Transform cools down > use Shape Shifting
-Telepath, adding one point just for one seconds of duration? Iā€™d rather throw all the points into Chrotasmata instead :frowning:

What Iā€™m expacting with this build

-A lot of jumping around
-A lot of running away
-A lot of jumping around and running away while watching my grasses and zombies tormenting the mobs heuheuehuehueheuehueheuheue

im currently aiming for ths build what do you guys think any advice?

New ninja-change of Zombie mechanic!

Now zombies will warp right behind you as soon as you leave them alone. So instead of spawning them somewhere on the map and letting them roam around to spam skulls, they will tail you all the time.

Well. Now that they arenā€™t in the way of targetting anymore, its not the baddest thing. Besides that skullspamming now is getting a bit complicated.

And I noticed that Zombies will run to the last skull thrown first instead of tailing you by using Bwa Kayiman. So you can throw the skull to the other side of the area, use Bwa and they will run to that point first before following you. Was that always like this?

Most of the time itā€™s bugged though. and the zombies will stutter back and forth between the direction of the skull and you. But when they donā€™t stutter, they follow you instead.

But I suspect it may be based on the 1st zombie. The one that follows directly behind you in Bwa.

sometimes terrain also affect zombie movement when using Bwa. Just take lvl 90 dungeon for example and you will know what i meant.

i really wish they mix the damage for bwa like how str can affect zombies/bwa kayiman dmg and do the same interaction for int that affect zombies/bwa kayiman dmg rather than being one sided.

It wasnā€™t meant to be. :upside_down:

EZ Damballa setup now though even on Bosses that use knockback. NICE TRADE IMC.

Yup, was always like that. Hidden mechanic that allows you to do Thriller.


Nu! Too many summons, too little FPS, too little Effigy, too much stat split!

Throws iron into megaman


Iā€™m surprised that name wasnā€™t taken yet.

1. Cleric > Cleric > Bokor > Bokor > Bokor > Pardoner > Plague Doctor

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • Move 1 point from Cure into Safety Zone, as Safety should be at a minimum of Lv5.

    • Cure: -1 points
    • Safety Zone: +1 points
  • Bokor C1 - C3

  • As long as you remember to use Divine Might before using Samediveve, this is fine.

  • Pardoner

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • If this is being used mostly for PvP, then you might want to consider moving 3 points from Pandemic into Beak Mask. Other than that, this is fine.

    • Optional
    • Pandemic: -3 points
    • Beak Mask: +3 points

The SPR allocation is mainly to help you while leveling, since Effigy is very costly. The SPR at 50 minimum was my recommendation, but you can opt out of it entirely if you want.

With those 9 remaining points, itā€™s better to put them into Mackangdal than Damballa since you need Zombies to use Damballa and summoning Zombies in Arena requires you to rely on destroying the opponentā€™s Summons or Traps. Also, Damballa is bugged (Or programmed not to) and doesnā€™t work on other players.

2. Cleric > Cleric > Bokor > Bokor > Pardoner > Oracle > Plague Doctor

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • Move 1 point from Cure into Safety Zone, as Safety should be at a minimum of Lv5.

    • Cure: -1 points
    • Safety Zone: +1 points
  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Pardoner

  • This is fine.

  • Oracle

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • If this is being used mostly for PvP, then you might want to consider moving 3 points from Pandemic into Beak Mask. Other than that, this is fine.

    • Optional
    • Pandemic: -3 points
    • Beak Mask: +3 points


Letā€™s see~

  • Cleric

  • Deprotected Zone doesnā€™t need more than 1 point placed into it. Youā€™ll only have 2 seconds of downtime with it at Lv1 thanks to the Retention Time attribute it has.

    • Deprotected Zone: -3 points
    • Cure: +1 points
  • Krivis

  • Might wanna to shift at least 2 points from Aukuras into Daino, since more buffs take priority over C1 Krivisā€™ HP Recovery.

    • Aukuras: -2 ~ -3 points
    • Daino: +2 ~ +3 points
  • Bokor C1

  • Hexing is recommended to be at least Lv5. You did this at Bokor C3, but itā€™s a bit more efficient to handle that before then.

    • Zombify: -1 points
    • Hexing: +1 points
  • Bokor C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C3

  • Hexing is now Lv6, thus, you can remove a point from it to place back into Zombify now. However, Samediveve should always be an odd number (Unless you have Cleric C2 Divine Might) and you donā€™t have Effigy at Lv15 which is the recommended level for it, so points will be taken away from Samediveve to accomplish this.

    • Hexing: -1 points
    • Samediveve: -5 points
    • Effigy: +5 points
    • Zombify: +1 points
      OR If you want to keep the movement speed
    • Samediveve: -1 points
    • Zombify: -2 points
    • Hexing: -1 points
    • Damballa: -1 points
    • Effigy: +5 points
  • Druid C1

  • This is fine.

  • Druid C2

  • This is fine.


Sadhu huhā€¦ been awhile since Iā€™ve seen a Bokor-Sadhu. As long as youā€™re aware of the current state of Sadhu from the Sadhu thread, I have no objections.

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • Safety Zone should be at least Lv5. You can remove 2 points from Cure to accomplish this.

    • Cure: -2 points
    • Safety Zone: +2 points
  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • Remove 4 points from Bwa Kayiman; it doesnā€™t need to be higher than Lv1 because of the low damage increase per skill level.

    • Bwa Kayiman: -4 points
    • Zombify or Hexing: +4 points
  • Sadhu C1 - C2

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • Should drop 1 point from Bloodletting or Pandemic here for Fumigate to use when necessary and for future content (As a heads up: Bloodletting only prevents debuffs and does not cure the debuffs already on the target before Bloodletting was used).

    • Bloodletting or Pandemic: -1 points
    • Fumigate: +1 points

RIP :skull_crossbones:

There goes my easy mode damage
We will miss you skull spam (Unless you got wheelchair Zombies).

Thx sir, for the input.

BTW, about this,

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s
Cure: +3 points instead of +1
since 3 points were taken out from Deprotected Zone?

Aaand one last question, hopefully.

I had revised the build according to suggestion, but then this idea came to me, is it bearable to play without Samediveve?

Because Iā€™m thinking of maxing Ogouveve for stronger, but slower, and more realistic zombies <-had to find one extra reason to justify taking away points from Samediveve XD

So my final revision if itā€™s fine playing without Samediveve would be

  • Bokor C2:

  • Samediveve: -4 ~ 5 points

  • Hexing: +1 point (If totally remove Samediveve)

  • Bokor C3:

  • Max Ogouveve

Thanks for taking ur time going through our builds :smiley:

There goes my Dullahan skullspam action! Now I have to throw skulls until the zombies arrive, throw a distraction skull so he loses interest and when hes far enough away, spam more skulls.

ā€¦and hope they wont touch the skulls then.

OR, you could damballa away the normal zombies and keep the wheelchairs.

If only I could, Iā€™m living that Bokor 1 life.

Thanks for your hardwork in maintaining this thread Good Sir @Sixaxis

Glad you got the reference.

Yeah its so costly at lvl 100 right now
I probably will take 40 Spr and go the oracle path to take arcane energy, hopefully it can cover it


  1. Can zombies even scale? I never felt their presence even at earlier levels (40-100) and i heard it gets worse at endgame, they hit like 40dmg each when monster have like 2k hp already.

  2. Does blind do anything in PVE? logically it would be reducing physical attack accuracy, but i cant find any information on this, other than reducing the sight/view in PVP

I wanted to turn off the Effigy:blind attribute while PVE because I believe, it increases your SP cost CMIIW

Zombies, all 3 types, have their own stats that scales on their levels. The zombie levels are based on the level of mobs that they are being raised from. Doing level 117 dungeon, my zombies are biting for around 300 base damage. With Ogouveve and Deprotect zone they can do an average of 700 damage.

edit: Ogouveve, Deprotect Zone AND Hexing

Multiply that by 20 and youā€™ll get 14,000 DPS, assuming ALL the zombies are on the same target which never happens lol

that is a big number! :frowning:

can 3 points in zombify even achieve close to that?

Do note that the scenario required to achieve that number is in the very BEST case scenario when the stars and universe aligns. Thus I would like to re-emphasize the last 3 words on my previoius reply, ā€œwhich never happensā€¦ā€ lol

Mostly itā€™s with the Zombie AI. Say you have 20 zombies and a Boss with no random mobs around. best youā€™ll have say 14 chewing on the boss. 6 of them will be wondering off chasing imaginary butterflies.

What zombies have are strength in numbers. I have maxed Zombify with the extra zomby attribute, giving me a total of 19 zombies. 20 with Divine Might, which iā€™ll always try to use before zombify mostly for a longer lasting Zombify circle. Level 3 Zombify will only give you only 6 zombies(7 with attribute).

One interesting i realized though, with enough zombies chewing on a boss, itā€™s possible to ā€œcrashā€ the boss AI causing it to stop moving or attacking. Iā€™ve only been able to do this on the last boss of the Level 117 dungeon and a few quests bosses. Have not been able to replicate it in Suliai. So not sure if itā€™s just those boss that are affected.


Yup, my bad. Meant +3 Cure instead of +1, good eye. :c

As for your revised build, all of the stat allocations are fine.

No, Ogouveve never goes past Lv1. Thereā€™s no benefit for it since they only get literally 1 extra STR point per skill level, and +AoE Ratio which is pointless since their DPS capabilities fall off noticeably. As noted above, it is possible to make a Full Summoner (Or Lich King) build, but it requires you to practically build almost entirely around the Zombies for Ranks 2 - 6 along with your gears and stat allocation.

I really canā€™t recommend that in their current state. Maybe once Rank 8 comes out and one of the Rank 8 classes gives DPS buffs that work on Zombies, or they improve Ogouveve to scale the INT>STR formula per skill level.

So yeah, the points stay in Samediveve.


Blind in PvE stops the monsters from moving or attacking, as long as the player that has aggro on them isnā€™t directly next to them.

You can turn it off since you can just kite monsters anyway.

1 Like

- (New) Damballa: Remove Knockdown Attribute:
- When the attribute is active, Damballa will no longer knockdown enemies that have been hit."


Wellā€¦ Bokor had 2 negatives. Zombies messing up party targeting, and Damballa being hard to use on regular monsters.



EDIT: Ah wait, reality kicked in and then I realized we havenā€™t even gotten our bug fixes and 2 month old buffs yet.

Which means the day we get fixes and changes altogether is really close?


Eh, probably not.