Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ’”[Option] To be able to hide your Gear from the public ā˜‘

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You are trying to use deductive reasoning with something that is neither general nor true.

Incomplete inductive reasoning (your examples) cannot act as a proof for anything unless they account for all cases.
Your arguments thus far have been incomplete inductive reasoning, and do not account for all cases.
Hence your arguments cannot act as a proof for anything.


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youā€™re comparing between casual player vs hardcore player, and you demand balance?? for real dude :slightly_smiling:
they who play TOS 60+ hour /week (hardcore player) ofc have too many advantage than who work for they real life 40-50 hour /week (casual player)ā€¦
if casual player want more information about the game (bā€™coz hide option of build/gear), make friend with the hardcore one, joint guild, asking help, etcā€¦

ā€œWhile the conclusion of a deductive argument is certain, the truth of the conclusion of an inductive argument is probable, based upon the evidence given.ā€



I am arguing that your evidence is insufficient to prove truths via deduction, I never mentioned prediction. (Donā€™t strawman me bro!)

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its just logical that who play more time have advantage, and its up to him/her wether they want to share or not for the information regarding ht OPness build/gearā€¦nothing wrong with it
im work for pretty big company, and sure we have competitive advantage than our competitor, do we want to share our key success factor of our company? ofc not :wink: but we do share the general concept of our business processā€¦is it something flaw on business environment? you tell meā€¦

You have every ā€œrightā€ to your opinion (in most societies at least) just I have the ā€œrightā€ to criticize them.

Your evidence is not exhaustive in inductive reasoning hence it is insufficient to act as a proof, it can only act as a prediction by your own definition.

Edit: Criticism is a healthy part of any dialogue.

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Privacy is inherently valuable, and is a crucial factor in both building identity and individuality.

Did you know that most of the laboratories, private or public doesnā€™t share the results of their research? It led many of them to spend a fortune and years, often to reproduce the same protocols that in many cases are unsuccessful and already tested by other laboratories. If they had shared information or had put available the fruits of their labor, science would evolve much faster and probably disease were more easily treated or new discoveries more quickly made. Unfortunately most of these laboratories seek the monopoly, profit and a Nobel Prize.

I give here a small example of what happens when information is kept private and will not circulate. Moreover, often those who donā€™t want to share information are those who already hold itā€¦ And probably in video games itā€™s the hardcore gamers. This behavior is slightly selfish but it seems natural to humans.

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Thats life what do you guys expect humans are selfish greedy etc. this is not some kind of shounen manga :smiling_imp: its lifeā€¦i want my skill build to be private yeah i know sound selfish but itā€™s what i want iā€™m the creator of my build i want some privacyā€¦if i want to share my build to somebody then fine they can ask me and be good friendsā€¦ at least this way they will not look like some creepy stalker checking anyone skillsā€¦if they want to know they should ask first right ???
ā€™ ā€œAll human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret.ā€ :slightly_smiling:

As one of survivors from ICBT2, I want the most transparency option. Because if you are able to hide your item and class, who on earth will know that you are wielding 6 swords or you have reached the 9999th rank to obtain centurion class.
History cannot be forgotten.

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i quote this oneā€¦
in business, there is some term called ā€œbusiness ethicsā€ā€¦
if some cases, there are peoples that abuse/cheat/scam other people to make own profit, the regulator can make an offensive moveā€¦thats why human make law, AND create law enforcementā€¦
IF some ToS player do this, ofc GM can make the same move as regulatorā€¦if by any case the player make an private of their build/gear BUT not violated any rule of the game, so be it, even if he/she owned the PVP roomā€¦is the duty for other people to make a research how to counter that person :smiley:

as @Anteiser say bout some player that violated the rule (abusing bug/cheat), thats the responsibilty for developer to develop a good game guard or something (im not expert about programming things)ā€¦and player insist GM more active on game so they can monitoring extensivelyā€¦we, player, can help GM with reporting if we suspect abuserā€¦
so IMHO, option to hide build/gear is not an big issues to balancing the gameā€¦

Remember when ppl were actually clear about their opinions? Yeahā€¦ Good times.
idk why youā€™d want everyone to do what you want because ā€œits better for everyone, trust meā€ instead of giving them their choice to do so. And btw, is it still about showing/hiding your equips/class build? Have we agreed that having it hidden doesnt get you any advantages whatsoever? Or are you that paranoid that you think every1 will be copying you because youā€™re so ā€œspecialā€? At this point, ppl are comparing the share of knoweldge of mmorpgs to big IRL companies(wtf?!).
Why wouldnā€™t you want to share your knoweldge to others about a game? Every single one of us have beneffited from it, from ppl that shared their knoweldge and took their time help others. Its great for any community to have alot of ppl giving their opinions/guides/builds why wouldnt you want it?


Playing by guides is considered a negative thing in gaming community. Because it greatly changes the way you experience the game: instead of adventure, research and exploration it becomes a walk-through checklist that leaves no place for innovation/progress. Somebody defined best way to play the game and everyone else follow that. Going out of ā€œmetaā€ is frowned upon. Where is Fun in that?