all credits goes to @Kiyoshiro, i just plucked it out for future easier searching
Its imposible to get 460 points :C
figured that out at my 13th attempt … also I realized too late that gun stance doesn’t work on the quest =/ … now I only got the first costume =/
Is there any way to reset this or is it totally gone?
According to the Dec. 12 patch notes:
- Specialization quests reset 2 times per week, at 6 AM Monday and Friday (server time).
I can confirm that the quest did reset yesterday.
It’s impoossible… can’t get past 300…
It’s pretty hard, but doable. I highly recommend mouse mode too. It actually is pretty much impossible without that…
Ping is probably an issue. Sorry to those who have high ping…
I got 458 on two of my runs, and I was really not happy…
But finally, on my 9th run:
Good job! I’m still struggling to obtain the final item.
Out of curiosity, what exactly is the last item? I can’t make it out.
It’s the armguard I’m wearing in the picture.

It changes color depending on what BM costume you have on (it’s a gold tinted metal with the Wheeler costume, and it’s also less detailed with the default BM costume).
To all reading, no you can’t equip the armguard with other costumes btw… I’ve tried. It won’t show up unless you have one of the BM costumes on at the same time.
thanks for the info, the forum community has better support than tos crew. They gave me the ol’ canned response asking for screenshots etc -__-
A little something:
It Glows now.
Monster Hunter armor skill activated: Challenger!
Is there any ways to make the armband glow somehow? I have it but it is just like normal plain armband without any glow :v . Any replies are deeply appreciated!
Turn on more graphic game effects (FXA and other effects), you will get to view the glow.
Hmm I have no idea, mine just glowed by itself.
But the glowing stops inside instances or when effects go heavy
Edit: @greyhiem is correct, I have my setup on Auto.
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Any other tips for the armband? Is haste + basecamp necessary? My problem is that it seems i’m actually the only active chrono in my tiny group.
Also my issue with the go to the top method, the orbs and targets don’t spawn there instantly (at least for me) and it takes some time before it starts spawning. Or maybe i am doing something wrong?
I did it without any movement speed buff other than token.
I didn’t go to the top either.
Just go around getting elemental bullets and shoot, concentrate and avoid mistakes. If you see several XX elements that counters XX elements, prioritize it.
Thanks for the tips!
How do I check my score? It is not appearing nowhere