Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Bokor Thread

I agree with you, I have large zombie lv 35 / wheel lv 25
but I need see who is better in lv 50 for grind.

(nanozander what is your server ?)

Regarding zombies. I just want a reliable way to spawn wheel zombies ONLY. Any non wheel zombie and [tet mamak la] is out the door as a dps skill (itā€™s pretty good since it is a ā€œdotā€ that ā€œstacksā€ and doesnā€™t want/need [bless]).

From my experience, Both attribute zombies are better than the regular ones. Wheelies are great for dungeon runs as youā€™re constantly moving around, and big ones can tank. ā€¦when they reach there.
I play in Telsiai.

You can use my strategy for reference. In Suliai missions, at the last 3 bosses where there isnā€™t a way to spawn zombies. I usually Damballa them all. Then at the last few zombies, Iā€™ll try to look around for a wheelchair zombie and keep it alive while damballa the rest of the normal ones. THEN Iā€™ll spam skulls. Since Iā€™m an INT ZomBokor though, those skulls donā€™t do much damage. But still, quite abit higher than my level 1 effigy.

Depending on your luck, this tactic doesnā€™t work every time. Also, itā€™s fairly useless in anything else other than boss fights as your zombie mob will deal more damage than these skulls.

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Iā€™m both STRless and INTless as a bwakor (Iā€™m just waiting for a sign or something :smile:) so the skulls being independent of my stats are my safest and strongest dps. I cant AA anyway since kbā€™s and kdā€™s are being tossed around like candy on boss fights.

Hi there, iā€™m trying out Bokor for my first cleric and was wondering can anyone help with my build?
Iā€™m going Cleric C1 > Cleric C2 > Bokor C1 > Bokor C2 > Paladin C1 > Oracle C1 > Plague Doctor C1
Currently just reach level 43 but not sure how to build the stat so i still have 46 Stat point. pls and ty

someone already tested the effectiveness of Aukuras on zombies ?
Idk put 15 points on Aukuras or Zalciai e-e

Is the bonus damage of effigy bugged? Iā€™m Lvl132 and the bonus effigy hit from my krausas mace ranges from 2500-3300 from the same target.

The effigy bonus is not flat. It has a variation, if you have effigy lvl 10 it have x1,6 to x2,3 after every 2hit with krausas and 3skill hit. If you have it lvl 15 itā€™s x2,58 to x3,56

Has anyone asked or know if Paladinā€™s Restoration affects zombies at all?

hey how much potential do you think this build have? any advice on improving it? my main mind set is to provide utility and decent dmg for pt and solo (mainly solo)


Statue of Goddess Zemyna
not worth getting it, put all the point in Carve Attack,
it helps you in early game, as well as saving some money.

Bwa Kayiman
Only one point, rest on Zombie

Only one point, rest on Healing Factor and one point on Fumigate

wtf reroll incoming xD

Should take that Paladin out; it serves no benefit for you in an INT Cleric build, and in an STR one, just C1 wouldnā€™t be enough.

As for your stats, an explanation of it is in the first post of the thread under the ā€˜Character Managementā€™ section.

Zalciai should not be leveled past Lv3 in any build because of its terrible scaling per skill Lvl, so you can use those extra points into Aukuras.

As for the usefulness of Lv15 Aukuras for Zombies, itā€™ll keep their HP restored even at the Rank 7 stage if theyā€™re not constantly taking damage. This doesnā€™t even matter much though, since their damage is low at that point. Aukuras + Zombies would only be notable for lazily farming lower-level mobs with higher-level Zombies while only having to check the computer screen every 5 minutes to place Aukuras back again, for rare drops.

Donā€™t go doing anything you shouldnā€™t be doing!

It does not.

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Hello, boys
I want to make a Bokor > Druid > PD build. Iā€™d also like to go at least Cleric C2, just so people donā€™t hate me that much. As you can see, I have 2 circles left! Where to spend them?
Bokor c3 // Bokor c2 Krivis c1 // Anything else you suggest?
Iā€™d like to be well rounded, not full PVE nor PVP

Just dropping by to give my feedback.

Currently at Cleric2>Bokor2 going for Cleric2>Bokor3>Oracle>Kabbalist.

I must say itā€™s a pretty useful all-around build!

Heals are great for solo content, keeping zombie horde alive in normal maps, and keeping allies topped up in dungeons. Bwa kayiman is rad for keeping zombies attached in normal maps and doing perma knockdown in dungeons when no tanks are around.

Hex+Effigy is a pretty good DPS device as well. Itā€™s excellent for sustained damage against bosses, but forces you to guzzle high-end SP pots if kept up for too long. Either that, or constantly spam bonfires to save on cash.

Dependence on hex+effigy definitely needs safety zone though, as standing still leaves you vulnerable to mobs and hard-hitting skills. I plan to swap deprotected zone for safety zone and put a point in mackangdal once I hit kabbalist and I decide to buy a skill reset potion.

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Thanks to the guys who helped me with my previous comment.

Now I have some questions about Bwa Kayiman. Iā€™m just curious about something since Iā€™m not C2 yet. When do you people think is best to use that spell? What is the best purpose it can provide? Is it worth to use it regularly? and can you use other spells while using Bwa Kayiman or will the ā€œtrainā€ break?

Thanks in advance!

recently ktos buff priest blessing which opens a path for a bokor, would be it a viable build for bokor now? int/spirit buffs damage and now it scales with blessing too, thoughts?

Hi everyone i was wondering if someone could critique my build and give me some tips on which attributes i shoud take.

I wanted to go with a support/utility Bokor but still have nice damage.
Cleric C2 - More tiles for healing. And having acess to fade and divine might is nice
Bokor C3 - Want to get the most damage out of this class as possible so circle 3 it is.
Oracle C1 - Got this to increase the support and utility of my char, also the spirte for oracle is cool. Also debating going for druid for a bit more dps if i go kabbalist.
Kabbalist C1 - Mainly got this for the SP regen to help ease the mana problems for myself and for others. Also debating whether or not to go with PD for the extra damage and sticking with oracle for the added utility.
Want all the feedback I can get.

really liked bokor thus trying to create a build that is useful in parties
and solo play as well as pvp. Would wanna hear some useful criticism thanks in advance.

So itā€™s Cleric -> Cleric C2 -> Bokor -> ? -> ? -> Druid -> Plague Doctor?

You can, like you said, go Krivis -> Bokor C2, or go Bokor C2 -> Bokor C3. You could also go Bokor C2 -> Pardoner mainly for Discerning Evilā€™s use with Incineration.

@Stonesettler Glad to see youā€™re enjoying it! \o/ Just make sure not to Damballa your Zombies while they have Revenged 7x on them (I do it by accident too much in Missions), or else youā€™ll regret it 5ever.

  • When you want to keep your Zombies caught up with your character
  • When youā€™re in a situation where it benefits you to CC the enemies while other party members damage them (Dungeon run with no Healer or no Tank)
  • [Bokor C3] Throwing Tet Mamak on the Boss, placing Damballa over it, and then using Bwa Kayiman so the Zombies rush towards that spot, for Bosses that use knockbacks.

Continuous CC Knockdown

In dungeons, if youā€™re in a situation where your party members would be in danger from the mobs attacking them because of few heals or no tank, then yes. Otherwise you just use it to lure the whole room of mobs into one spot (Monsters will aggro onto your Zombies). Thereā€™s no point in regularly using it for CC after the mobs are lured if you have a Tank to keep their attention or good heals.

Nope, only Bwa Kayiman.

Priest was always an option for Bokor even before this buff, but the requirement of Priest C2 still remains. Priest C2 or nothing!

Also, thanks to this buff, weā€™re probably never getting Blessing working on Zombies again. 20 Zombies dealing 1k+ damage every hit is a bit ridiculous.

\o Welcome!

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • You donā€™t need all of those points into Safety Zone; just Lv5 will do. Also, Deprotected Zone shouldnā€™t be leveled past Lv1 as youā€™ll only have 2 seconds of downtime at lv1 thanks to the Retention Time Attribute. The Attribute at Lv3 isnā€™t really worth leveling it to Lv3 for.

    • Safety Zone: -5 points
    • Deprotected Zone: -2 points
    • Cure: +7 points
  • Bokor C1

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C2

  • This is fine.

  • Bokor C3

  • This is fine.

  • Oracle

  • This is fine.

  • Plague Doctor

  • This is fine.

Kabbalist is situational. For single-targets (Bosses), you can spam Effigy non-stop or allow another party member to spam skills non-stop, so itā€™s better for damage in that aspect. Revenged 7x is also good as a one-time life-saver for party members. But Plague Doctor is overall the better class thanks to its debuff and recovery support and AoE damage.

  • Cleric C1 - C2

  • Should take 1 point from Cure here for Deprotected Zone; itā€™s a useful skill for Boss monsters when in a party that scales off your SPR.

    • Cure: -1 points
    • Deprotected Zone: +1 points
  • Bokor C1 - C2

  • Since youā€™re planning on using this for PvP, then you should have Mackangdal at Lv5. Zombify should be at least Lv3 and Tet Mamak La + Bwa Kayiman at Lv1 along with it, so if youā€™re not interested in the Zombie skills (Which are situational for PvP anyway), then you can drop the 1 point from Zombify for Mackangdal. So you have 2 choices:

    • Zombify: -1 points
    • Mackangdal: +1 points
    • Hexing: -5 points
    • Tet Mamak La: +1 points
    • Zombify: +2 points
    • Mackangdal: +1 points
    • Bwa Kayiman: +1 points
  • Dievdirby C1 - C2

  • Had this been for PvE I wouldnā€™t of recommended Dievdirby at all, but, Carve Attack doesnā€™t scale very well per skill level and itā€™s physical damage so weā€™re gonna allocate some points from it for your other skills. Also, you should have Carve Vakarine at Lv1 for the EZ Teleport.

    • Carve Attack: -5 points
    • Statue of Goddess Zemnya: -1 points (Only a 2 SP difference)
    • Carve World Tree: +4 points
    • Statue of Goddess Laima: +1 points (For only 2 seconds of downtime)
    • Carve Vakarine: +1 points
  • Plague Doctor

  • Should place 1 point here into Fumigate for removing debuffs from party members. You should also consider 1 point into Beak Mask too. 1 point can be taken from Healing Factor and Pandemic each, or 2 from Pandemic for this.

    • Healing Factor and/or Pandemic: -2 points total
    • Fumigate: +1 points
    • Beak Mask: +1 points