I bet It will be calculate dmg from Pistol
really?.. So I only need enhence my aspana pistols
The damage is calculated from your crossbow even when you are on Double Gun Stance; Tested on ktest. But if you have QS3 on your build you must have the new crossbow anyway. If you don’t, you can invest on Regard Horn!
Running Shot bonus damage is calculated from the Pistol.
[off topic]
Good effort mate, how many more accounts are you gonna make to vote for your relative?
1- You will use Pistol as Sub Weapon (on your Second Hand). The Double Gun Stance just " copy " your pistol to the main hand, But all the bonus stats from your main hand weapon are kept (Bonus Damage, bonus attributes, +2 Running shot, Elemental Damage and Gems) but the damage from your AA and BM skills is from the Pistol.
2, 3 and 5 - Your skills are based on Primary Weapon even when you are on DGS (So, your skills are based on your Crossbow Attack). Only your BM skills are based on the Pistol damage. Yes, using other classes skills won’t disable the DGS anymore. it works with Kneeling Shot.
4- Yes, DGS bonus damage only works for Basic Attack
I’ve tested all of it on Ktest!
Wow thankyou so much
It very expensive to build fal3 bm1
i dont think so. the cost for opening 5 socket bow is 15.356.000, much more expensive than opening xbow+pistol 3 socket which is 2x 3.908.800. Bow also has disadvantage of -5potential for socketing, leaving 2 less potent to reach +11. As a budget player, i am considering to change to xbow+offhand.
must max refine xbow and gun to maximum damage of falconer skill and bullet skill
if we aim at +11, minimum 1 576 483 silver needed for one 1h weapon.
2h weapon need 1 891 782 silver.
still cheaper using xbow+pistol