Hey !
I’m currently leveling a Scout to make a Squire, so I’m still lvl170. As I don’t know Scout classes, I choose BM and Enchanter pretty randomly and it turns out that BM is really fun But I have a few questions, coming from Wizard and Cleric tree :
- BM use a Pistol subweapon and a sword mainhand ? Or you can use whatever you find as mainhand ?
- As I’m alway in Double Gun Stance, does the damage from the sword count or is it only the pistol ?
- I’m still leveling in Demon Prison, and Bloody Overdrive, RIP and Napalm Bullet are my main skills for AOE, is there any reason to not max one of those ? (maybe not the Napalm tho, the damage seems a bit weaker)
- Does the debuff from Tase (more Lightning-property damage) works with Enchant Lightning or Lightning ? I was thinking to max it for bossing, but I haven’t been able to really test it for now
- Most others BM skills seems underwhelming for now, as my AA seems better for single target, is there any recommended skill ? (I’m not really trying to do an AA build, I prefer using skills)
Here is is my current planned build for reference : https://tos.guru/itos/simulator?build=eyJqb2JzIjpbIkNoYXI1XzEiLCJDaGFyNV8xMiIsIkNoYXI1XzgiXSwic2tpbGxzIjp7IjUwMDAxIjoxLCI1MDAwMyI6NCwiNTAwMDQiOjUsIjUwMDA1Ijo1LCI1MDgwMSI6MSwiNTA4MDMiOjE1LCI1MDgwNCI6MTAsIjUwODA1IjoxMCwiNTA4MDYiOjUsIjUwODA3Ijo0LCI1MTEwMiI6OSwiNTExMDMiOjEsIjUxMTA1Ijo1LCI1MTEwNiI6MTUsIjUxMTA3IjoxNX0sInN0YXRzIjp7IkNPTiI6MCwiREVYIjowLCJJTlQiOjAsIlNQUiI6MCwiU1RSIjowfSwidmVyc2lvbiI6Mn0%3D
Thanks for your answers !