Tree of Savior Forum

Can I magnum opus multiple times at once?

@Kanna I understand save “recipe”, but I have to craft one per one. :((

Put in multiple items like in Symphie’s post, then save.

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Damn, I so dumb, dspkosapdoapdk
Now I’ll craft for 3 time, thanks.

It’s ok, it took me a while to understand too.

Glad you’ve got it working.



Ohhhhhh I see what you mean. Derp! It’s working. :smile:

Sorry if I did not explain correctly.
I tried to say if it is possible to create more than one of the same item, for exemple: 5 honeymeli on the same magnum opus.
I tried this .ipf you link here and all I did was change the old one for this one (did not put snowman icon) and worked.
In the skill I can see those options in the picture like @LenonGates and save by just put an name and clicking on “…” and the recipe is save and load in the other option.
Thanks, that really helped me!

No, it wasn’t that you didn’t explain it correctly. I just didn’t realize how different version 2.0 and 3.0 was.

So I assume everyone has it working now?


Yep, mine is working fine! :slight_smile: referencing Excrulons list on github for the recipes.

Consider checking out an addon called Tooltip Helper for Magnum Opus recipes.

It should be on the Addon Manager, unlike Alchemy.

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