Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Bokor Thread

Well, the Wheelchair Zombie doesn’t pick up Tet Mamak La like the other 2 zombies, so it allows you to easily DPS with it. Other than that, nope.

The buff is odd though; I would’ve preferred something that ‘scales’ like a better Ogouveve buff so they could just say “Here you go, enjoy forever”. This is still very much appreciated though! Now we just have to wait for it to get here… in a month…

I have issue with casting Hexing during world boss when there’s many players. Even thou i have no zombie out, it still wont allow me to cast my Hexing. Anyway to work around this? If not, this bokor is gonna be shelfed… :frowning:

I’ve never had this problem before (On Mouse and Controller mode) without Zombies out, so I can’t give any advice for it sadly. The next time it happens, try distancing yourself a bit (But not outside of the Hexing cast range) and using it again, as being too close-up may be skewing the targeting. Hopefully that does something.

Thanks for the advice. I will try it out.


That happens to me a lot of times when hexing bosses. Just swap your weapons when you cannot hex a boss and then cast hex again.

You are just a lovely person to answer so many questions about bokor.
Well, my situation is weird though. I’m trying to make bokor viable on pvp but just can’t find a useful set of classes. I thought pardoner should be cool because its debyff would make my plague doc incinerate with more 10 seconds.
Diev would have a hell of a silence.
Actually I’m still wondering if it’s worth it to have bokor 3.
But by any chance, could you choose the best combination of classes below and if you think on any better than that, could you also explain me why?
Also, zombieless is better than zombies on pvp, right?
Then… here it goes the list:
Cleric 2 (always)

Bokor 2 > Diev 2 > Plague Doc
Bokor 2 > Pardoner > Druid > Plague Doc
Bokor 3 > Druid > Plague Doc
Bokor 3 > Druid 2


Thanks, i shall try that out too. :slight_smile:

No problem; happy to help! \o/

Let’s see:

It would be, thanks to Effigy’s wonderful bonus damage scaling and Mackangdal/Samediveve improvements. Especially in the PvP Arena, whenever we get it.

This depends. Generally, yes, because you won’t have the opportunity to summon Zombies often. But if the situation arises, then you could use the summoned Zombies as ‘shields’ by using them as a ‘wall’ and Effigy’ing your opponent from behind them. Like I said though, this is situational, so although it ‘is’ possible, I won’t recommend it over for PvP purposes. You could still manage to fit Zombify in at Lv3 while keeping Effigy/Mackangdal/Samediveve all maxed though (Samediveve @ Lv9).

Bokor C3 > Druid > Plague Doc wins because:
Bokor C3: Reasons listed above in Zombie/Zombieless discussion.

Druid: Telepath + Carnivory. You can control an enemy and have them walk into Carnivory or any other dangerous AoE’s. This is irrelevant but, I saw a kToS field PvP vid awhile ago where the guy/girl Telepath’d the other person and had them slowly walk into their horde of Zombies to die by them. As funny and interesting as that was, it’s not really practical.

Plague Doc: The skills themselves are self-explanatory. Even with the (PvP Arena) nerfs on it, it’s still a strong class for PvP.

╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝


The buffs quite good given they actually do damage through rank 3-5 now

Thank you very much!
I really appreciate all the attention you givin’ to this post.

It’s not even Halloween yet. :scream:

Can someone highlevel confirm that Effigy blind attribute still works?
I do not think i have seen it “proc” for a couple of weeks. I know i have seen it when i first got the attribut.

I’ve stumbled something I never read anywhere. Effigy seems to be a dark property STRIKE magic attack. And thus, a wizard’s Lethargy with attribute will highly increase the damage. I can’t see that written anywhere, so we’ve made a video:

I’ve noticed that my Effigy sometimes does absurdly high dmg on bosses and missions and wondered why xD

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Can you try equiping a sword with that?

I used a rod and a mace, both triggered the increased dmg. So its effigy that triggers it, not the weapon you’re equipped with.

Krausas mace vs catacombs club

Which weapon is better late game?
I’m broke so I can’t really test this out

Oh? Which means it has the same weakness as the physical one against some types of monsters?

Effigy seems to be magical strike damage. Thats all I can say for now. I still need to test out if mobs resistent against strike attacks actually get less dmg.

You know of any mobs resistent against strikes?

Really depends on what you mean “better”?
Both are great in diffrent situations.
Catacombs club is doing more phys/magic dmg, gives HP, SP-reg and so on.
Krausas is good when you “farming” mid level mobs where you can 2 hit.

But for late game i never use Krausas anymore (I use Catacombs club).
If you just looking for pure MATK you can upgrade a “Superior Corona Rod”.

What about those Yognomes at Tenet Chapel?