Tree of Savior Forum

Change your business model to B2P?

I am a huge fan of RO and have been waiting for ToS to get released. After reading about tokens, reset scrolls and other items from cash shop, I’ve been losing any interest in playing the game. Why don’t you follow the well established business model that’s being used by many big name MMOs?

More and more games have been changing to B2P business model in recent years. The biggest examples are: GW2, SWTOR and ESO.
I own all of these games and play them now and then. And what I like the most is that the cash shop is for convenience and cosmetics purposes only, e.g: additional character slots, extra bank and inventory slots (which can also be purchased with in-game cash), pets & mounts, exclusive dyes, etc.

The best thing about this cash shop is that it doesn’t have the element of P2W. Even after 3-5 years that those 3 games exist, I’m still playing them and purchasing something from cash shop.

I would gladly buy the game for 50+ EUR and play it with no irritating P2W concept of a cash shop.

If you really own these games, youd know that GW2 isnt B2P anymore, with the exception of HoT expansion (which isnt that great, but thats my opinion). You can pretty much play the whole game for free.

Same goes for SWTOR. Tis F2P, you buy the expansions and thats it. Tis not B2P.

Only ESO is de facto B2P, which transitioned from tis failed Subscription model.

OT: After all the negative feedback, I dont see it happening, I mean, the gates will be open in a few days. Changing business models out of sudden will impact ToS even more negatively.

And about the P2W, best course of action is to voice our concerns, so shiit like that doesnt comes to happen in ToS. @zhouyu47 made an excellent topic, where pretty much everyone is against such practices (me included). Let em hear you there too.

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By SWTOR and GW2, I meant the expansions (DLCs). The vanilla content was turned to F2P (to attract new players), but you need to buy expansions if you want to see the progress in main story arcs, which is not necessary if you don’t want to buy it (but as a player interested in the story and world of the game as I am, I consider buying expansions is a must).
In SWTOR those were Rise of Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Revan. Vanilla GW2 was also B2P and now you can buy Heart of Thorns. If you compare their Cash shop with ToS supposed cash shop, you will see the difference. Even though they’re “F2P”, they don’t have P2W elements.

I am not against B2P games… in fact i own both ESO and The Secret World and i kind of love both of them.

When i heard about ToS thge first time i kind of hoped it would have gone into B2P since from experience B2P games are much better then the F2P counterparts for obvious reasons reguarding game balance etc etc…

That said, if ToS went into B2P NOW it would be like ingesting poison ro commit suicide,

The game already have a F2P structure, is advertised at such and you’ve seen already what happened already when IMC went on to announce a 3 month paywalled headstart after having announced an OBT: they were forced to change or they would have lost 50%-80% of the playerbase… think about what would happen to ToS if they switched to B2P,

“convenience” can have so many shapes and forms… including Magic Scrolls that technically drop in game too.

tis tis tis tis tis tis tis


I’d prefer B2P over F2P. F2P brings such cancer as RNG cash shop items…