Tree of Savior Forum

Can I magnum opus multiple times at once?

Worked for me too, I wish I could craft multiple times the same item :frowning:

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What do I need to put inside the alchemy paste? It didnt work for me T_T

Just do Kanna instructions.
Download alchemy ipf and alchemy folder.
Put alchemy folder on /steam/steamapps/common/treeofsavior/addon and rename alchemy ipf as show by pollitochikn and put on data folder.
Remeber to download version 0.2.0 as charles.payne.86 said.

Not sure if it matters also, but, I did not include that first _ in the filename.
So, the full file name would be “alchemy-:snowman:-v.0.2.0.ipf”

None of my other addons have the underscore at the front.

Hope this helps, kelvem. :slight_smile:

I’ll try and put together a more comprehensive step-by-step later on, but on the way to work currently. D:

It dint work :frowning: I dont know why but the ipf file keeps disappearing from the addon paste. Thanks anyway guys.

edit. Not so sure but, the snowman icon is now working when I try to add it in the files name.

I did use " _ " before alchemy and worked since all my addons have _ before the name.

I suggest you uninstall all addons and make a clean install again.
When I tried to use version 0.3.0 my game did not want to open anymore :cry:
So I uninstalled all addons and make a clean game copy (a have a backup on other hd) and installed all addons again with version 0.2.0 with the intructions that I found here.

That happened to me lots of times and it was because i wasnt typing the correct name, it has to be called “_alchemy-:snowman:-v.0.2.0.ipf” othrewise it will keep disaperaing from your folder. If you cant rename it try to ask a friend to do it for you, this worked for me without having to reinstall/delete my other addons.

By the way a friend of mine fixed the v.0.3.0 version and now you can save your recipes and craft multiple items at the same time, however the full list of recipes its not showing up like in v.0.2.0

Same problem here. The system is not allowing me to type :snowman:, it says I cannot use " : " in a file name. I’m gonna see if I can fix it. Thanks :slight_smile:

I have no idea if this would help anyone, but this is the file I’ve been using.


I’ll try this is the morning and report back. Thank you! :slight_smile:

With this one you can craft multiple times or just one by one?

Not sure why, but this one did not work for me. :\

Collons are not allowed but you can try replacing it with a " ꞉ " unicode character called a Modifier Letter Colon, try copying the said collon in my post or or you can use the code point U+A789 <<< This Fixed my problem with the disappearing file. Hope this helped

@charles.payne.86 I’m afraid I don’t know why it’s not working for you.
Is the file being deleted?
Did you install any other addons via the manager?

@chaosz23 Sorry. I’m not sure what you mean by multiple or one by one.
I saves your recipe for crafting.

For example, you can to craft an item, you place it like normally and save it.
If you mean similar to @Symphie’s post, then yes. You can save that.

Never mind, I realized that 2.0 and 3.0 is completely different.

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Nope the file isn’t being deleted. And yes, I do have Monster Frames and Treasure Map installed with the addon manager.
Over my weekend (Mon-Tues) I plan on doing a clean install (of everything o_o). I’ll test it then with a fresh install of ToS and no other addons.

That’s really strange.
So the addon isn’t working at all?

You don’t see this at all?

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Nope, where your red highlight is I see “egg_008” and the button’s text is “…” and not the pause icon. None of the UI elements actually function. Not sure what’s not working. :open_mouth: I’ll do more testing shortly.

I am very interested in getting this to work as saving a multi-product recipe is something I really would like to have access to.

Here I see this layout, but dont save anything.

I replacing it with " : "and work to me, thanks.
I hope to update to multi crafts. ;-;

If you see both the bars, then the addon should be working.
Did you remove the file that was created in addon>alchemy when you switched over to version 3.0?

@lenongates Place multiple items to craft like you would regularly.
After that, in the bottom part (dark bar) type in something and click the button directly on the right.
This will save the current crafting and every time you select it, it will automatically put multiple items in the crafting for you.

I can make a step by step on how to use the addon with pictures if you want.
Maybe tomorrow though, since I’m lazy.

#Note: Version 2.0 and 3.0 are completely different.
2.0: It shows all the recipes for you to craft.
3.0: It does not show all the recipes. Instead, you must place the items there, but it saves it, allowing for multiple crafting.