Tree of Savior Forum

Cannot connect to server [SA]

Anyways, what make me rip off my hair is this topic got NO response from any Staff member!

Aren’t bots lucrative? Get more workers.

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When the server was full in the past, there was a queue

Just happened to me

Guess I’m going to sleep early today

So am I hahahahahaha

I manage to get in with WTFast but when i try to enter the dungeons or change maps nothing happens.

I was disconnected when moving location and now I can’t log in.
Same problem for more than 9h now.
SA is down! Needs reboot!

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

I FIXED IT With WTFAST but i have a ping of 200 ms and i am from chile idon’t understand!

Usign WTFast I was able to play normally. Did 4 lvl90 dungeon runs (2 with each character), so the server isn’t actually down.

We just are not able to connect with the server for some crazy reason.

Waiting on some answer, since I don’t actually want to use WTFast

Still also waiting for a response for the ticket I submitted a few hours ago.

Care. (Post must be at least 20 characters)

haha, you don’t get it right? the avarage salary in chile is over 900 usd dollars while in brasil is much lower, our currency don’t work like that, in avarage chile is a much richer country than brazil, that’s why we have a much biger pib, our chileans pesos are more worthy than the brazilians RS, still don’t get it? chile stomp brazil in networking infractstucture, that why riot, steam for giving you and example are using chile as a plattaform hell even google uses it, i will tell you another thing to give you something to think about, at first the expensive pack of tos was around 40 usd dollars to us and in your much “richer” currency was almot 1/3 of that price, the chilean currency works in thousends, for example 778rs=148000 chileans pesos but dude not even the minimum wage in chile is that low (considering that the minimum wage in chile iis damn low) but the avarage wage in chile is around 543000 clp = 2 883.52017 Brazilian reals.


same here =( cant acess character selection, and other server its ok :frowning:

email that to so they can create a new server in Chile and IMC can host Silute there :smiley:

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Dear IMC: Is really that hard to do something right?

To big, too many typos, too many grammar errors. Didn’t read. Learn english.

Good luck with that.

Please just don’t start rejecting us.

I’m so sure if that ocurred in klaipeda/orsha you’d probably post something in the thread or website about the problem.

So bad, many players lost 1 day of playing/token and it won’t be recompensed, right?

i didnt recive the tome and voucher they announce for the 24 hrs maint because the transfers and now server down plus they dont even read us.

Just can’t understand why people can’t forget borderlines and flags and have to make a War at every topic. Grow up, for god’s sake.


@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

Please, give us a feedback?
This is so frustrating. More than 10 hours of this and nothing?! Jesus Christ!


Hmmm? What do you mean? lol. The server is working just fine since i found the problem. There’s an IP down and one overloaded in the routes used by most South American ISPs. If you know your way around you should be able to avoid those IPs and play without a single problem. I’m playing right now, and with a 15ms ping. Then again who am i right? I’ll be here getting rekt and enjoying the game while you sit there crying because you don’t know your way around a network.