Tree of Savior Forum

[Cheat report] [Klaipeda] Bluehound using AoE and equipment hidden slots in Team Battle League

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I loled when that guy said @Veritas is not a twitch admin LUL

U know what? I think ure a chubby 12 year old typing in this forum making a fool of yourself when its clear you are cheating. Its okay all these messages will be funny when you get banned. It will take time but you know what? We dont care as long as you get banned. So its all good!!! You can keep acting all high mighty but we will laugh the last :slight_smile:

Ps: you gotta cheat in games to be good in them? As i can see they have banned you for cheating in other games. Thats so lame hahaha and if you feel good about winning while cheating, Thats the lamest you could ever be hahaha. Cya lamer


Sounds like a Nulight model to me. White boy with a bowl cut living with his mother with a mail order bride from the PI who will leave him once she gets Naturalizedā€¦ :joy: cheaters and their excuses.

Very hostile, but acceptable.

I invite you to broadcast your Tree of Savior gameplay experiences on Twitch then, if youā€™ve nothing to hide. If you arenā€™t cheating while streaming, then youā€™re right, thereā€™s nothing to ban you for there.

But if you are, Iā€™ll happily oblige with your request to suspend your streaming account, no hesitation.

Shouldnā€™t be too hard to comply with that. Your move. :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll also assume that if thereā€™s no stream in his twitch in the next Team Battle League session it means heā€™s afraid and is really cheating on Tree of Savior.

I donā€™t think he has half the brain to have figured it out, but you can right click someone, move far from him and then send the request. Treating that as a hack would be dumb considering you can use add-ons to send requests to players without even right clicking them.

Iā€™ll post more vids of him later. Everyone in orsha/klai knows heā€™s a shameless hacker

Why would you guys even argue with this asshoIe?
Imc has enough proof, move on, let him bark alone.

Yeah and I bet heā€™s sitting ALL DAY, for ALL THE WEEKS that Fletcher has been in that same exact spot, right clicking/scripting right? LMAO

Oh and by the way, that is actually, a bannable offense, if he is annoying and making others play time a pain, go read the ToS Terms before coming into the forums trying to defend an obvious botterā€¦

Dude plsā€¦ He was accused of something that can be done legitimaly. Thereā€™s no further discussionā€¦ But anyway, Iā€™m not defending the hacker. I said it myself

And btw, if you mean this

I could perfectly argue that any party that huntsā€¦ Say, templeshooter, and holds the timers constantly are disrupting my gameplay. The terms of service of this game are a joke. Donā€™t bring them up, because if youā€™re bringing them up, you better also quote the ones you and everyone else break everyday


  • You shall not abuse, harass or threaten another player or members of IMC Games. This includes, but not limited to: filing support tickets with false information in an attempt to gain benefits from it or have someone else suffer from it; sending excessive e-mails or support tickets; interfering with IMC Games from doing their jobs.
  • You shall not falsely claim that members of IMC Games are biased towards certain players or groups.
  • You shall not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, threatening or vulgar language. (Alternate spelling or partial masking of such words will be reprimanded in the same manner as the actual use of such words.)[/quote]

Iā€™ll say it again though. That guy is a hacker, but that was not the right way to show it

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Nothing against what you said rly, but ā€˜showingā€™ that someone is hacking is only necessary when there hasnā€™t been enough evidence doing so.

In this case, there is already irrefutable evidence of him hacking in OPā€™s post. So might as well make any other claim you want (even those he didnt do), since none of that would make anyone ā€˜feel sorryā€™ for him nor make him any less a hacker lol

Woah woah woah donā€™t discourage them, weā€™re so close to seeing him get banned on Twitch too, donā€™t take this away from the popcorn gallery.


Woahā€¦ In your opinion, working for Microsoft or any bigger company is what makes an IT person honored?

Things you write make me want to:

No streams today? I think youā€™re not that secure that youā€™re innocentā€¦ stalks

Or are you banned already?

Looks like heā€™s ding dong bannuā€™d

Bump to support the ban of this player.

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