Tree of Savior Forum

Cannot connect to server [SA]

The problem persists here!

Não consigo logar alguns chars também, ta osso teve manutenção e o problema continua? é isso mesmo… saudades orsha

legal e q nego ta perdendo dias la e eles fazem oq ? nd nao ligam nao responde faz 1 manuntencao de merda e foda-se o resto nego perde 2 dias de preemy etc dao oq ? scroll de 1 hr bom

Orsha channel 4 is up

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prepare for the great compensation 1 EXP TOME

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imagine when this game going to F2P… wanna be a total chaos.

Teve manutenção e continua do mesmo jeito.

Cheguei a entrar mas levo DC toda hora e “Cannot connect to the server.”

And they “fixed” it again… yea… not working.

Aqui também está assim parceiro ta osso, queria muito jogar mas infelizmente né…

Guys, IMC let a news post informing that Silute suffered a DDoS attack (which basically takes the server down by exceeding the server capability with constant multiple requests) and it’s probably happening again… Someone (or more people), for some reason, don’t want the Silute server to happen =\

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Saying that it is a DDoS attack sounds like a really easy way out of the responsibility for this problem.

When in doubt, blame Level Up.

Well, it’s not like they can do much since it’s the Amazon’s São Paulo server that is been attacked. They’re probably contacting Amazon and waiting for a solution…

I’d like to see, however, further and contact responses to us… giving the players feedback would calm their nerves at least…

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your character name is cool jajajaja

Same here.

Team name: Hikarimida

character stuck at galeed plateu

Team Name: DelSure


I try to connect and I get to reach the character selection screen. However, when I select the character it kicks me back to the login screen. This is starting to be annoying. I mean, I paid to access the game and my experience was good until I was transfered to Silute. Please, solve this as soon as possible.


My 3 chars are stucked hahaha
Team Name: Randigris

that’s so sad :’(, we need some help

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_J


Server in Africa now!!!