Tree of Savior Forum

[Chrono] Reincarnate: your success since patch?

Hello my lovely Players of Time and Space,
my dear fellow Chronos,

it’s time to get a small statistics together.
I have questions about your success on bosses and please, lets be honest. No bragging please. It won’t help any of us to figure out if something is working as intended or bugged.

Q1. Current Level of your Chrono & Level of reincarnate
Q2. When was the last time you successfully reincarnate a Missionboss?
Q3. When was the last time you succesfully reincarnate a Worldboss?
Q4. When was the last time you succesfully reincarnate a Dungeonboss?
Q5. Anything you’d like to add?

So I’ll make a start:

A1. Info

  • lvl 280 Cryo-Chrono with lvl 3 Reincarnate
  • lvl 190+ Linker-Chrono with lvl 1 Reincarnate

A2. Missionbosses

  • I have no issues to reincarnate Missionbosses. I have reincarnated Golem on my Babychrono (Lvl 140 Mission) & Tree at least twice since last patch.
    I have read, for some other Chronos Bosses with buff and killed in the timeframe did not respawn and seem to have bugged out.

A3. Worldbosses

  • Since patch I get 2/5 times the failed message. 3/5 times I get no message at all. I managed to reincarnate Dullahan twice with the reincarnate buff timer ticking down the exact way.

A4. Dungeonbosses
Truth to be told, this is one of the main reasons for this thread. Since the damn Reincarnate bug which was causing channels to crash and the applied fix later on, I have not managed to reincarnate a single boss in any dungeon I have been to. I mainly run 130, 175 or 200 every day. I had regular reincarnate success pre-patch. Now since the channel bug & fix not one double Manticen, Harpy or Mineloader spawn. Neither I have seen the buff applied on the boss, resisted and - since the newest patch - not even once seen the “failed message” appear.

A5: none

In short:

  • Missionbosses - yes (Saalus included)
  • Worldbosses - yes
  • Dungeonbosses - not since reincarnation bug

For bosshunting this is a terrible patch. So they made that reincarnate works like stop. It can only be applied once. If it fails no other Chrono has a chance to apply it. Question is, will they get a failed message? Do you only get the message when you have applied it but it got “resisted”?
You do not know if another Chrono has already tried and failed, which is the worst in my opinion. You don’t know if your reincarnate failed because it failed or it was already applied because message will only appear to party not globaly.

So now please be so kind and share your current experience with us.

Edit: I updated the first topic and would like to have a statement of IMC, why it seems Reincarnate has been deactivated for dungeons?! Or at least it’s successrate dramaticly reduced to somewhat like zero.


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Q1. Chrono 133 Reincarnate 1
Q2. 4 reincarnations in 12 missions, so it’s 1/12 (4/48).


Chrono 161, reincarnate 1.
Since I have Chrono, I had around 53 missions, and 45 boss rushes in dungeons.
Im trying use reincarnate on every run.
In missions Im trying usually 2 times, on golem and on one of the smaller bosses.
My success rate:
0 in missions.
0 in dungeons.

Hey. :slight_smile: Yesherday you reincarnate Tree, not golem. :slight_smile: 2 x cube from one mission. :smiley:

lvl 242 cryo chrono reincarnate lvl 1 tons of dungeons and mission
success dungeon:0
success mission: 2

Mission bosses get reincarnated just fine.

Success rate on dungeon bosses has been almost non-existent, but I did manage to reincarnate Prison Cutter (240 dungeon sub boss) once.

For world bosses, I’m still reincarnating Dullahan just fine so no bug there I think.

I have level 1 Reincarnate.

Hi, I have a Level 200 Chrono with Reincarnate level 1.

-I use Reincarnate in almost every Mission Boss (4~8/day) and once per Dungeon Boss (2/day).

-Since I got Chrono (about level 130), I managed to successfully cast reincarnate in Mission / Dungeon bosses about 6~10 times, which gives me an awful success rate (1 success per about 100 tries). For me it’s hard to believe there are people getting 1 success per 10 tries or so.

-Since the Patch, I didn’t get any success reincarnating any bosses and I got the message that I failed only once. It got me thinking that I am doing something wrong (maybe the message not showing up means that I actually didn’t casted the skill on the boss?)

A lot of times I have targeting issues with the bosses and if I cast Reincarnate on the instant my target floats to something other than the boss, it is casted anyhow; that is probably the cause of my terrible success rate.

never worked for me… i guess its a sign that i shouldnt mess with the dead

Was Prison Cutter in dungeon pre or after reincarnate bug and patch?
The main question I try to figure out is if they somehow deactivated reincarnate in dungeons to fix the channel crashing ■■■■…

Was about 3 days ago so post-bug fix but pre-notice patch?

In my reincarnation experience, I think it works often enough. I have for sure 1 reincarnation for 3 missions no less. Dungeon 130 reincarnation doesn’t seem to work so don’t be upset it wont work at all. (I don’t know about other dungeons)

The skill reincarnation Has to be at REALLY CLOSE RANGE, like you get him a hug.

Reincarnation work at 100% on small, medium and large monsters, and close to 10% for bosses (from what i got since the patch).

FYI Once you failed you can’t try again. Once you succeed you can’t try again on the same boss. The skill “works” if a message shows up or if a debuff appears on the monster. If not, well the skill didn’t touch the monster.

Q1. Current Level of your Chrono & Level of reincarnate 277 char level 3 skill level

Q2. When was the last time you successfully reincarnate a Missionboss? befor patch successfully around 1/12 attempt. didn’t try after the patch

Q3. When was the last time you succesfully reincarnate a Worldboss? for the all time (before the patch) success 2 times 1 on Archon and 1 on Necroventer. didn’t try after the patch
Q4. When was the last time you succesfully reincarnate a Dungeonboss? before the patch 2 time in 240dun. after putch no 1 time and no 1 fail notis.
Q5. Anything you’d like to add? I had a lot of try to apply the skill, I can not count them. must be something wrong at least with bosses in dungeons. I think developers should do fully test this skill and possibly rework it because now it does not justify even a single point invested in it

i saw yesterday my debuff of reincarnate in a dungeon boss and nothing happened c: n i c e im sure its bugged

10 missions
reincarnate lv1
chrono 226
succes 4/10

I think I get about 1-2 success from all three mission runs per day. For dungeons it’s abysmal and buggy? Sometimes there’s a notice of failure. Sometimes there’s nothing so I have no idea if my reincarnation actually hit or not.

  • Level 176 Chrono, Level 1 Reincarnate
  • Earlier this day, I was able to reincarnate 2 bosses (Poata & Mole) in one run, and 0 in the others (total of 3 runs)
  • Haven’t tried world boss
  • Dungeon bosses cannot be reincarnated from my experience, 0 out of many times I tried.
  • Well, I always try reincarnating bosses on mission runs to get more Exp, as we all do, but after the last maintenance/patch this week ( July 5th ) all bosses I reincarnated was all on FULL HEALTH (100%) this was different from my reincarnates last week before the maintenance/patch, which all of them was at LOW HP (around 20k to 50k HP remaining on the reincarnated boss) so I think it was actually changed, well that’s from my experience on reincarnate, I don’t know about the others LOL

A1 : 185/7 Chrono 2, level 1 Reincarnate

A2 : Has been a while, before the patch. Out of ~30 mission boss reinc tries i only successfully did it 1 time.

A3 : Never

A4 : Before the patch. Out of ~200 tries i managed to reinc the level 90 dungeon boss ~3 times.

A5 : I’m curious if anyone tried max level reincarnate, to see if maybe level 15 reinc not only has a longer duration but maybe also has a much higher success rate against bosses.

A1 : Chrono level 280 , Reincarnate level 1

A2 : Through out whole leveling procedure . There was 1 time i manage to Reincarnate the tree boss in mission and succeed but we couldnt kill it on time and the game port us out of the mission . Its like a troll . so close yet so far LOL

Yeah the tree has reincarnated with full HP not once, but twice. Incredibly annoying.

I just reincarnated tree for the 1st time with 10% hp left :smiley:

Result 2 cubeeeeeee omg im so happy :3