Tree of Savior Forum

Call me crazy but these patch notes don't look too bad. A little optimism

Gravity Pole :
The visual effects of the [Gravity Pole] skill have been changed.

I think that they are trying to use us to help test various things to see if it will fix the Gravity Pole disconnect glitch. IMC is testing if it has to do with the visual effects. This is a great start. It may not fix it, it may fix it. If it doesn’t, IMC will try other things.

Market, Repair, Personal Storage and Team Storage UIs will no longer be accessible without interacting with an NPC.

They fixed this in actually a reasonable amount of time instead of just letting it continue on. This is really good and I applaud them for this.

Trading will now be restricted to cases which fulfill all of the following conditions:
a) TOS account is over 7 days old
b) Character is over level 40

Note 1: You must meet both
conditions in order to be allowed trading, i.e. only characters which
are both above level 40 and are from a TOS account older than 7 days are
allowed to trade.

Note 2: Users who do not meet the conditions above will still be able to use NPC shops to buy and sell items.

Note 3: These measures are being
implemented as a way to combat the recent rising number of fraudulent
accounts using stolen credit cards and engaging in other illegal

Steam account restrictions
Users with Steam accounts restricted by Valve will now
automatically have the same restriction applied to their TOS account as

Accounts banned by the Bot Classifier will now be banned on all servers
(this will also apply to accounts banned prior to this maintenance).

I mean this is all anti-bot and anti-RMT measures that are actually GOOD things. It’s a start in the right direction. Let’s hope they continue down this path for greater anti-RMT measures.

All dungeons and instanced missions will now have their own unique music themes.

The music kicks ass, seriously. This is good :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m showing a bit of optimism here. If they can keep releasing patches like this, this game may turn itself around. This definitely isn’t a game changing patch but it’s definitely steps in the right direction and it’s a lot better than other patches we’ve been getting.

Seeing IMC do things like rush to patch a very serious security flaw is awesome to me. I’ve got some faith restored if they can keep this up we should see an improved game.


#Don’t be like this :stuck_out_tongue:


Another update and no COSTUMES. I rly hate IMC. The ktos have some like 70 new costumes and we get nothing. But IMC have time to add NEW LOADING IMAGES zzzzz

I have a feeling IMC isn’t adding anything to the item mall right now so we don’t accuse them of, “Cash grabbing”. Once they get the game patched up and the major issues fixed they will add to the item mall.


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So why the flower costume It was launched simultaneously between 2 servers?

Pink will save the world.


Some trolls will come to trashtalk about IMC (you may know who).

Calling it now.

I am very optimistic at the future of what iToS would bring…really…

  • One new loading image has been added.

The patch was the correct step to improvement. Many issues remain untouched however they are taken care of them slowly, I have nothing to argue against it.

The AI of summoned creatures will no longer stop working when they are far away from the character that summoned them.

This made me smile from ear to ear.

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Your companion can now only be clicked and targeted in non-combat situations. As for other characters’ companions, they can only be clicked and targeted if they are the enemy.

The AI of summoned creatures will no longer stop working when they are far away from the character that summoned them.

Would be nice if IMC allow minions to teleport to their master when they are far away =.=

Still better than nothing :weary:


Problem we get nothing new and so far they didnt fixed big problems.

unfortunately this is not enough

I was more hype when they announced the 2.5x fps increase that didn’t really improve my fps at all

sorry but imc needs million of this kind of patch notes

Don’t know if you were aware of this issue but it was pretty big.

Lol. Do they think bots/gold seller are gonna be bothered by this? Again only real players will suffer with these changes.

And the most awaited update:

One new loading image has been added.


Well you all can keep on hating. I’m going to sleep with my optimistic outlook and I’m going to wake up fabulous for it :wink:

G’night :sunglasses:

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Slowly is to late aftet so much time. If a game cant fix problems ofter 6 months + there is somthing wrong.
Look at ff14 1.0 , 1.5 and 1.6 was when the game wws as good as 2.0. At this point they loset somthing like 80%-90% of the players. This players didnt cared any they remaked the game.
Will inc do this?

We need to see if it will fix it first.

Nightz Flan… sweet dreams…

gets ready a lengthy amount of steel wire just enough to wrap the circumference of someones neck


Actually, I would make an educated guess that this is related to the fact that TP charging is still having some major issues. I really hope they get it fixed soon. There’s several vanity items I want (need) for my characters too.

People complaining about the lack of content aren’t wrong but you should stop acting like spoiled kids.