Tree of Savior Forum

🌸 Some info about the future plans on TOS 🌸

We kept asking them to work on this instead since EA, but nah they went with other alternatives.

I liked the initial effort they put in the game’s damage/def design, somewhat complex in a way that it requires careful steps to get to the build you want while being effective all the while staying simple to be understood if you take the time to understand it.

The flat values worked once, but I feel like they completely abandoned the initial design, and instead of revisiting and updating those they introduced new things and went crazy with multipliers instead.

By what they are saying now, we can only hope they’d actually go down to the root of this scaling issue and not just again put any more toppings on top of an unstable cake.


550% is WAY too absurd, it should be 100% at level 10 max(10% each level) not this 550% :poop:.

Despite that, i’m pretty okay with transcendence system myself.


[about transcendent] Perhaps the reverse we have today should occur: higher initial bonus > lower bonuses at the end. Would reduce the distance between the players.

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Here’s the current damage formula, from the thread by @EternalDream

(((((Skill Attack + (Effective Attack * (100% - Level Penalty)) + (random(0% … 100%) * Magic Amplification)) * (100% + Base Modifier)) - (Effective Defense + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack) + Extra Elemental Attack + Enemy Specific Damage) * (100% + Skill Modifier) * (100% + Common Modifier) * (100% + Target Modifier) * (100% + Enhance Modifier) + Bonus Damage

To put it out in simply is more of

(((Total Attack - Total Defence) + Bonuses [ele/monster type etc] ) * Modifiers )) + Bonus damage (blessing etc)

For this transcendence topic and how it affects the game so much we have to look into the part which is bolded.

Total attack is mainly made up of 2 components (we will discount the level penalties and magic amp for now), the attack from the skill itself and the physical/magic attack. Each point of our attack stat adds 1 to either patk or matk. So if we add on equipment such as weapons it will look like the following.

Total Attack = Skill attack + Str/Int [Patk or Matk] + Weapon attack value + attack value of other gears [headgear, bracelets etc]

Till now, the attack damage from weapons without transcendence is somehow balanced against the stats a player will have if they choose to invest in a damage stat (STR/INT). For example, at level 330, a swordsman with 100con and rest all STR will have around 600-700 STR total, and it matches the damage of the equipment of the level. Example Galeslasher (Purple 315) with an attack value of 427 - 793. This makes STR looks extremely attractive as investing in it contributes a good portion of the damage in the total attack formula.

Total Attack = Skill + 650 (avg str attk) + 600 (avg sword attk). An attack stat makes up 50% of the attack, good.

Then it comes the 1st punch… let’s take Doppel’s Zwerchhau, 7926 skill attack. It becomes

Total Attack = 7926 + 650 + 600. Now the attack stat makes up around 7% of the attack.

Transcendance is the 2nd of the one-two punch… we just take lv7 transcendence, not lv10, +280%. Weapon becomes 1623 - 3013 with an average of 2318 attack. And now the total attack becomes…

Total Attack = 7926 + 650 + 2318. How much does strength give to the damage? A mere 6%.

Things have to change, the devs also come to realise that the further down they go, the even lesser impact the core stats like STR/INT/SPR will have. At R10 level 450+?, an average weapon wouldn’t just have a 600 average attack but will probably be around the 1200-1500 range. Even with the core stat bonuses adding 1500 to the attack value it will never ever match the skill damage nor the transcended weapon damage, will probably contribute like 3-5% of the overall attack. It makes investing in STR/INT really weak now.

I like what @Andraax suggested, reducing the damage % increases of transcendence will make the game more balanced in terms of stat investment. But we will also have to make changes to the skill damage portion too. At the very least have core stats affecting the total value of the skill damage, so that the resultant total attack will be a good harmony of core stat+skill damage+equipment damage each with a 1:1:1 ratio.

@ZeroFoxGiven also give a very interesting and unique take on transcendence too, it is an idea worth exploring. One gripe which I have with transcendence is the neccessity and time needed for it. Almost everyone runs saalus every single day as a daily. I for example, runs saalus daily with 6-7 characters, takes up too much time. It is now viewed as a must and not as something which is optional, to have transcended equipment in order not to deal mediocre damage at high level maps.

With transcendence tied to the character’s equipment slot makes it more worthwhile to start upgrading and not waiting for the best in slot in order to use it. And like what ZeroFoxGiven said, it makes it more team friendly too as players can switch/pass-down equipment or try out new equipment.

Hmm, expanding on the transcendence on equipment slot idea, how about having transcendence amplify the equipment’s stats instead of just straight up atk/def bonus increment? Let’s marry both Zero’s and Andraax’s ideas:

Transcendance: Increase effectiveness of equipped item’s stats.

Stage 1: +5% effectiveness
Stage 2: +10% effectiveness
Stage 3: +20% effectiveness
Stage 4: +35% effectiveness
Stage 5: +55% effectiveness
Stage 6: +80% effectiveness
Stage 7: +110% effectiveness
Stage 8: +145% effectiveness
Stage 9: +185% effectiveness
Stage 10: +230% effectiveness

Items such as Max Petamion equipped on a lv7 transcended neck slot will give

+27 str
+27 dex
+27 con
+27 int
+27 spr

Or equipped an Ignition Rod on lv10 transcended main hand slot…

17% chance to inflict [Burn] on an enemy for 10 seconds

It changes the entire dynamics of gearing, promotes a variety of more builds based off equipment and overall makes the game more interesting than just straight up BiS weapon + gear with max atk and def. Even low level equipments such as Zachariel Bangle becomes more attractive to use with this implementation. It also allows the devs more room for creativity, allowing them to come up with equipment with unique abilities rather than just straight up damage or defence. Like a weapon with 40% of its level attack but with a 20% chance to deal every hit in 3 hits etc.


I was about to quit, but this makes me change my mind. Thank you for this, I’m looking forward for this update here in iTOS.

be warned, it will be months after JTOS updates before we get it here

You should probably make a new thread with this suggestion to make sure it reaches the dev team. :slight_smile:

I like your idea best.

I always found it weird when SCR, a white gear, used to be BIS for mAtk builds pre-R8. With your idea, white & blue will be viable even at endgame, but purple and orange ones would still be BIS so players will still have goals, gear-wise.

This even makes gearing more dynamic ie. players will now want to acquire and bring along more than one set of gear (e.g. plate, cloth, leather, more movespeed, more mDef, more HP, different gem sets, etc.) to adjust to the enemy they’re dealing without worrying that the alt gear is underpowered (since Transcendence applies per slot). Hardcore players will appreciate this flexibility.

A win-win for both new and veterans.


Sadly the chance of imc agreeing to this idea is very very low…


Or even understanding it.


Wish me luck guys. I’ll be holding the IMC HQ hostage until someone agreed to hire @Nekorin .

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines please help us pass @Nekorin ideas to dev team. It is rare to have a constructive comment like this. Please don’t waste it. :slight_smile:


I feel like even if we did change the transcendence so that we can have interesting equipments in the game, it’s still up to the devs to have interesting ideas about it which i’m worried about. They should ask around suggestions from players.

Also end game solmiki mobs and rank 8 will have to be considerably toned down in HP since there will be a serious dip in dps with the glassmole cheese being indirectly nerfed also

Blessing shard requirement will have to be much less as people will complain that they invested too much on it with much less returns which would make people who have tons of shards/crafted gems that they bought or traded to be mad since all those will be untradeable and most people were investing too much on powerspikes. They’ll have to tradable on team storage which I’m cool with.

Also it would kinda defeat the purpose of making stat point relevant in specific ways. If you look at how much stats the orange weapon/shield like emengard shield/skull smasher/heart of glory etc. , it would cover quite a lot of stat point. It will shift the balance of weaponry quite a lot towards clerics.

I feel as though we need to wait until they released info about how they reworking str/int/spr before we touch transcendence.


I’ll presume @Nekorin’s idea would also of course include some tweaks with existing gear.

It felt like IMC got super lazy with game design and they’re only realizing the effects of that now. “New monsters with uber stats? Let’s give the same to players as well!” Hence the 315 purples and oranges and Solmiki.

The problem is the difficulty in acquiring these new gears. There’s even RNG involved.

The current state of transcendence only widened the divide between players.

Those with already high/max trans can easily own most content, even monopolizing things to themselves (WBs, GvG rewards, farming 315 mats, etc.), leaving those on the low end to struggle with subpar, untranscended/low-trans gear while saving up for that 315, stuck in farming pre-R8 maps while competing with bots and AFK/macroers.

Let transcendence benefit all players, not punish those who are struggling w/ R8 content just to get their hands on a 315.


To me, it does benefit all players. It either provides income or a sure way to progress in the game. They’ll just have to re-balance the r8 field mobs but imo it’s quite casual except for the really new players. It benefits multiple char accounts and even 1 character account if geared to the teeth to the point of being so reliable in farming/running end-game content. If we tweak transcendence to be like 1/3 or 1/4 value of % of right now, whales or RMT players will look onto other ways of progressing into the game which is enhancing gears to the absolute teeth to compensate for the loss resulting probably in division of players. Right now, blessed shards are free as long as you run dungeon. Enhancing gears though is all RNG with a lot of silvers involve. AFK farmers or macro bots will probably be able to get enough golden anvils and silvers to do this.

Yes. They promised new rank 8 white/blue weapons months ago but like completely forgot lol

if they steal Nekorin idea and dont give appropriate credits to her

i will quit tree of forum as well coz i aint gonna stay with a company that steals.
they steal enough addons already

Tree of Mr Kim now has becomes

Tree of Stealing random ideas from forum so why we pay 4000usd salary to game designer anyway


I hope that you guys will do a poll to get this to imc, cause it’s really something that is needed as a remake of transcendance, having it to affect the whole stuff itself, and a big nerf to it so it doesn’t make it to unbalance at the same time ^^

Let’s hope that they look into the ridiculous amounts of magic resist mobs have in rank 8 content too.

having one good idea about one game mechanic is kinda useless in the overall game balance, as we have literally zero idea how they want to rebalance various characters and monster stats, let alone skills.

send this to IMC NOW, so they can have a look, and for the love of god let them put this in the game!.

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