Tree of Savior Forum

Cannot connect to server [SA]

Dude… It’s simple:

There’s a IP down in one of the routes. You can’t even get a static IP adress. It’s down like down down. Down for good. > Avoid it < is overloaded, thus, making dc’s ( There are others like this one, tracert the server ip and check if you have one or more overloaded ips ) Avoid those.

How do you avoid specific ips?

You don’t know what Proxy is?
Use a VPN.

You don’t know what a VPN is?
Wait for a maintenance of the specific overloaded adresses. ( Most likely Telemar. )

LOL. Talts for you m8.

aah come on, it was just a clash of arguments and bad words, chill out. btw, people already found how to connect to server via pingzapper or wtfast so that’s it, until they fix our beloved SA server hosted in bad and ugly amazon ╮(─▽─)╭

really?, i seriusly doubt that you’re chilean (refering to chile as “chili” is just disrespectful) plus i never said that chile was the best place in the world, the only thing that i stated and that your fellow br friend was saying it that our country was a much poorer place and that our currency is much lower when it isn’t the case… he even go as far as saying that chilean networking is bad…(ironically is the best in all latam…).


@lucasmarck You couldn’t be more wrong in your state about currency.
First, 4 Argentinian Pesos = ~187 Chilean Pesos = 1 Real, but this it completely irrelevanat to this matter. To make a good comparison of wich currency is worth more, you have to take the cost of the market basket of each country. If you give yourself the work of inform yourself about this matter, you will realise that between Argentina, Brazil and Chile, Chile has the cheapest one, followed by Argentina, meaning that the currency that has most value is the Chilean Peso, Then the Argentinian Peso and lastly the Brazil Real, meaning that you can acquire more goods in Chile with C$187, that you could in Argentina with A$4 or in Brazil with R$1. I’m studying business management so don’t think I’m talking ■■■■, because I need to inform myself about this.

Don’t start saying stuff like that country’s currency is a joke, or mine is better than that other one if you know nothing about it, because you can end up looking like a big retard if someone that took the time to learn abouth this, like now.

I would say that the fact that the Amazon Datacenter is located in brazil mostlikely responds to a logistic matter and the fact that they are the biggest country in the continent, giving it more potential, but thats other story.


I think ppl dont have brain…

Anyone fix that? /20characters

Same problem here, what should we do to play? i payd for game and cant play :confused:

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I’m chilean and shitle it’s very funny gj honor

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Para los que leyeron al enojoncito del tipo ese, que hablo de dos IP una rota y otra sobrecargada, si van a sus archivos del TOS hay uno que mencionaron antes que se llama “serverlist_recent.xml” donde hay 3 ips destinadas a Silute

Personalmente, yo no tengo acceso a ninguna, y probablemente la solucion que el mencionaba era hacer un edit del archivo en el que saques las ips que no funcionan.

Otros amigos han solucionado el problema de conexion, usando WTFast, configurandolo manualmente, realmente no he usado ese programa hace mucho tiempo, pero funciona 100%. Al menos buscando un server que no tenga conflictos con las IP del server de BR.

Sobre pedir server chileno, lo dije como broma, pero… Si seria mas estable y creo que es la razon por la que Google y Yahoo siempre han elegido a Chile dentro de America del Sur. Pero viendo que la mayor cantidad de players son de BR y la molestia es tanta con mencionar otro pais, mejor ni molestar.

PD: busco guild (?)


Não sei o que é pior, o server com problemas ou esses chilenos Pedindo ServerEnChile.


alguém conseguiu?? tirando usar wtfast,etc

If it’s not and douche NA raging on a BR, it’s a douche BR raging on a SA.
Ah man… let the chilean say what they want. w/e
The point is that this ■■■■ isn’t working and IMC does not give a ■■■■ to this topic.

S e r v e r i n C h i l e

Same problem here, WHY IMC WHYYYYY

“S e r v e r i n C h i l e”

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whens mahvel please stahp

at least if IMC know the issues are all about the ISP’s and not IMC Problems, they should let us know they are aware of the problems and working on something to solve the issue.

s e r v e r e n e l p a t i o d e m i c a s a


t a n g a n a n i c a

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