Tree of Savior Forum

Can't launch tree of savior

Just to pitch in, I have the same problem as @nizidr

Hello @nuriomarayana,

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Weā€™re taking a more in-depth look into it, but in the meantime have you tried the options mentioned above? Iā€™ll let you know once we have a more solid fix.


Do you mean deleting and reinstalling the game? Yes, I did. I even have the game installed on two computers, both with the same graphical problem.
It doesnā€™t seem to hinder anything at all, so itā€™s no real problem. But it is peculiar and I thought to report on it

I am having this problem now and it just closes the launcher. i was able to get into the game before a day ago.

Iā€™m having the same 11035_001001.pak problem

After trying to validateā€¦


I have the same issue