Tree of Savior Forum

Can we stop with the term White Knight?

Steam store ratings. This is always brought up in an argument. I don’t care what the ratings say.

I’ve made very valid arguments on how the restrictions help and also stating ways it can be improved. I dont feel like listing them all since it seems thats all ive been doing on these forums lately.

Most of the arguments on why they are bad aren’t that great of arguments and they usually resort to “look at the steam ratings” Which im not sure what to say about that. Many people don’t like the trade system. That doesn’t mean its useless or it has no benefit. People just don’t like it.

Anyway, just because someone doesn’t share your opinion or maybe just to get under peoples skin you call them a white knight. This is something a child would do. I don’t call you whiners just because you don’t share my opinion.

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You may not, but potential new players care.

The problem is the Steam Store ratings are something really serious. Nowadays information travels so quickly that, if your friend goes and tell you “Hey, don’t watch that movie, it’s awful”, you won’t do that. That’s the same for the steam ratings, specially when it is something so graphical as RED NAME and DOZENS OF RED REVIEWS. Red is taken as bad, so people won’t even notice your game.
And, yes, players don’t like the current trading system. But hey, why do you make a game in the first place?

For players

Who gives your company money?

The players.

Please understand that “the players don’t like the trading system” is a lot more serious than you think. You’re right about the White Knight thing tho


Even if you’re the majority it doesn’t mean your judgement is correct. Honestly I hate economic inflation more than I hate not being able to trade. I’ve been in a lot of games where I started a year after release and my experience with their economy always leads me to having to use money(RMT) just so I can buy anything from other players.
And for the people whining about not being able to trade their drops with other party members. A simple system to be able to trade drops with a timer will suffice and I wholeheartedly support this.

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[quote=“matheusgonc, post:24, topic:181084”]
The problem is the Steam Store ratings are something really serious. Nowadays information travels so quickly that, if your friend goes and tell you “Hey, don’t watch that movie, it’s awful”, you won’t do that. That’s the same for the steam ratings, specially when it is something so graphical as RED NAME and DOZENS OF RED REVIEWS. Red is taken as bad, so people won’t even notice your game.
[/quote]Its bad when people stop thinking for themselves. Hive mind…

Well democratic countries being in the majority doesn’t mean your correct but it is pretty close to meaning that. But you can’t be saying a decision that makes 40% of the population stop playing is the correct decision? Any business that took that kind of lose would be losing their ■■■■ trying to figure out what they did WRONG.

Sadly this happens a lot… On games, films, TV… It’s something to be considered, even though it is not good indeed.

Even worse is when people are unwilling to take advice or criticism from other people. It shouldn’t make your decision for you, but it should affect your decision.

And the trading issue remains an issue regardless of IMC’s post because of the fact that: their current system negatively affects their playerbase more than it stops RMT.

That is a fact.

Trading of silver being disabled is what is having an effect on it.

Having 1-1 trade be disabled for free players in addition to that is not going to help anymore than that, when there is a marketplace to sell items on.

squeaky wheel gets the grease. I can and will complain till it changes :stuck_out_tongue: I will of course take breaks for food and work etc.

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Wow, wait ) You are getting things wrong.
That game is a commercial product. It’s made to be sold. And if the majority says that they don’t want to buy that commercial product, then there is some problems with product, not with majority. It might be pure design of the product or wrong choice of target audience. Despite the reasons, when customers aren’t buying your product, that’s not the customers fault. Let’s take “windows phone vs android”. Are the android users fools?


weakling :stuck_out_tongue:

i actually feel like alot of the people that give negative reviews do it because they want they trade system changed, but they still play the game even with their negative review… i have no proof.

Also they arent all about the trading. Some were for the gold selling spam and lag, which steps are being done to fix this.

The problem is that white knights here are defendig something which shouldn’t be protected. You did that in my topic too, regarding the token system, that’s why I called you a white knight.

I wouldn’t do that if you would say something reasonable like the game has this prices because has better services, support and etc than WoW, FFXIV, GW2 and so on…

However you are just accepting the system and defending it, just because you it’s ToS and it’s IMC so it’s good. That’s why we call you guys white knights, cause you support a developer, even if they are doing bad.

I honestly understand why you find these prices ok, cause you like this game, I like it too, however that wont mean that we should support it. Why? Because if you buy a token that way too, you will just let them to develop this game that way. That’s not ok at all!

It’s like letting them go herp-derp without anything holding them back. If you want this game to be great and good, you have to say that they are stupid, it’s for their own good.

You want this game to be popular, to play with many other people and be proud that you supported these guys, don’t you? Then stop defending them.


I haven’t done that… im just planning to.

The problem is that whiners here are fighting something that shouldnt be fought. You did that in my topic too, regarding the trade restrictions. This is why i call you a whiner.

I wouldn’t do that if you would say something reasonable, like actually suggest something instead of complain or make valid points.

However you are just complaining about the system and fighting it, because it’s ToS and it’s IMC so it’s bad. Thats why we call you guys whiners, cause you complain to developer, even if they are doing good.

I honestly understand why you dont like tokens, you want to trade without spending, id like that too, however that doesn’t mean you should complain. Why? Because gold sellers can ruin the game and economy. You will just let the gold sellers get their way, thats not ok at all!

It’s like letting the gold sellers go herp-derp, stupid devs, without anything holding them back. If you want this game to be great and good, you have to say no to bots, and realize what the restrictions actually do.

You want this game to succeed and not be a bot fest with a broken economy and a p2w cash shop, dont you? Then stop complaining

Not sure why i did this, just felt like it. Maybe because your post was full of opinions and you are calling people white knights because they dont feel the same way. Please don’t try to argue with the stuff i said, it wasnt real for the most part.

That’s why we call you white knights. You don’t read just defend. As I said, we are complaining about real things here.

Why? Because other mmo’s could do that, so IMC should do that too… :stuck_out_tongue:


lol. You obviously haven’t read anything i have said. not just this last post.

hella triggered white knights up in here :joy:


I dont see an issue TBH. Retards vs retards, at least there is a balance.
For every white knight, there are 3 unhinged idiots who cry, whine, accuse, down rate without any rational argument.

Your thread is only oil to the fire and yes, you called it. It wont do anything. Except creating yet another flame war.


Call them a “white knight” is insulting to white knights. If a big company is exploiting people then defenders defending these big companies aren’t really a white knight because they are encouraging the exploitation of people which is a BAD THING.
It’s also funny they call us Whiners and try to put us in a lower group and yet they whine about whiners which puts them in the same lower group as us even if they think they don’t belong in that group.