Tree of Savior Forum

Calling all Oracles: Shiny/Lucky mob drops are not random but static. Can someone deny?

I have gone now through several dozens of created lucky mobs and I started to notice a trend.

I always assumed that a lucky mob would simply be something like you actually roll for e.g. 100 kills. However what I experienced was something different.

When I hunt for geppettos I would always get exactly one Geppetto leave if I managed to create a lucky one. Not 0 not 2, but exactly one. One would expect to be divergence if it was indeed rolling, but it seemed pretty fixed to me.

Going for gigantic shinbone I also have to say that all my shinbones are not from lucky ones. I got plenty of lucky hogma warriors but not one dropped a gigantic shinbone. It is always 1x husk, 1x kris recipe and 1x shieldbreaker recipe. Again one would expect divergence. Maybe 2x Kris, 3x kris recipe.

So for know my conclusion is that a lucky mob means nothing different that it drops everything that has a dropchance of 1% or higher guaranteed + whatever the base loot of the mob was.

So I ask of you that if you grind via change to check the base drop of the lucky mob before killing it and tell me if this preliminary assumption is off.

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Yes white shining ones.

Happened right after creation. Again exactly the drop I was expecting.

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I think only the golden mob drop more items, the silver mob drop exactly 1 item

That is definitely not the case as you can see in the screenshot.

bump 20 charscccccccccc

No what I meant is that silver mob only drop 1x of the item, only golden mob drop 2x or 3x.

Silver mob also isn’t guaranteed to drop everything, I farmed many silver mob and most of the time they just drop crafting mats and white recipes

Everytime someone posts how buggy oracles are i keep regretting making a cleric to make one xD

This isn’t really tied to the oracle other than the oracle is the only one that can actually check out a shiny mob of the same time in a reasonable time matter.

I think all shiny mobs operate like this.

Correct me if I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen, clairvoyance only displays 1 of the things that will drop?

No Clairvoyance shows everything a mob drops. If a mob drops silver and e.g. a kris you would see silver and a kris next to each other.

However it doesn’t work on lucky mobs since “lucky” is just a buff and not what “the mob” drops.

what if it works this way:
shiny (silver) buff increases drop chance for for every item by unknown “X” multiplier in addition to its normal drop. If drop chance after multiplication is less than 100% - you might or might not get that item, if it is exactly 100 - you will get it from every shiny monster, if its >100% - you have a guaranteed drop with a chance of second item, if resulting chance is (y*100% + z) then you will get “y” items with a “z” chance on getting “y+1” item.

I remember getting like… 30-50 peaches from shiny Pino and no golden bars =(

Then I guess I will just keep uploading screenshots until you have seen enough lucky hogma warriors drop EXACTLY 1 tusk 1 kris recipe and 1 shieldbreaker recipe.

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your screenshots are confusing enough already: you killed a shiny black drake and got hogma tusk out of it.

Because that is how oracles work.

You use CHANGE and then the mob spawns as lucky but keeps the old lootable.

See you are arguing with someone that actually creates shiny mobs :smiley:


If you can view what normal mobs are going to drop then their loot would have to be determined when they spawn. Flashing mobs must not determine what they are going to drop yet till they die, which would explain why you can only see silver.

Not arguing just trying to understand.

Oh, so after using change the mob becomes a “lucky” mob. See that’s where I was confused I thought you meant you found a white flashing mob and used change on it.

Thats a good piece of information, thanks. But thats broken as hell in more ways than one.

[quote=“Birdy, post:17, topic:248393, full:true”]
If you can view what normal mobs are going to drop then their loot would have to be determined when they spawn. Flashing mobs must not determine what they are going to drop yet till they die, which would explain why you can only see silver.
[/quote]Unless shiny mobs provide additional drops on top of their predetermined ones.

Here next one on a hogma warrior - you can GUESS what dropped:

Dont get me wrong - I want to be wrong on this, but if after 10+ shiny hogma warrior lucky kills there isn’t a gigantic shinbone, if after 10+ geppettos you have never seen 0 or 2 geppetto leaves it starts becoming strange

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