Tree of Savior Forum

Can Elementalists PvP?

I want to play as one, because I like their PvE potential, but I want to try PvP every once in a while too. Are they totally useless on PvP? If I go for it, should I go full CON or maybe 3CON:1INT? Assuming I go Wiz3>Ele3, what should my last rank be to make it more PvP viable?

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I’ve read on some guides that it’s not good for PvP beacuse CC interrupts its long casting times easily (even with quickspell) and it’s also easy to dodge its AOE spells. But I haven’t tried it so idk lol

i agree, its hard to pvp, quarrel shooters just keep running and shooting its impossible to even land a hit!

DO NOT go high CON for ele 3. It’s a waste of stat and build because there are much better class for full CON.

Yes Ele 3 Warlock may not be the best for pvp, but it’s certainly in the high tier. You only lose to some real pvp class such as Cryo 3 and Kino 3, but other than that you should be fine.

Basically just Dark Theurge and destroy your enemy.

Is it useless though?

What stat distribution would you recommend? Or when should I cap CON?

If your purpose is to arena, I would recommend you not to play ele 3 and go for other class instead. You are griefing your teammate by dealing much lower damage as an ele 3 during PVE (and even PVP).

For open field PvP go 30 to 50 CON.

Yeah, I was thinking to arena. This is my first character and I want to try most content with it (both PvE and PvP). I understand I won’t excel at both, but being good at PvE and decent at PvP would be enough. Right now I’m at Wiz2, so Wiz3 is a must. After that, I haven’t decided yet. I’m at 43 CON, 15 INT atm. So, any suggestion?

Go Wiz 3 Kino 3 Warlock and full CON. That’s a much better choice for arena, and still able to pve.

Either go Wiz 2 Kino 3 first for easier rank 5 (gravity Pole), or Wiz 3 first for easier rank 3 but harder rank 5.

That was my first choice before considering Ele actually :stuck_out_tongue: Does it do well at dungeons too?

You can’t have everything. Full CON ele 3 Warlock isn’t that good for dungeon either.

I know, I just want something balanced.

This game is kinda specialized. High INT Ele 3 Warlock is probably the all rounder but all kino 3 and cryo 3 will sht on you.

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Thanksss. I think I’ll go back to my first idea and go Psy3>Warlock. Warlock’s high damage should be decent enough for late game PvE. Should I switch to full CON from now on or keep going 3CON:1INT?

Any is fine. You rely on kino 3’s gravity pole for PVE, not Warlock. Warlock is for protection and single target burst.

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Oh, I see. Thanks for all your help!

But full const with Animus doesn’t work?

Works quite well, actually.

Of course you’ll always do less damage than a pure INT build but via Animus you are literally a military heavy tank. High defense and still good attack.

btw if you go full con, you’ll still do about 70% of the INT build damage even without animus.


Thanks! I’ll keep it in mind when finally deciding my next rank :slight_smile: