Tree of Savior Forum

Can a staff member please answer how ITOS is in any way going to be better than KTOS?

You can be alltime immune to CC or be “disconnected” for 20~30s how are you balancing it without change the game ?

IMC tried once to make the game better for the KOBT, but failed. When they launched the game, hyped people just left in 1~2 months, they tried to fix again and created an event “recalling” old and new players to game with a really nice bonus, failed again.

IMC is lost, we can see it clearly. Same cash shop items and prices that made lots of Korean players left the game are on IToS.

I was studying in Korea so I played ToS since KCBT 1 and know how IMC tried to fix the game by herself over and over again but failed. Now as players we NEED give suggestions, so IMC may find her way.

Remember when RO doesn’t even have 3rd class. Game still fun with various quests and silly monsters. Good ol’ days

You don’t need founder pack after you the game goes pass early access state though, and since it’s international version I believe most peoples who wait for this version have very high ping in Korea (except those who pay for vpn) even in my country which is considered near Korea more than those western players, still have 200+ ping there.

@baddayxiii oh really? I had 180 ping and I live in Canada.

I prefer a game with open future than a “completed” one. I want to be struggled with crazy quests and open stories than any ending.
#Need Homunculus

i can feel that you will see more topic regarding trade restriction and token after 29th March and especially after grand opening on 29th April. You can ask @BlaXun and @eunsongchoe1989 to stop complaining, but more will come after this.

Right now, everyone so happy and still many people have no idea about KTOS and ITOS have almost 100% same content (based on announcement and patch notes).

The game still lack of content, many players in KTOS have had to create a new character and hope that when they get to the level cap AGAIN, more content has been added. Unfortunately, most of them quit even before rank7.

Now with issues like p2w token and trade, make it even worse.
Right now, i can only wait and see whats ‘different content’ they are going to offer in iTOS. :sunglasses:

For me, its better complaint now than later. Prevention is always better than cure. Maybe they can do something before grand opening.

I say, IMCGAMES should abandon WolfKnights and only focus on the development of TOS. WolfKnights team should join TOS Team. LOL :joy:

To TOS Team, fighting!

Thank you.


I live in Vietnam :smiley:
I only have 150 if play on EU server though (Terra online)

Mission accomplished!!

I’m rewatching that atm too xD.

Hope they’ll make third season.

Though some people say 2nd was fail I still liked it a lot) But yeah, first was the best.

If I tell you that you s☺ck, you’re sh1t, you’re such d!ckh😀ad or that you’re such a whiner, what would you feel? I see a lot of complaints but no suggestions. Always give back a constructive critisms! The world does not work in one way direction. Also, there is always 2 sides in an argument.

People need to be patient, good things comes to those who wait, only time will tell. Just chill guys!! Enjoy!! Why are you letting others decide what you need to do, man up and decide for yourself. How are going to survive in the real world? Geez.

Be rational guys!!

that will never happen unless all the staff now are fire and pick more smarter staff to the IMC or maybe IMC itself need to rethink for what they want…

Apparently, you have no idea about the game status. No major patch fix for bugs or server stability since early access, I don’t see any hope. How am I supposed to play the game with good gaming experience while I constantly keep having drastic FPS drop or game crash with a decent Rig.

It won’t, kTOS is IMC’s firstborn and iTOS is IMC’s red headed stepchild