Tree of Savior Forum

Can't connect to server [SA] Silute

Same problem here.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. I try to enter the SA Silute server;
  2. I can’t login on server;

Server: SA Silute
Zone: Klaipedia
Starting City: Orsha

Same problem here.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. I try to enter the SA Silute server;
  2. Select character and try to enter game, return to server selection screen.

Server: SA Silute
Zone: Tiltas Valley
Starting City: Klaipeda

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Same here

Server:SA Silute
Team Name:AZR4EL
Character name:Artemisia

I FIXED it using WTFast but i am from chile and i have 200 ms! idk what is going on

Same here, come on guys IMC can’t make nothing without misery failure.
This will be hilarious when F2P starts.

aun tengo el problema pero usen PingZapper es como especie de vpn

Estou com o mesmo problema.
Alguém já esta se conectando ao servidor?

don’t worry, before the f2p they’ll be a maintenance, so we will have the same problem as today. Only to have more problems for the influx of new players
welcome to tree of bugs

no hubo baneo de cuentas por usar vpn y esas cosas?

SAME Problem, I cannot log only into SA Silute Server, Cannot even verify if the server transfer was sucessfully completed.
Please FIX THIS ASAP IMC, TOKEN TIME IS RUNIING OUT, I demand compensation for at least one day.

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No sé , tengo la misma duda , por eso no quiero usar VPN , prefiero esperar un par de días más o algo , hasta que haya una respuesta concreta ;/

Lo dudo pero WTFast y PingZapper son especies de vpn o proxys

i hope they give us more days of Tokens , or a sh*t load of Exp Cards …

Fiddling around a bit i found 2 problems with the route being used by most ISPs.

1st - There’s a IP down in one of the routes. You can’t even get a static IP adress. It’s down like down down. Down for good.

2nd - The IP route going through is overloaded. Couldn’t find who’s responsible for this IP, but it’s likely to be Telemar.

If you can reroute your connection to the servers it should work.

And how do we reroute our connection?

Yay and the server is broken again… cant log in any channel

Edit: Nvm it keeps dcing randomly after some mins or whenever i move maps.

Proxy. Or if you’re not an expert, a VPN would work too.

Would advise against it though. Some peopple got the Banhammer for using proxy and vnp.

Same problem here, stared at some maps, now cant log at all. pls fix it urgent

same problem here, fix it pease

some problem here, pls fix this ;A;!! I NEED PLAY THIS GAME