Tree of Savior Forum

Can a staff member please answer how ITOS is in any way going to be better than KTOS?

already know about that since it was announced on reddit and here in the forums that you can buy token using silver

but really, does disabling trade for free users really good or benefits the whole community?

i can afford that and i can farm it if i want to but i need to see other sides if 1:1 trading is really ok.

if we want the game to be successful then we need to keep on suggesting complaining and giving feedbacks so they know that there is a problem that needs to be solve or features that might be good for the game and the community

@BlaXun @duytueha @Kenshiki

I actually debated whether I should make a separate post myself on this issue of “suggestions and complaints,” but I dismissed the idea as it is just my personal opinion and does not represent my team’s thoughts at all.

Returning to the forums, I see now that I should at least make a brief statement on which course of action benefits us as a community the most.

If you’ll allow me some time, I’m going to prepare a thread addressing this matter. I didn’t want to make timezone my excuse, ever, but I’ll be able to organize my thoughts better when I’m fully awake.


It’s good hearing from you. I am interested in what you will come up with and hope I can contribute

Awesome. +1 your post

we really dont care much about the time as long as the staff are replying once in a while even if its just a copy paste as long as we see active staff replying to threads like this then there’s no problem.

dont know if what i said make sense since im confused what the heck did i just put

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#give them time


Please see this thread for a detailed explanation of how tokens reduce gold seller profitability, so that we don’t derail this thread.

  • Change Anti-CC mechanic: Now you can be 100% immune to CC or get permalocked by one. We could have a CC resist like 40~50~80% less time into a CC, so if you would get 30s sleeping, you can be only 6s.

  • Open the game to community: Tons of people asks for RO WoE, others asks for better grind system. IMC Staff could come to forum each week or two and open a topic like “Future of Guild vs Guild system”, here they would post what the Developers want for GvG like: “We want a competitive GvG where guilds can fight each other to see which one is the best, but we don’t want copy RO WoE with gvg inside a castle, so we’re planning…”.
    This way community can give viable suggestions once we know how is Dev’s mind.

  • AI optimization: I’m not only talking about companions’ broken AI, but monsters/bosses AI. IMC don’t need to reprogram every monster with a perfect AI, but include it to new high end contents. Maybe a new dungeon where monsters are smarter, know how to dodge spells, randomize the way to attack. So players will have the surprise to need to use the brain, improvisation and teamwork to get the dungeon and not only read a Guide “Y Dungeon for Dummies”.

Aren’t we going too far?

I mean, in my opinion IMC is giving too much power to the community at a point we are starting to make our own game, or trying to. We should try to give feedback after we get to play the updated game, and maybe some suggestions from time to time. We should try to improve the game we have, instead of changing it completely.

I will probably be bashed for this :worried:

Well, they can ignore all this…they can think about it…maybe they’ll build their own ideas from what is suggested here. Who knows…it’s still worth talking about what comes to mind :slight_smile:

@DanielS If they didn’t say “we will continuously develop or make changes on various contents specifically for the TOS English Version” I would not of posted

Dude the game isn´t even out yet…

I was talking about the kinatsu post and other similar posts made here, suggesting some bigger changes.

only thing about ur post is that I believe you went a bit rude in this “So how is ITOS going to do any better than the failed KTOS???” but it may be up to me…

In Korea is, I played since 1st KCBT because I was studying in Korea. In Korea IMC tried to “fix” the game, than created an event where very old players and new players could have a nice bonus. People came back because “They balanced classes, fixed bugs, new high lvl dungeons and sets”, played 1~2 week and now you see the game with really low player density again.

Who played KToS know how IMC is lost about the game balance/features so we just try to help them to find their way.


Well said, as we saw in the end of cbt2, after bug exploit everyone quit…
we need low exp
And imc needs make this game harder.
The monster are punchbags that spams ramdom traps, slow, dumb, without debuffs, etc. Make this game really challenging


nope more like the opposite

they are in too much power that they think that everything will work out regardless if its good or not

well yeah they really have the power but to ignore everything else just to build your “Ideal” game that the customers think its not really ideal but really against them

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okay, won’t discuss it :slight_smile:

If everyone are going to cry over the game that isn’t even live to play yet, then you can either make a topic with recommendations to make the game better, since unlike KToS. We have imc working directly on our version of the game and we don’t have to go through all the NEXON bullshit like they do.
Or you can simply not play the game and stop crying all over the internet.

This game is doomed if it stays as its. There’s nothing that can retain the playerbase, the end game is almost inexistent. There’s no incentive to PvP/GvG. The only PVE content is an arena that spawn monsters nonstop which is boring and uninspired design.

They need to add battlegrounds with objectives for PvP and well designed dungeons/raids with challenging mechanics and dps checks and increase the gearing options.

But sadly to add end game dungeons/raids they need to decide how many ranks this game will have. This game SHOULDNT launch at this incomplete state. they obviously got pressioned by investitors/nexon.

Launching a game in such incomplete state is suicide.

@AzureObelisk its when recommendations to a problem that do not get a answer from staff members. - That is the problem.
But a staff replied to this post so im happy =]