Tree of Savior Forum

🌸 Some info about the future plans on TOS 🌸

Too bad we’ll never get MonHun levels of quality AI.

Trans broke the game too much. I mean +550% weapon atk? FFS :confused:
It should give like 10 times less.


Yes transcendence broke the game until core attack stats such as STR and INT are negligible . I wonder how will they change the damage calculation formula so that it will improve the game + not discount the efforts of the players who managed to make high transcended equipment.

It also affected thauma and linkers3 greatly.

New server with all new system? :joy:

May I link my suggestion to balance the transcendence system:

Too late now…if they nerf transcendence it will risk backlash from whales and RMTers who invested heavily into it and IMC needs their long term support :grin:


What if they made it so that Transcendence is character-bound, meaning you only transcend the gear slot and the effect applies to any current gear you’re using on that slot?

This would allow players to invest on Transcendence early on without worries while not gimped on damage/defense as they approach higher levels.

Right now, a lot wouldn’t use Transcendence as they’re yet to craft that 315 weapon but is having problems getting the needed mats (Practonium’s RNG nature most notably) or don’t have Lolo gear yet causing them issues like not dealing enough damage and not having enough p/m def dealing with content around their current level as they’re forced to use untranscended 170-220 gear. Seems like this is where most of those scaling issues come from.

This also allows sharing of equipment within teams as well as not having to worry about needing to transcend more than one weapon at once which is a boon to most Archer builds (xbow, offhand, 2h bow, rifle, sword) and some Swordsman builds (1h spear, shield, 2h spear, etc.).


■■■■ your char? Looks like a lame mobile game idea.


Transcended gears aren’t tradeable anyways. Why not? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Transcending new weapons is a nice time/silversink.

Upgrading your char to give it a universal atk increase with no drawbacks is even wronger than a current transcendence system.

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Spoilers: They don’t plan on it.

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There’s a drawback. You still need good gear to make the most of it which I’m pretty sure lots of hardcore players already have. They still have the edge when it comes to that.

The advantage of this for new players or at least those who doesn’t have the resources to run more than 5 alts at a time every day is that they won’t be too f*cked by the content’s scaling as they go up and work to get to the good gear.

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Compared to the current trans? You need to gear anyway. But don’t need to transcend items for every tier.

Making everything ez is not good.

Don’t have time to play the game? Such players should be beyond anyay.

Yeah, let’s counter lazy concepts with other lazy concepts.

It’s beter to fix them properly ↓

I take it the game is “hardcore” then. This was all just ideas anyways.

Still, the way they’re wording their planned “fix” is too vague at the moment so we’re all just speculating on what the expect.

Hope it’s not Agny kind of lazy. “There’s a lot of things involved with reworking those skills, specifically to make them scale sensibly to later content. Here’s an item instead.”


Yeah, I want an OP necklace for my ele, but they could just give initial % modifiers to all skills (50~70% of agni).

Those necklaces are the top tier of being lazy.

Or maybe IMC doesn’t want to admit that flat bonuses were a bad idea.

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We kept asking them to work on this instead since EA, but nah they went with other alternatives.

I liked the initial effort they put in the game’s damage/def design, somewhat complex in a way that it requires careful steps to get to the build you want while being effective all the while staying simple to be understood if you take the time to understand it.

The flat values worked once, but I feel like they completely abandoned the initial design, and instead of revisiting and updating those they introduced new things and went crazy with multipliers instead.

By what they are saying now, we can only hope they’d actually go down to the root of this scaling issue and not just again put any more toppings on top of an unstable cake.


550% is WAY too absurd, it should be 100% at level 10 max(10% each level) not this 550% :poop:.

Despite that, i’m pretty okay with transcendence system myself.


[about transcendent] Perhaps the reverse we have today should occur: higher initial bonus > lower bonuses at the end. Would reduce the distance between the players.

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Here’s the current damage formula, from the thread by @EternalDream

(((((Skill Attack + (Effective Attack * (100% - Level Penalty)) + (random(0% … 100%) * Magic Amplification)) * (100% + Base Modifier)) - (Effective Defense + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack) + Extra Elemental Attack + Enemy Specific Damage) * (100% + Skill Modifier) * (100% + Common Modifier) * (100% + Target Modifier) * (100% + Enhance Modifier) + Bonus Damage

To put it out in simply is more of

(((Total Attack - Total Defence) + Bonuses [ele/monster type etc] ) * Modifiers )) + Bonus damage (blessing etc)

For this transcendence topic and how it affects the game so much we have to look into the part which is bolded.

Total attack is mainly made up of 2 components (we will discount the level penalties and magic amp for now), the attack from the skill itself and the physical/magic attack. Each point of our attack stat adds 1 to either patk or matk. So if we add on equipment such as weapons it will look like the following.

Total Attack = Skill attack + Str/Int [Patk or Matk] + Weapon attack value + attack value of other gears [headgear, bracelets etc]

Till now, the attack damage from weapons without transcendence is somehow balanced against the stats a player will have if they choose to invest in a damage stat (STR/INT). For example, at level 330, a swordsman with 100con and rest all STR will have around 600-700 STR total, and it matches the damage of the equipment of the level. Example Galeslasher (Purple 315) with an attack value of 427 - 793. This makes STR looks extremely attractive as investing in it contributes a good portion of the damage in the total attack formula.

Total Attack = Skill + 650 (avg str attk) + 600 (avg sword attk). An attack stat makes up 50% of the attack, good.

Then it comes the 1st punch… let’s take Doppel’s Zwerchhau, 7926 skill attack. It becomes

Total Attack = 7926 + 650 + 600. Now the attack stat makes up around 7% of the attack.

Transcendance is the 2nd of the one-two punch… we just take lv7 transcendence, not lv10, +280%. Weapon becomes 1623 - 3013 with an average of 2318 attack. And now the total attack becomes…

Total Attack = 7926 + 650 + 2318. How much does strength give to the damage? A mere 6%.

Things have to change, the devs also come to realise that the further down they go, the even lesser impact the core stats like STR/INT/SPR will have. At R10 level 450+?, an average weapon wouldn’t just have a 600 average attack but will probably be around the 1200-1500 range. Even with the core stat bonuses adding 1500 to the attack value it will never ever match the skill damage nor the transcended weapon damage, will probably contribute like 3-5% of the overall attack. It makes investing in STR/INT really weak now.

I like what @Andraax suggested, reducing the damage % increases of transcendence will make the game more balanced in terms of stat investment. But we will also have to make changes to the skill damage portion too. At the very least have core stats affecting the total value of the skill damage, so that the resultant total attack will be a good harmony of core stat+skill damage+equipment damage each with a 1:1:1 ratio.

@ZeroFoxGiven also give a very interesting and unique take on transcendence too, it is an idea worth exploring. One gripe which I have with transcendence is the neccessity and time needed for it. Almost everyone runs saalus every single day as a daily. I for example, runs saalus daily with 6-7 characters, takes up too much time. It is now viewed as a must and not as something which is optional, to have transcended equipment in order not to deal mediocre damage at high level maps.

With transcendence tied to the character’s equipment slot makes it more worthwhile to start upgrading and not waiting for the best in slot in order to use it. And like what ZeroFoxGiven said, it makes it more team friendly too as players can switch/pass-down equipment or try out new equipment.

Hmm, expanding on the transcendence on equipment slot idea, how about having transcendence amplify the equipment’s stats instead of just straight up atk/def bonus increment? Let’s marry both Zero’s and Andraax’s ideas:

Transcendance: Increase effectiveness of equipped item’s stats.

Stage 1: +5% effectiveness
Stage 2: +10% effectiveness
Stage 3: +20% effectiveness
Stage 4: +35% effectiveness
Stage 5: +55% effectiveness
Stage 6: +80% effectiveness
Stage 7: +110% effectiveness
Stage 8: +145% effectiveness
Stage 9: +185% effectiveness
Stage 10: +230% effectiveness

Items such as Max Petamion equipped on a lv7 transcended neck slot will give

+27 str
+27 dex
+27 con
+27 int
+27 spr

Or equipped an Ignition Rod on lv10 transcended main hand slot…

17% chance to inflict [Burn] on an enemy for 10 seconds

It changes the entire dynamics of gearing, promotes a variety of more builds based off equipment and overall makes the game more interesting than just straight up BiS weapon + gear with max atk and def. Even low level equipments such as Zachariel Bangle becomes more attractive to use with this implementation. It also allows the devs more room for creativity, allowing them to come up with equipment with unique abilities rather than just straight up damage or defence. Like a weapon with 40% of its level attack but with a 20% chance to deal every hit in 3 hits etc.