so plebs (cough) can say “imc is a cash grabbing company because theyre putting tp items first instead of fixing the game” ?
this is iTOS

so plebs (cough) can say “imc is a cash grabbing company because theyre putting tp items first instead of fixing the game” ?
this is iTOS
Fairly accurate. I just saw a “ONLY FIVE CLASSES Y U NO FIX ALL?!?11” Response on another thread. I’m not sure if it was sarcastic or not… but there’s no way the players can all be totally satisfied. A lot of things are going to take a while to fix, and oh yeah test too.
I saw one of the staff say there was goin to be somethin about fixing the TP issues in this week’s patch. I’m hoping it’s one of the (several) background updates they do each week.
We are not.
We know what we are asking for and we can see that we dont get it oe even when we do its not work.
We all get it. Sadly this is not the first weak for the game.
oh boy, even more restrictions, how exciting.
No. A lot of players do not get it. That’s the problem. I’ve gone on a tangent about this several times but people really do not understand how difficult it can be to actually find a fix for weird (even minor) issues with a game.
Or when a fix is implemented it may end up causing issues that weren’t expected, new ones, because the test environment does not reflect the wide variety of configurations of PCs out there.
Or that translating text from other languages into English sometimes makes issues happen too with NPCS.
Or that server side problems are through another company in some cases and they have to wait on that company to fix things too.
Or or or or or or… No, players do not all get it. It’s a bad assumption to make. Please understand, I’m not trying to sound irritated–I’m not. I’m just saying that there’s more to it and that people tend to make a mountain out of a molehill on these forums more than I’m used to seeing.
sure improve but how long to make this game acceptable
1 years ? 2 years ?
i play since KR grand open and already sick of it, half a year already
this game still unacceptable
kToS patchs is not awesome but still good enough to keep my hope
but it’s ruin everytime iToS put up a new patch
I like how people are complaining about the new restrictions as if it affects them. Really there’s two groups that it’ll effect: The bots (Implying IMC actually kicks the curb out of the higher leveled ones and harp down on them will actually hinder them a crapton), and the newer players after the game becomes available again. Right now though, the only peeps creating new accounts are bots
So I actually see their thought process in this moment.
Also the Pet changes are pretty good, it’ll save those complaining about Mouse mode targeting and even make AFK Sorcs even more blatant in farming.
@FlanFlan It’s weird seeing you so optimistic. It’s almost gross.
What about unlocking the game for new players ?
Question #2
They never look “bad”, (edit: I guess they did for the whiny nonconsensual PVP rapist kids when they added neutrality) it’s not like IMC has ever released a patch where the notes are “reduced spawnrates, nerfed swordsmen, added more trade restrictions (oh… I guess technically they did just do that), reduced dungeon runs to 1 per week, nerfed exp tomes”.
It’s just the fact that the progress is very slow. This is now different. A few nice changes but nothing really major. Even when they do things that seem big on paper they aren’t. They increased FPS in situations where you’re alone on a map and presented it as some huge increase; I don’t think anyone was really struggling with that, it’s still single digits in world bosses and PVP. The increased the spawnrates by 50%… for random encounters, not the actual regular map spawns everyone wanted and still wants increased.
We’ve still got no balance changes, very little of what kToS has (better spawnrate, more dungeon runs, obviously more content but that at least requires localization so there’s justification for it), and no word on whether any other concerns people have are being addressed.
I have seen that already. Been waiting for this game for weeks and they said to look for annoucements. I thought it would be in this weeks patch but it’s not. Not only that when new players decide to play there will be restrictions.
People are still going to go over the top with their complaints about this as more individuals read the notes. sigh
Not being able to trade for seven days is not the end of the world. Honestly, the times I’ve used trade since the servers opened can be counted on one hand. It’s actually a decent method to discourage/tone down the bots. It’s not going to completely fix them but it’s a LOT better than the 48 hour wait on each market sale(maybe if this goes well they’ll lower that).
By having a seven day span to deal with the influx of bot reports that support gets daily, I’m assuming that there will be a drop in RMT transactions in general. Though I’m not entirely sure how the chain of that works… it’s “bot da silver on bee farm” > trade da silver -> buy crap from user on market for insane price -> rinse & repeat. Right? So this trade restriction could actually work. Especially since it’s still possible for people to make new accounts if they have even basic google-fu.
Being able to interrupt this chain of action should be a good thing. Granted, you usually see this kind of restriction on trial accounts for sub games rather than f2p.
Still. It can’t hurt to try it.
I was pretty happy with the patch notes, they tried to address some pretty common issues. Hopefully they keep up the good work (and bring me my kawaii costumes and mounts soon ). I shall remain optimistic for now (n_n)b