Tree of Savior Forum

Cannot connect to server [SA]

Só alguns mapas que estão conectando. Eu consigo me conectar em klaipeda com um char, em outros mapas não.

Vamos transferir de volta pra Orsha e pedir desculpa pros indios mesmo.

S e r v e r e n C h i l e

or die.

Só espero sermos recompensados por tudo isso, por que as recompensas que eles falaram que iriamos ganhar devido a transferência, até agora nada.


Truta, é Brasil… Brasilzão. Tu esperava o que? Certeza que assaltaram os funcionários da IMC ao menos umas 8 vezes até eles chegarem no Datacenter da Amazon em SP. E quanto chegaram lá, apareceram algumas figuras importantes pra receber aquele dinheirinho pro pé de meia, tá ligado? Ai depois veio taxa disso, taxa daquilo e talz… Entra o desvio de verba, o superfaturamento… BANG! Server hosteado no Brasil.


#BUILDTHE S e r v e r e n C h i l e

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Chile doesn’t have an Amazon Datacenter. And i’m pretty sure Amazon doesn’t intend to open one there anytime soon. IMC servers are hosted by Amazon.


IMC doing like a brazilian, trolling everybody, 24 hrs maintenence? what about more 24h without being able to connect? causa you know, the hu3 can’t stop

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amazon just have host in Sao Paulo at South America.

I don’t care, server hosted in BR is a HUGE MISTAKE.

S e r v e r e n C h i l e

I’m having the same issue, my token’s ticking down and I’m unable to play :frowning:

estou usando mouto automatico, ele seleciona auto.

So explain to us the benefits of having a server in Chile.

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already said and will repeat ■■■■ SERVER/CONNECTION STAFF they cant do something work simply

Gente, consegui fazer conectar… Instalei WTFast, utilizei a configuração de escolher o melhor server automaticamente e deu certo. Antes eu tinha tentado escolher um manualmente e nao ia… Tentem! É Free por 14 dias, pelo menos até arrumarem eu acho que rola.

explain the benefits of having the server hosted in BR, cus it seems that it’s a total failure since we can´t play at the moment.

Dude… Are you insane? Brazil is r4p3d by scandals and corruption, violence, crime and whatnot and it still has waaaaaaaaay more flow of income, working capital, foreign investors and etc… Why would any company with brain pay for a datacenter in country like Chile that uses a currency that isn’t worth crap like the Peso Chileno? Dude, i mean… Really? Really? You gotta think like a company would… Trust me when i tell you: It isn’t gonna happen.

4 Pesos Argentinos = R$ 1,00. ( Just for comparison )

188,44 Pesos Chilenos = R$ 1,00.

Wait untill your currency is no longer a joke, then you can ask for a big Datacenter like Amazon’s in your country.

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that is no excuse, br failed as a host for our glorious ToS.

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Don’t be narrow minded, SEA server also had issues when it first came out.

That’s Amazon’s and IMC’s fault. And trust me, with the poor network infrastructure Chile has it would be like a 1000 worse.

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It’s you who have to explain anything, not me. IMC made the server here because it’s where the Amazon Server are hosted. If you don’t agree with their decision, send your reasons to them. But you don’t have any trully reason other than flooding the forum, do you?