Tree of Savior Forum

[Chrono] Reincarnate: your success since patch?

Small update from my side

Babychrono 191 / Reincarnate 1:
I managed to reincarnate Missionbosses, Golem, Poata, Mole and even Tree several times.
I have not managed to reincarnate a single boss from the 130er dungeon daily run.

Chrono 280 / Reincarnate 3:
No regular Mission runs, no success in Saalus, but seen buff applied.
I managed to reincarnate Dullahan twice. I had the buff applied on Ellaganos, wasn’t killed in time though.
I did not manage to reincarnate/nore get buff/resist or failure message of my 175er daily runs.

Might as well add something I’ve noticed the past two weeks:
Golem 3 low and 1 full HP.
Mole all 6 were full HP.
Poata 1 low and 1 full HP.
Had one successfull Tree respawn, which appeared with low HP. And sadly one reincarnation with double spawn and both full HP.

A1. 221 with lv 5 reincarnate
A2. 1 time only
A3. Never i mean i never seen WB alive (lol)
A4. Never even 10-20 time of Dungeon instance
A5. Rate of succress of reincarnate cuz that 2min-2&halfmin was very long cd

With 286 dullahan killed I will say that I did around 1/10 reincarnation.

more or less the same for saalus last boss.

I double reincarnated dullahan a few also.

A guildie informed me that dungeon bosses that don’t drop cubes (i.e. the intermediate bosses except things like Mineloader) can still be reincarnated. Those that drop cubes cannot. This is consistent with my observations. Seems more like an intentional nerf than a bug tbh.

I just reincarnated the lv 90 dungeon boss, which drops cubes.
He reincarnated with 100% hp (full hp).

Did the patch fix it somehow?

Dangit. Sometimes the skill doesnt land at all :c Dont even get an error message…

I encountered this also, I guess we wasn’t able to cast it properly or not within the range of the skill, so what I do now is, use my haste then move far a bit back so I wouldn’t get knockdown-ed then run into it when it has around 20-50k HP depending on the party’s DPS, so just cast beside the boss, while facing to it. :grin:

Gues PLS Say. reincarnate no longer reincarnated boss nowhere. it is a Bug or Fix

Chrono 257, Reincarnate 1.
Important: To sucessfully reincarnate a monster you must be at melee with him and have your character facing the monster.

Reincarnated several times missions bosses, some seem harder to reincarnate than others. The golem is easier to reincarnate than the tree and the mole. Never been able to reincarnate Poata so far.

Reincarnated some fields bosses. Necroventer, Canceril, Archon, Abomination
Reincarnated many dungeon bosses (instance)

Never been able to reincarnate World Bosses (tried Mineloader, & Deathweaver) Nothing happens no messages at all. im gonna try again to confirm sometime later in case I messed up.