Tree of Savior Forum

šŸ’”[Option] To be able to hide your Gear from the public ā˜‘

I would love to be able to hide my gear from the public so we can avoid people spying and copying each other.

:envelope_with_arrow: @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @GM_Fuji @GM_Erick :pray:


Taking @DrRM advise

Here is the Poll :bar_chart:

Guys donā€™t be discourage by the results if it goes against your opinion.It all comes down to IMC at the end of the day.What matters is giving your honest vote to give this thread awareness.Also give a like if you want. :muscle::heart:


Sure why not. There are people who wants to feel unique after all :wink:


you can already use other costumes and hide the headgearā€¦

I think thatā€™s enoughā€¦

what you got to hide mmm mmmā€¦ >.> <.<

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I donā€™t want the public to look at my gear and my class ranks.So I would like to have the option to have it hidden from the public.Pretty easy feature to add into the game.


+1, I donā€™t see any cons to this, so why not

Private. Easy. Safe. Itā€™s respectful to those who donā€™t want to show what unique path theyā€™ve done or the gear theyā€™ve come across. Everyone isnā€™t open. Also, it is not being greedy or a jerk by hiding your stuff when people see you the first thing they usually do is check your stuff to size you up, see what type of challenger you are, and whatnot. Then there are people who just want to cherish that little moment they have of being different from everyone else who doesnā€™t have that path or gear. I support this OP.


They had it on ragnarok, a simple checkbox that allowed or denied public access to the equipments window

The downside is that it would make easier to people use exploits and get away with it

Like the ones in iCBT2, that allowed the player to get any class, or equip anything in any slot


how you know you are different when you cant see if the other person isnā€™t the same :\

I was referring to those who want to be private. Sorry, I didnā€™t include that. :sweat_smile:

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We get it, you donā€™t mind showing your class build and equips.

But there are other people (like me) who would prefer if this is not shown to everybody who clicks on you.
So therefore it would be really nice to have the option to show everything (for people like you)
and also the option to hide it (for people like me). And everyone happy :smiley:

Any game that allows every player to inspect you always made me feel naked to everyone, they could see the path I took and find out my weakness by just clicking on me, it was annoying, people would easily make fun of you or anyone who had bad or noob equips without knowing so and it would be nice if this was not the case in tos. Also a fan of pvp like myself, would find it interesting and challenging for people to surprise you in battle with their techniques and skills.


The hipster in me demands secrecy!

Iā€™m glad most of you guys like the idea and I hope IMC will at least read my post and consider it.

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Well I always say that more options is always welcomeā€¦

even if I disagree with it or see all the bad things that can come up with it :\

in the end ā€œMajority Ruleā€ :blush:

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I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea to make private access to such information. In an MMO itā€™s useful , even necessary to identify a minimum other players. Hide such information would enlarge the gap between the players. Moreover itā€™s quite normal in a multiplayer game to compare themselves to others , and to confirm that we arenā€™t going too wrong.


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nearly impossible ? How come, I would like to hear some examples

You can always ask the player to show their class builds in that case (if the player allows it ofc).

Exactly, the ones who spent hours, days, weeks, months researching their build should get that advantage over people who can simply copy-paste the builds and make the build as their own. This system will encourage players to think more carefully before choosing their path, skills.

And if we canā€™t hide our gears, at least make it so we can hide our class ranks. Iā€™m a bit concerned because most ppl I met usually judge my character like this "oh look Peltasta c3. How can you help the team with that small damage? and kick me out of the party.


This is the only valid reason


[quote=ā€œErokhi, post:18, topic:135455ā€]
And if we canā€™t hide our gears, at least make it so we can hide our class ranks. [/quote]

And if people somehow find a way to exploit or hack other skills from other classes that their not suppose to have we will spot it in game when they use it.Were also all aware that they canā€™t see our SP distribution but we donā€™t even want the public to see our classes.


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